Sudden volume adjustment: Why does this happen... - Tinnitus UK

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Sudden volume adjustment

hollyrain profile image
7 Replies

Why does this happen? I can be sat quietly and suddenly my screeching T ramps up the volume for about 15 seconds then drops it again. I have a 24/7 screech in left ear and PT on lying down in Right ear.I also have dreadful health anxiety so already worrying that it signifies a worsening in my condition......

Thank you.

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hollyrain profile image
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7 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

oh Hollyrain! The fun of having T! I’d say go back to your earlier post and replies- you feel something has changed but really that’s the enjoyment of Tinnitus for you!

I hope other posters may find something different to say?

rabbits65 profile image

unfortunately tinnitus loves to feed off our anxiety. If I feel myself getting anxious I completely take time out to calm myself down. I hope you work out a solution for yourself.

bridgeit profile image

Hi Holly, based entirely on my own experience, I suspect the noise increase is because T, as I interpret it, is mostly about aggravated nerves and almost nothing to do with ear problems. Even with pulsatile T, what I've read indicates that it is the blood vessel structure close to the auditory nerve that's generating the noise rather than a problem with ears.

It's possible that even if sitting down quietly, nerves in the neck (especially the spinal accessory nerve) and head become tensed as a result of muscular compression upon them. Compression can happen if holding one position for too long without stretching or movement of some kind. The brain can interpret nerve compression as 'noise', hence the T. I think this is why T can increase when we seem to be doing 'nothing' to aggravate it. The 'doing nothing' is actually doing something within our body - we just don't recognize it as such.

On top of that, when we get anxious, the amount of cortisol and adrenaline flushing our system increases in preparation for 'fight or flight'. When we have nothing to fight or to run away from, these 'action' chemicals just keep washing through us, sending us into heightened states of preparedness, such as raised heart rate, raised blood pressure, shutting down the digestive system and getting ready for movement. This sends our nervous system into storm and might well increase T perception and volume as a direct result.

My suggestion? If you don't practise it already, learn to meditate and breathe in a calm, controlled way to help relax your body when you hear louder T. Don't sit for too long in one position if you can avoid it. Get up and move about; or at least stretch arms/shoulders/neck from time to time. Keep warm; nerves do not like cold. Drink calming tea and avoid too much caffeine (no more than 1 cup of coffee per day!).

I hope things become less noisy for you soon.

hollyrain profile image
hollyrain in reply to bridgeit

Thank you so very much, I've read your post a couple of times and will continue to do so as I try to get to grips with T and PT rather than letting my anxiety lead me. But I don't expect it will happen overnight, I'll certainly take your comments seriously. Thank you

Parrcj profile image
Parrcj in reply to bridgeit

I am also thinking along these lines.*Based entirely on my own experience, I suspect the noise increase is because T, as I interpret it, is mostly about aggravated nerves and almost nothing to do with ear problems. *

Totally given up on trying to speak to anyone about it . Our surgery do no offer appoitments telephone only. No solutions you have to try and work it out/manage it yourself.

Luxjim profile image

Mine does exactly the same....ramps up for approx 15 secs then decreases to the usual "dentists drill" just grateful it always returns to loud rather than the very loud lol.

777john profile image

i get that but i used to get it long before i got tinnitus for me its a sudden deffening scream which knocks me back. then quickly disappears mine lasts about 10 seconds. i dont get them very often. it only happens in one ear. but it certenly makes you sit up.

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