I've discovered a hearing care partnership about three miles from where I live. It looks like they have lots of branches in the UK. They offer free tinnitus consultations. Has anyone been to their local one ? And if so was it useful? I ask because I've been told it might be a year before I can see anyone on the NHS. Thank you.
HCP: I've discovered a hearing care partnership... - Tinnitus UK
Hello doglover ,This sounds like worth trying.
I have never heard of this group.
I wish we had something my way
my tinnitus and hyperacusis is
getting worse and worse by each
day . I understand everywhere is
closed at the moment. Would be
Very good to find some help somewhere , especially if as you say it is free.
Hi rabbit. Did you say you live in Bexhill (in one of your posts)? I think there's a couple in your area. Appointment only. It's on the HCP website. I think I'm going to give it a go. Sorry your T. and H. are getting worse. It's a horrid business. I can really empathize with you.
Thank you very much doglover , yes I do live in Bexhill on sea. I certainly need help like you do.
It’s just nobody seems interested in the subject. Tonight mine is the worst it’s ever been . Not sure if I can carry on with it much more. I do hope you get the help you need too.
This is really great to know, I’ve seen a couple of practices that I could go too - and have sent them an appointment request, thanks for sharing. As I had only found a £90 assessment as an alternative, which I was hesitant about paying.
Sorry I missed the name of the company
I rang them. The free tinnitus consult is half hour on the phone. I asked what happens next. You go in for a hearing test and they recommend a hearing aid. So I don't know how helpful this is going to be. In tinnitus terms. It doesn't sound as if they offer any help as such.
Hope you’re doing better doglover. 😊
Aww. Thanks for asking Jolyn. I'm feeling better than I was over the autumn / winter. Accepting the T. Learning to live with it. I hope you're well too. Whatever stage you're at with your T. God bless you.