People’s experiences with either sertraline or... - Tinnitus UK

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People’s experiences with either sertraline or mirtazapine to help cope with tinnitus?

FallenAngel83 profile image
20 Replies

Two weeks into this nightmare and my GP prescribed sertraline tablets which relaxed me for a few hours. But was worried about it spiking my tinnitus, so GP changed my prescription to Mirtazapine and although it helped me sleep last night for 9 tinnitus seems so much more worse today. Should I continue or stick with sertraline? Advice please...I’m really struggling 😭😭😭😭

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FallenAngel83 profile image
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20 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

Hello and I ma’am sorry you are unwell. As the medications you mention are for anxiety etc I wonder if a different forum might suit you - I’m sure there are forums for anxiety and depression.

Saying that, have you spoken to your pharmacist. They are the people trained in medications themselves and k ow more about them than gp’s do.

FallenAngel83 profile image
FallenAngel83 in reply to Happyrosie

Hi, I’m asking other Tinnitus sufferers if they have been prescribed any of these medicines to help both their anxiety and tinnitus. My tinnitus is causing my severe anxieties & a horrible feeling of doom. These two meds have helped some tinnitus sufferers and I’m asking for other people’s experiences in wether they helped improve their tinnitus x

Chall11 profile image
Chall11 in reply to FallenAngel83

Hiya yes sertraline for me as I was so ill mentally and emotionally from the severe tinnitus. It took WEEKS to work. But it was so worth it and did not spike the t at all. I take 100mg and at first it was 50mg and it made the anxiety worse initially then it balanced out. I asked for mirtazipine as I had read that it didn’t spike t but psychiatrist said sertraline was better for the panic attacks. I was suicidal for weeks because of how bad things were but I promise you things do get better.

Let me know how you’re getting on x

FallenAngel83 profile image
FallenAngel83 in reply to Chall11

Hi Chall11 😘 Thankyou for your reply. It’s great to hear that sertraline has helped you through. My sister is on it for depression & anxiety and she said it took a few weeks to help, but it has been a huge benefit to her xx I guess atm I’m worried about being awake through the night too, but I can’t help but feel the mirtazapine somehow made me more aware of my tinnitus today xx

Chall11 profile image
Chall11 in reply to FallenAngel83

I have also been meaning to reply to your other message as the tinnitus started for me after a very nasty labyrinthitis infection. You can private message me if you like as it’s very very similar what you’re going through. It is very hard but you will get through it. X

Hehehehe profile image

Hi there,

I know in new with tinnitus but I think I’m some cases is also psychological. I have seen that night time during my anxiety, “what if I can’t sleep” , “what if my tinnitus is getting stronger “, “ what if I woke up with tinnitus in both ears “....what if what if happened. I guess with tinnitus is more trial and error , see for a few days and if is bad , don’t take’it.

I know is hard, I’m struggling too keeping my anxiety down and sleeping at night. I’m against pills so honestly my best advice is try relaxation methods . Ur from Uk ?

FallenAngel83 profile image
FallenAngel83 in reply to Hehehehe

Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes I can definitely see how your mind & emotions can make tinnitus worse, so I’m trying to react differently & I’m sure things will get easier with time. Yes, I’m in the UK x

KingLudwigII profile image

Its good to know that there are medications that can help people, with me, I'm so susceptible to any kind of 'chemicals' that I cannot take ANY sort of medication, so have resorted to more 'natural' remedies, avoiding situations and people that upset me, having 'quiet' times, limiting music and TV etc which can be over stimulating, limiting contact with people, even talking and listening to people can be exhausting...drinking herbal, tes, trying to meditate, reading positive books... walks in nature... whatever works really is important, finding out about yourself ....

FallenAngel83 profile image
FallenAngel83 in reply to KingLudwigII

Thanks for the reply. Everybody reacts differently & what works for one, doesn’t necessarily work for another, so I’m glad that you have found ways to cope. It’s such a help & gives me hope 😊 x

nigelph profile image

Hi I have taken mirtazapine for 3 years and it has not affected T. Someone I know took it but has unpleasant side effects and stopped. I think different people react to it in different ways.

FallenAngel83 profile image
FallenAngel83 in reply to nigelph

Hi nigelph 😊 Thanks for the reply. My GP is not happy about me continuing with sertraline and has asked me to try the mirtazapine again tonight because she thinks it will be better for me 🤔 It’s trial & error so I’m swapping meds again to double check if it was the mirtazapine that caused a spike or coincidence xx

Chall11 profile image
Chall11 in reply to FallenAngel83

Hiya how have things been with the change in meds? Hope you’re finding a way through. Xx

FallenAngel83 profile image
FallenAngel83 in reply to Chall11

Hi ya, I’ve noticed an increase in the tinnitus & changed to mirtazapine last night. There’s no change for better or worse today so going to continue with this med. I have a private ENT appointment tonight, will let you know how I get on 🤞🏻 How are you doing? Xx

Chall11 profile image
Chall11 in reply to FallenAngel83

Ok well good luck with the appointment. It seems to be the audiologists who work most with the tinnitus and how to manage it but they will have all the contacts. It’s good to get the eustacian function sorted as well so sounds like you’re on the right track! I know it’s v slow progress but you’ll get there xxx

Me- just waiting for better weather so we can get outside again as it helps so much with being able to ignore the tinnitus. I also have the hearing aids which have been marvellous. Xx

FallenAngel83 profile image
FallenAngel83 in reply to Chall11

Oh Thankyou, after speaking with the ENT’s receptionist, I believe he will be referring me to the Tinnitus clinic through the NHS. If I was to stay private ( which I cannot afford ) he would suggest putting grommets in my ears to help the pressure in my ears, but it’s not something they do on the NHS xx

Yes the weather has been quite miserable, hope it clears soon so that you can get out & enjoy the fresh air. I’m so glad the hearing aids are helping you, I’m really looking forward to getting some help in that regards xx

harki9394 profile image

I take. 100 mg sertraline in the day and 30 mg mirtazapine it does not go away you just focase less on it .But tinnitus can be a side effect of sertraline aswell

FallenAngel83 profile image

Hi, I was on 15mg mirtazapine but have started to cut the pill in half before bed. I am finding I’m cranky & really tired the following day. My tinnitus seemed to calm down a bit but it changes tone & pitch most days. Hoping i can focus less on it in time. X

J-Ribosome profile image

Hello, I have been prescribed mirtazapine for tinnitus and it kind of works. It certainly helps me sleep which has been an issue due to constant tinnitus which worsens at night. It also, I think, relieves some of the anxiety associated when the tinnitus is particularly bad. I just hate taking them though. I don't like being dependent on medication to "feel better".

J-Ribosome profile image

Also just seen your post about the crankiness. Yes, I have been like that as well. Really impatient and a bit groggy in the day. But I have a three year old and have been working from home so it could be that as well.

FallenAngel83 profile image

Hi J-Ribosome, yes I have been prescribed it for the anxiety and it helps somewhat. The evenings do seem to be the worse, especially as a side sleeper when I lay down, any noises seem louder. Hope this isn’t forever, it has got easier & definitely seem to have better days. I don’t normally like to take pills, but at the moment appreciate the help. I have a two year old & it can be difficult at times. How long have you been suffering with tinnitus? X

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