Problems following microsuction: Hi everyone... - Tinnitus UK

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Problems following microsuction

andy614 profile image
5 Replies

Hi everyone. After many issues with my ears over the years including tinnitus I finally got my appointment for the ENT and went in last week. I had a hearing test and it shows some hearing loss in both ears and alsoa pressure test that showed the pressure wasn't right in both ears as well, all the doctor basically said was that it was probably Eustachian tube dysfunction that was the issue and gave me a few tips and told me to come back ina few months for more tests again. I knew my ears were clogged with wax prior to going but not had much success getting this out so they ended up removing it there. Now, here's where the issue started. He had hell of a job getting wax out my left ear and was doing microsection (I assume that's what it was) for a long time, he then moved on to the right ear which I knew was clogged for a long while, he took less time on this but basically a whole giant piece got pulled out in one go. After this I noticed that voices and sounds sounded a bit weird, voices especially sounded very tinny and almost mechanical, I could describe it as I was hearing voices through a cheap speaker or on the other end of a phone instead of real life. Or peoples voices sound like they are speaking in a very large soulless empty room but they aren't. It's also a bit like they sound far away but I can still hear them loudly, even though they might be right next to me? I dunno it's very hard to explain exactly and a very strange experience. What's strange is this is mainly female voices and male voices not so much. Another strange thing is things like rustling and crunching sounds were very prominent and like it was happening right next to my ear. On top of this everything can just sound very loud, especially if theres a lot of ambient noises going on. Stupidly I didn't actually say anything at the time because I thought oh well I've just had earwax pulled out that has been there for months and no doubt impacted my hearing, maybe it's just my ears getting used to hearing at normal levels again and it's normal for things to sound weird for a few hours and I've also had that noise in my ears from the machine for all that time it's probably a bit of noise trauma for a few hours.....trouble is it's now a week later and it's still all the same? My hearing is just not right at all, especially from the right ear, where the big bit of was was removed from. I can only put this down to the ear wax removal, either the procedure itself causing some issue or the removal of the earwax having some strange seems too much of a coincidence it be something to do with my Eustachian tube dysfunction happening at the exact same moment, unless they can be linked somehow? Oh and my tinnitus has become worse as well on top of all that. It's really upsetting me and i'm getting very stressed at the thought this might something that never goes away. I was just wondering does anyone know what I mean? Am I going mad? Is this something people can recognize or give some kind of explanation for? It's really impacting me mentally even though I know it's not a life or death thing and might seem silly to be getting upset about but I hope you guys on this platform know how much ear issues can me a huge strain. Thanks in advance.

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andy614 profile image
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5 Replies
Fridays_Child_62 profile image

I can't exactly identify with your experience but know how disturbing these things can be. I've had episodes of low-frequency hearing loss in one ear that made the sound through that ear tinny. But I guess you had your hearing test immediately after microsuction and anything amiss would have been picked up then - actually I don't think this is a good idea, as I found that the noise of microsuction can dull the hearing for a little while and affect the test results. Your description of things sounding loud and close makes me think you have a bit of hyperacusis - I suppose that could have been brought on by the microsuction but I am speculating. However, don't despair, as the ears tend to settle down after a while, although in my experience it can take weeks/months, so you have to be patient.

andy614 profile image
andy614 in reply to Fridays_Child_62

Thankyou. It's very difficult to explain my symptoms, it's hard to find the words or comparisons that describe it or people could really understand and associate with. That's what is most frustrating and I feel silly going to the GP or back to ENT complaining of this when I can't really explain it, would they even take it seriously or understand. I have read that often when you have ear wax removed that was particularly compacted and old it can take a few weeks for your ears to get used to hearing differently, as no doubt the ear wax did reduce/change my hearing for a while which i probably got used to and didn't really notice until now I guess. I'm hoping that's what it is and will slowly get to normal. I would say the things that sound really prominent are very limited, as I say it's random things like paper or packaging and bags rustling. A lot of noises sound absolutely normal. The only things majorly bothering me is some people voices, which I mentioned, and the rustling crinkling sounds, also some clanking and things like cutlery or pots touching, they don't sound overly loud but just like I, kind of sensitive to them and a bit like the noise is coming from somewhere else. I think I'm going to give it until maybe next week and if nothing has changed I will just try and get in to see the GP to have a word. I'm a bit concerned having read about people going to get advice late when something was wrong and it being too late to be able to do anything about it. It is correct I had the hearing test directly after the microsuction and I will say that he spent what I've read up to be a lot longer than normal trying to remove the wax, it really went on for a long time in both ears. He did note some hearing loss but I can't remember him saying exactly what that was in terms of which tones or whatever I was losing sensitivity too, so it could be the case that would explain some of the issues I'm having. Sorry to go on but as you will all know these things are so bothersome. I'm very stressed out and upset about it. I have no choice but to go to work and go outside ect and hear people talk and all these sounds that are bothering me and it just is stressing me out each and every time, I cannot get used to it or be unbothered about it.

Fridays_Child_62 profile image
Fridays_Child_62 in reply to andy614

I understand the problem in describing what you're experiencing. It's like people who haven't experienced tinnitus to any great degree find it difficult to understand and don't take it seriously (including GPs).

It's possible that you have some kind of hyperacusis that is related to certain frequencies or ranges of frequency. I had something similar and still do to an extent. For more than three years I would get a movement/twitch/pain in my right ear in response to some people's voices, and also a movement/twitch/tickle in my left ear in response to other sounds, such as the rustling of a plastic bag. I still get the latter. Certain sounds did and still do put me on edge, and they tend to be in the mid frequencies. And yes, it's difficult going out and having to deal with people when their voices make you uncomfortable.

It's normal for you to be bothered by what you're experiencing. By all means, return to your GP. If you have no joy there and can afford a private consultation, ask your GP for a referral letter for a private ENT specialist, as talking these things over with someone 'in the know' can be a relief. Failing that, you could go and talk to a High Street audiologist, as they can be knowledgeable even if they are not medical specialists.

TMotown profile image

Hi Andy

I can relate to what you are experiencing, it sounds like Hyperacusis which is sound sensitivity, I also have this but it has settled down. At one time I couldn’t bear the noise of paper rustling, cutlery, running water, a frying pan and lots of other sounds. It can be so uncomfortable and painful for some people. Hyperacusis is quite common with Tinnitus, my experience is that it does settle down but it takes time. The treatment is to build up sound gently to desensitise your ears again, an Audiologist could help with this if you need support.

Happyrosie profile image

along with what’s been said, Andy: your experience is the same as mine, though I just got used to the changed noises after a couple of days.

If you are anything like me your ears will need suctioning again in a year or so, you’ll probably get the same alteration in sounds - but you will know what to expect.

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