How effective is medical grade olive oil with removal of ear wax and where can I get some?
Medical grade olive oil: How effective is... - Tinnitus UK
Medical grade olive oil

Hi Mark. You can buy Earol at pharmacies in the UK . I expect there's something similar in Portugal. It's very good for regular use. Just a little squirt in each ear every couple of weeks keeps wax from building up. If your ears are blocked, you may need irrigation or micro suction. Only have either of these after softening the wax for 10 days. Otherwise it might be painful.
Many thanks doglover. I’m a catlover by the way. What in your opinion is the best way of softening the wax?
My ENT said any almond or olive oil is good. Or Earol as doglover so rightly says.
Mark, please tell me your kidding on, "medical grade" olive oil.....those are just 2 words added to add a tenner to the price.....cmon man!!!!
I took it from the UK’s official NHS website at which says, and I quote;
Earwax usually falls out on its own. If it does not and blocks your ear, put 2 to 3 drops of medical grade olive or almond oil in your ear 3 to 4 times a day. Do this for 3 to 5 days.
mate, since when has the NHS done anything good for us, PLEASE stop listening to their crap....they have NEVER helped/fixed anybody in our situation...would you take your car to McDonalds for an oil change???
That’s not true. The NHS have helped me . Scans, HA’s, advice. I couldn’t have paid for all those things so I’m very glad it’s free.
and what did they turn up.....nothing i bet
The y discovered I ‘m almost deaf in one ear, sent me for a scan to find out why, supplied me with HA's and are going to organise further help if I need it. I'm grateful to everyone I met from ENT thru to Audiology. They've all been kind & helpful. I'm sorry you haven't had a good experience. I know it can be hit & miss.
As the old saying goes, "the only thing you should put in your ear is your elbow".
On a serious note though, see you GP to inspect your ears and get this done professional or prescribed.
I use hydrogen peroxide solution--three percent --to soften the wax. A few drops via a syringe. Inexpensive too. Perhaps I do this once every two or three weeks.When they feel clogged/itchy
My Doctors have always told me to use normal olive oil rather than pay high prices for fancy products. However, I have had bad experiences with ear-drops when my ears are clogged with wax, especially sodium bicarbonate. For years now, I've been using a water called Audiclean to keep the wax soft and flowing - quick squirts in the ears two or three times per week. I have found it to be a gentler solution than the others I've tried. It's a French product and my Doctor during my years in France started me on it. We can buy it in the UK, so I dare say it is available in Portugal.
Hi Mark I use earol every day as I have eczema in my ears which causes them to get blocked up every 3-4 months so I have to get my ears Microsuctioned about 3 times a year. The earol helps to moisturise my ears and even though they keep getting blocked it's easier to remove the wax at least that's what the nurse told me. I wouldn't use anything else because of the eczema to be honest unless my GP prescribed something. Hope you can find a similar product that helps you take care.
Thank you everyone for your kind consideration in replying to my question. I appreciate all the tips and useful advice you’ve all been offering.