Hi, this is my first post. I know many of you have probably been on the path I'm on, I wonder if you can help.
It came on 5 weeks ago all of a sudden, in the evening when I watched t.v. at first the left but now both sides have the sound.
I've had a hearing test and I performed as normal both ears but to be fair it was an understanding words exercise rather than a full spectrum test.
The sound pulses with my heartbeat, exactly in time. I appreciate this could be pulsating tinnitus and there are some known major worst scenarios so I need to get this checked.
My question is, can "non pulsate tinnitus" the type that is not directly caused by blood flow and other non-ear issues still pulse, or would you expect this type to be out of sequence with a pulse.
Generally, most websites seem to define pulsate tinnitus as different,
Any assistance appreciated as chances of seeing a medic slim at the moment.