I've been experiencing tinnitus for at least 6 months now this constant hissing sound joined with a high pitched ring. when im talking to someone say i cant hear it but if its quite i can so its pretty mild but very annoying . i did a hearing test it came back 20% higher than average at my age very good hearing. what are the causes for tinnitis apart from hearing loss? could it be as simple as earwax? i also get fullness in the head/ brain fog and sort of derealization. I'm still waiting to be seen. any ideas and what i should ask gp to check
tinnitus with no hearing loss at 17years old - Tinnitus UK
tinnitus with no hearing loss at 17years old
Assuming you're in the UK, the British Tinnitus Association is probably the best go-to place to find out everything you want to know about what's really known and understood about T. Their website is: tinnitus.org.uk/
The NHS also has solid advice on the topic: nhs.uk/conditions/tinnitus/
You're wise to see your GP and might be referred on to an ENT specialist who can carry out thorough tests. Just tell the GP what you've said in your post.
If you use a smartphone regularly, or a lot (more so since Covid lockdown), it's worth bearing in mind that this can lead to poor posture with the neck and head, i.e. a 'head forward' position. Neck issues are thought by many to result in ringing in the ears as well as a range of other problems such as you describe. It's important to be aware of good posture when using a smartphone (or laptop or ipad).
If you think this might apply to you, it may be worth you asking your GP for a referral to a physiotherapist, or seeing a qualified one privately if you have the resources (about £60 first session), for advice about where your neck is at now, compared with where it should be. If there's a problem, they'll give you advice and probably an exercise regime. If so, follow it; it will save you a barrel-load of trouble in later life.
Sometimes there is no reason people get T the biggest one is noise causing it loud music and working in a noisy place is mine.even a deaf person can get T.I’ve had mine since 2008 in both ears loud.go i line find more about T try different ways to beat it be strong.