Posting this as an example of how with time and the help of this forum my position with Tinnitus has improved. Feel free to delete if not appropiate.
I have playlists on Spotify to occasionaly mask and help me nod off. In the main natural sounds and some white noise.
Jumped in car yesterday and a white noise list started playing, Spotify seems to kick in via the phone intergration to car. I'd normally change to to a radio station or music but i didn't and trundled happily along.
About 3 miles down road i slowly realized I was driving our older car a Subaru with no phone intergration, seems i had the radio turned on to an untuned channel and i was just listening to static 😀
That I saw a funny side to my T is significant for me personally, at under 3 years I'm still new to it but compared to the significant distress it caused me early on to be where I'am now is remakable really. It's not constant, i still have lots of bad days and I'm aware it could change and I'll have to reset but for me there seems to have been a way forward.
Again admins please remove if not appropiate.