Desperate : I know I have put this message up... - Tinnitus UK

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1Dar profile image
28 Replies

I know I have put this message up before but my tinnitus has spiked to an unbelievable level . I am trying the straight CBD drops but not sure if the drops are making it spike or the tablets I’m taking for depression . Any experiences others have had would be greatly appreciated. I think I’m going crazy !


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1Dar profile image
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28 Replies
JoeyP52 profile image

Hi Jenny

So sorry you are having such a bad time. I am new to this site and have had tinnitus since November when it was pretty much in the background. I am noticing now that it is so high pitched and has been for 12 weeks. I have noticed that whatever medication i take within 30 minutes the T goes up another level. I have a useless GP who does nothing but try and label me as being over anxious to any Consultant he refers me on to. I tried CBD and it did nothing for me but a lot of drugs that I have been prescribed are all otoxic to the ears so I am worried about taking anything now. You certainly aren't going crazy i took two paracetamol and ended up in tears for the level it went up to. Tinnitus and all that's comes with it is debilitating and exhausting and you have my sincere empathy.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JoeyP52

Hi Joey, thanks so much for your reply.ive had tinnitus now for 4 years, I had a grommet put in my ear and 7 operations later I now have a cochlear implant , which I think has caused more trouble than what it’s worth. I have seen countless Drs, Pain Drs, psychiatrist s etc and at the moment feeling pretty flat . I have pain, anxiety and insomnia ....I’m a real laugh to be around at the moment! Ha . I’m on anti depressants and CBD drops but sort of need them at the moment to get me through the day . It’s a tricky one but I just can’t afford to get anxious! Good luck with your tinnitus and hope it all goes well. Keep in touch , happy to private message if you would like to ,


JoeyP52 profile image
JoeyP52 in reply to 1Dar

Hi Jenny

Believe me I don't know how my husband has stuck around, I am no fun to be around. I have loads of medical stuff going on but nothing to do with ears etc. I am convinced mine has come from taking long term opioid medication and when I reduced down to nothing was encouraged by my GP to take paracetamol, 8 a day which I have done now for 18 months. We are not informed enough of side effects and then when tinnitus kicks in we are given drugs which are then even more damaging for tinnitus. It really is about eliminating as much as you can. Too many doctors say paracetamol can't effect tinnitus but all the reading i have done shows me it must do as a lot of people report a spike. Lansoprazole, blood pressure medication can all cause tinnitus as can aspirin. My quality of life is at an all time low but it's hard to complain because other people are suffering with much worse life threatening stuff but that doesn't make it any easier. I dream of the quiet that most people take for granted. If I knew how to private message i would lol xx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JoeyP52

Hi Joey it would be lovely to talk to you I’m not sure how to pm either but I could message you on Messenger on Facebook if you wanted to. I’m not much fun to be around either . Shall I try it on messenger? Xx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JoeyP52

Mmm I don’t know how to do it on here but will try later ,

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JoeyP52

Hi Joey. I’m not sure how to private message you , but just out of interest sake when you took the CBD drops did it spike your tinnitus. I’ve been taking them for 4 days now and can really feel the tinnitus spiking .

Cheers Jenny

Dave-G profile image
Dave-G in reply to 1Dar

Hi To message someone go to the chat icon at the top of the page then go to compose then select the persons name you wish to talk to Hope this helps

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Dave-G

Hi Dave I’m not that computer savvy I’m afraid what does the chat icon look like at the top of the page ?

Thanks Dave !

Dave-G profile image
Dave-G in reply to 1Dar

Hi You see at the top of your page, A home symbol with a little house, next to that 9 little dots, and next to that two speech bubbles with the word chat besides that

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JoeyP52

Hi Joey how are things going? I hope you are coping okay with all of your ailments . I’m going into hospital next week to have a ketamine injection for the pain in my ear. I have to be in hospital for 5 days, I’ve had it before but think I will have to be more positive with it all this time. I’ve tried every drug under the sun for the pain, hoping if the pain goes down the ringing might go down too. Oh for silence again.... I can’t remember what that is like !

I took the CBD drops but they made my T worse!,, more money down the drain!,,,

Cheers ,

Jen xxxx

JoeyP52 profile image
JoeyP52 in reply to 1Dar

Hi Jenny

I really hope the injection helps, why do you have to stay five days?? Do you get many headaches?? I am worried that I have had a headache since November and then tinnitus began. My tinnitus was horrendous yesterday and it has been 13 weeks since it spiked and has never changed or gone down in pitch. I have asked someone to get me some cbc and the but I like you be!I've it will just spike again. Am frustrated that doctors believe that most drugs don't cause a spike, it's just rubbish. Where do you live Jenny?? I really hope you get some comfort. I like you could cry for the lack of silence, I really took it for granted.

I looked at private messaging but not sure what to do.

Take care

Jo xx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JoeyP52

Hi Joey ... I wish I could chat to you privately , will play around with it tomorrow or we could talk through Messenger on Facebook. There are some things I don’t want the world to know. The ketamine is a painkilling drip which starts off with a slow amount and it’s increased gradually. I’ve had it before but I have run out of choices so this is my last ditch effort. No I don’t get headaches thank goodness. I live in Australia , have a very supportive husband , 2 children and 2 grandchildren . My husband is so supportive ... I’m always crying on his shoulder ! Ha . Friends are fine but don’t really understand ... it’s very hard. Do you have it in both ears? I really must try some meditation if I can . Speak soon, take care.

Lv Jenxxxxx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JoeyP52

Ps Joey ... I went through all the above board channels to get the CBD drops but noticed a huge distance the next day it really spiked .where do you live , I get the impression it’s in England . It’s late here now but I can’t sleep! Xxxxx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JoeyP52

Do you feel the need to be on the drugs ... I am older than you but if you could get off them that would be great . All the best !

forest3 profile image

CBD did not help my t. I stay away from any loud noise and always carry an ear plug (i'm deaf in one side and have T there anyway -- it sucks). Go in a room with some low level sound and concentrate on the T and mentally play with the sound (making the t louder and softer) relative to the sound in the room. I know I can't control the T but I play this mental game anyway. When you go to sleep there should be some pleasant low level back ground sound. Crickets work best for me. There are no drugs that help so stay away from them. I hope you find some relief.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to forest3

Thank you so much for your reply... battling through with depression, pain in my ear and tinnitus, but it’s made my tinnitus go way out of control so might lay off it for awhile . I hope you get some peace too .😊

Wringing1212 profile image

Hi Jenny,

No, your not going crazy, but it does feel like it sometimes.

I'd thought CBD oils would help but......

My audiologists at UCSF says their patients that have been trying CBD oils claim it makes it worse. Also the dispensaries consultants say it doesn't help T.

I suspect that the THC undoes some of the inhibitors our brain training has built in its efforts to habituate. Perhaps it's different for different types of people or oils.

Still curious about it though.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Wringing1212

Hi Wringing 1212 , that makes me feel a whole lot better. I have stopped the straight CBD oil to see how I go. Would you mind if I private messaged you? My journey has been an interesting one.



1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Wringing1212

Thanks so much for your message , I tried CBD drops with THC in them , that was awful , then straight CBD drops which did amplify the ringing. I have a lot of pain in my right ear after 7 operations on my ear and now have a cochlear implant . So I have , pain anxiety and tinnitus which is just great! Have to keep going though. How bad is your tinnitus , would love to hear your story. Looking back now I wish I had left it all alone !

Thanks look forward to hearing from you


Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to 1Dar

Hi Jenny,

I've never primate messaged on this site but I'm ok with it. I'll have to figure out how.

My T is at a new high for the past 24 hours so I'm going to stay off the iPad till I settle down. (Vertigo)

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to Wringing1212

Oops, "private" messaged.......

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Wringing1212

Well done now get off the computer , have a lovely barm and take some deep breaths.

Sleep tight 💐💐💐

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Wringing1212

Hello wringing ...I have tried the CBD drops no change to the ringing but definitely has brought the anxiety down . Still having rough days,but not crying at the drop of a cat, hope you are ok.

Jenny 💐

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to 1Dar

Just watched a video of myself talking to a friend. My kids stole my iPhone and snuck the video for fun, but I took the opertunity to see how I looked from the outside.

Panicked, stressed, and older. My voice is much higher than it sounds in my head. I thought I was being calm but the video seems otherwise.

I'm guessing that my hearing is so bad, and my neuropathy progressed such that I'm not my old self in appearance,

I'm going to try and calm down on the outside, and do less talking.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Wringing1212

Hi ... sorry to hear you are so stressed with it all, it’s a cruel thing and after 4 years I still don’t think I have habituated to it. As from tonight I am starting some CBD drops not for the tinnitus but for the anxiety . . I don’t want to stalk you and I don’t really know how to private message you on this sight , but I’m on Facebook .. are you on Facebook? I could perhaps message you on F book. I have made 2 lovely friends from America and England and it’s so supportive , otherwise I will try to message you from my end on this sight .

Take care, keep calm ... I.m sure I have beaten you a thousand times with the anxiety days ... my journey has been awful .


1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Wringing1212

It’s me again ( Jenny) funny that your kids videoed you this week , my husband actually videoed me last week having a bit of a meltdown .. he showed my Dr. it wasn’t pretty! , 😂

Wringing1212 profile image

Strange thing about this condition is that it leaves us on an emotional threshold, ready to burst into tears for no apparent reason, particularly when T reaches the severe to catastrophic levels. I'm not exactly sure why. Breathing through an N95 mask doesn't help that.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Wringing1212

What’s a N 95 mask ? Yes it certainly makes me cry and I have a lot of pain around my ear .. so things are tricky ... just have to keep smiling and one day at a time ! Keep positive 💐

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