Q.My own tinnitus is quite mild and has never really been a trouble to me but my wife has it very bad. She says she feels it in her throat, and then in her gum, eyes, nose, tongue and moving all round her face. She says it isn't painful, though it appears to be to me, but irritating and unbearàble. I find this difficult to understand, is it usual? She also suffers from anxiety and the tinnitus and anxiety act on each other in a vicious circle. Has anyone any experience like it?
SYMPTOMS: Q.My own tinnitus is quite mild and... - Tinnitus UK
I don’t understand the sensations you describe that your wife suffers. The tie up between anxiety and T is very usual, though.The British tinnitus Association website has lots of very helpful information which I would urge you and her to read.
Also, are you in the UK? If you are, then your GP should be guided by the pathways published by NICE just over a year ago - if you don’t know what I mean please post here again and I will expand further.
National Institute for Clinical Evidence (NICE) are responsible for recommending to GP’s what their actions should be when a patient presents with a condition. The recommendations are based on research together with input from relevant charities. In the case of Tinnitus new recommendations we’re published just as COVID got going so docs were not necessarily aware. The British Tinnitus Association were involved in the recommendations.
Go to the NICE website and input tinnitus in their search box.
Hello , If you look up neuralgia it does talk about tinnitus being connected to the trigeminal nerve in the facial area . I’ve just researched it. Hence, I think your wife should perhaps see her doctor . This tinnitus seems to creep in everywhere !!!