I keep having silent days then it comes back now it’s like hell lol
Silent days: I keep having silent days then it... - Tinnitus UK
Silent days
Hi deltec I can't totally empathise because I don't have quiet days but I can imagine it's unsettling to have a quiet day followed by a loud day. T is so unpredictable in so many ways.
Let's hope for more silent days 😊 Sorry about the hellish days.
Hi I would love a silent day soo jealous I hope you get more of them and less of the hellish days. Fingers crossed 🤞
That does sound awful, it’s like a taste of freedom and then having it snatched away from you. Really hope you can have more silent days, do take care.Very best to you Graham
Hi deltec, silent days? WOW, I don't think I've had one of those for more years than I can remember lol. Surely you would rather have all days with or without though? Having a taste of silence and then having it taken away must be hell? I hope for you it is more silent days than T days.
Hi, not sure how I’d cope either, to have silence, then have it snatched away? I’m with Pnut1 on this. Kim H
Good days bad days latly