vertigo and vertigo: hello dear people. I'm... - Tinnitus UK

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vertigo and vertigo

Laura1325 profile image
19 Replies

hello dear people.

I'm suffering from tinnitus since 2018, the difficult and tremendous part is when it is associated with vertigo :(

please anyone can share some tip or something that might help to cope with this inhumane condition? thank you very much and blessing for everyone.

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Laura1325 profile image
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19 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

Ha ha. Inhumane condition , yes that’s for sure . However , I think you’ve found the right humour to tackle this terrible gremlin called T. I occasionally get Vertigo and I then take some Stemetil tablets , but I don’t take them very often if I can help it. Usually it passes over . Bless you too , you sound like a lovely person and very positive too 😊 🌞 x

Laura1325 profile image
Laura1325 in reply to rabbits65

😄 yes my humor saved me also during a major depression years ago that gifted me tinnitus, thank you my dear, you are a positive person too 😊💥

TinnitusUKPat profile image

Hi Laura

We can't claim to be experts on balance problems which have a connection with tinnitus - in this regard, I would defer to the Meniere's Society or who would be able to answer any questions that you have about experiencing the two symptoms:

The guidance which we have available on how balance problems may connect with tinnitus can be found on our website -

I think collecting as much information as you can about your symptoms will give you good options in managing them and reducing the stress they can cause. I hope that you'll find some ideas at those resources which can support you with the difficulties that you're having right now.

Best wishes


Laura1325 profile image
Laura1325 in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Thank you VERY much for your reply, I used the word vertigo but in reality is not, I think it's dizziness because the world outside does not spin, it's me. When I started with tinnitus I 've been tested for Meniere syndrome, in any case it is stil uncertain if I have it or not but so far I've never had critical episodes of vertigo, I will have a look for sure at your links. thanks again!

Laura1325 profile image
Laura1325 in reply to Laura1325

and thank you for your service too!

Happyrosie profile image

Like rabbits says, there are tablets to take for vertigo - I don’t know what your health service is like in Italy but my doc prescribes Prochlorperazine. Or maybe you could buy it.

There are ways to train your brain to obey what your eyes tell it, rather that what your malfunctioning ears tell it. If you search the NHS website for “exercises for older people”! There is one to do with balance control which is quite good. Otherwise, the Brain And Spine Foundation has exercises you can do - just do the sitting down ones to start with. Search for Brain Rehabilitation Exercises.

Tinnitus is a different issue, though it can go together with vertigo. Please find the website of the British tinnitus Association and have a good read of what they say, it’s very very useful.

Laura1325 profile image
Laura1325 in reply to Happyrosie

Thank you for your beautiful insight about “exercises for older people”!😀 I bet they will be very helpful. My tinnitus has started with a major depression for a big stress, at the time I've been prescribe Prochlorperazine too with caffeina so I could stay awake...but never took it, I did not want to take too many drugs...

Sandy4444 profile image

Joey Remenji , seeking balance .

Laura1325 profile image
Laura1325 in reply to Sandy4444

Thank you!

Spurdog1 profile image

Hi Laura. I was given serc8, then upped to serc 16, er that was 17 years ago. The giddyness has gone, but the Tinnitus remains. And yes, it's classed as Meniere's disease. You sound so calm. Stay safe, stay well

Laura1325 profile image
Laura1325 in reply to Spurdog1

dear you, I 'm sorry you have tinnitus for so long, you too seems so calm despite this bad company. the alternative to this condition would be desperation which I've been trough as all of you. So better try to be calm and do what it's in our power to be better...also today it's a good day, tomorrow ? who knows? blessing

Spurdog1 profile image
Spurdog1 in reply to Laura1325

Today is a rare day, a bad day. A day when i could go back to bed day, curl up in a ball day. We all have them, just mine has been a long time coming Laura

Laura1325 profile image
Laura1325 in reply to Spurdog1

you have my sympathy 🌻

mmt619 profile image

I live with Menere's disease with its associated T and vertigo. It was out of control a few years ago and I had a procedure whereby the balance control was removed from the affected ear. I can still feel a bit dizzy but luckily that is all. I have no balance on one side however I no longer suffer from vertigo. I feel for you, it is so debilitating. Take care

Laura1325 profile image
Laura1325 in reply to mmt619

Hello mmt619, I'm glad you are "better" now, you took a so drastic measure but I guess it is a relief without vertigo . if I closed my eyes I go all to my left I cannot walk straight. blessing

elsieadams profile image

Yes I have vertigo as well with my T. It has been about six years since the first consistent beautiful high pitch started 24 7 . I have learned to keep busy or play some nice music to distract the sound but the last couple of years my balance is way of. Constantly falling and getting dizzy. Some of my friends ask on a weekly basis what happened this week. It is not funny by any means but have to give people something to talk about. Last year I also broke a wrist and when it was healed another fall broke my arm. This summer was good until I fell late July and severely injured my back which was almost healed when I fell last week down a set of stairs. I keep telling myself to stop and think about what I am doing before I do it but I was always such a spontaneous person I do catch myself off guard from time to time. I tell people that I have been given a gift to accept pain so someone else does not suffer. Take care and and do not give up as life is so precious.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to elsieadams

Hi , if you keep breaking bones shouldn’t you be having that Osteoporosis test ? My sister has that test as she kept breaking her ankles . .. look it was just a thought . 😊

elsieadams profile image
elsieadams in reply to rabbits65

I have had tests done and I do have osteoarthritis in my neck and brucitis in my knees. So it is most likely my balance is off.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to elsieadams

The. Osteoporosis test is for “ Brittle Bones “. In other words they can break easily .