Why does tinnitus get louder throughout the day for some people and they get more noises added as the day goes on? Even withnooise exposure. What could cause it? How does someone cope when they start the day with a 3 or 4 put of 10 volume level of tinnitus and it goes up to a 7 or 8 by bed time? Why does tinnitus get louder through the day no matter what for some people?
People who's tinnitus gets louder throughout t... - Tinnitus UK
People who's tinnitus gets louder throughout the day, how do you cope?
Hi Alugo. I gave up trying to understand tinnitus a long time ago as it is such an unpredictable condition. Sometimes when I think I finally have a handle on it, it veers off in a new direction and I am back to square one and scratching my head. In my case, there are a few constants which seldom change. For example, if it is screaming when I first waken up, it will stay at that volume all day. If I get stressed or anxious, the volume will increase dramatically and if I have a nap anytime, as soon as I waken up, it will be loud, even if it was quiet before I fell asleep. Whatever the volume is at any given time, I try to keep busy and keep my brain focused on something else other than the noise in my head and this works for me. When it spikes and is really unbearable, I take 20mg of Amitriptyline, 10mg during the day and 10mg before bedtime. I am sorry I can't answer your question as I think tinnitus affects us all differently so all I can suggest is you try and work out a coping strategy and take it from there. I hope you find some peace soon.
Hi, Alugo,
To answer your last question - stress, anxiety, exhaustion. Dealing with this condition and with everything else life throws at you is hard work. In my case, the more tired I am the harder it is to ignore. Even if it doesn't actually increase in volume it can still seem louder especially after a long, busy exhausting day because it's so intrusive.
Maybe tomorrow it'll be easier.
Respectfully submitted,
Try an ice pack on back of your head if you have one. Whenever mine tends to get bad i put icepack on my head before bed and it reduces it quite a lot. Try stretching around the neck and shoulders to see if holding any tension there as they are all linked. There's some good videos on youtube heres one if you want to give it a try: youtube.com/watch?v=aUBFg5L...