This NEW definition I have given T has really ... - Tinnitus UK

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This NEW definition I have given T has really helped.

15 Replies

Hi All

I first noticed T in my early 30's.

Probably caused by the very loud music I, and everyone else, listened to in the discos of the 70's?

Anyway, I resigned myself to it and coped reasonably well till age 66, when it ramped up to a new, much higher level, caused by some supplements I was taking.

The new higher level really affected me, and sleep was impossible, without benzos. This went on for a few years and I was looking, like everyone else, for a Cure. Nothing found.

So, I tried viewing it in a NEW light, in this way.

Before, I used to think of T as a Noise or Sound that shouldn't be there. And the fact that it WAS there, really affected me.

So, I tried lookng at it from a new Angle.

Are there not 360?

I looked at the 'mechanics' of sound.

Which is very basic. An Event happens that creates Sound waves, these travel all round and our ears pick it up, send it to the brain, which interprets it as the Sound sensation we all know.

However, in the case of T there is NO Event.

A microphone placed next to the ears would record absolutely - nothing.

So, this 'sound' must be imaginary?

And where does it come from?

Must be the Brain?

Which, for whatever reason, has INVENTED the T sound that you then perceive to be a Real sound.

So, the definition of something not real is an ILLUSION or DELUSION!


And I was kicking myself for Paying attention to something that didn't even exist at all, for almost 40 years!

Now, I can honestly say it's GONE!

So, my new and extremely helpful definition for T is this.

T is an just an ILLUSION or DELUSION that the brain has created, for whatever (unimportant) reason. There is NO NOISE OR SOUND at all - It's a figment of our imagination.

It DOESN'T exist.

This new way of viewing T now enables me to sleep without benzos

Good luck all!


15 Replies
Supervision6 profile image

Well thanks for the suggestion of rewrting the script that the brain responds to.......rewiring .

You have many years of experience so i will certainly give it a go.

Be blessed🙏

in reply to Supervision6

All the best supervision6 with this re-writing/re-rewiring!

Worked for me and now hopefully for you too

Keep me posted please


Gin123 profile image

I wish.....

I wish I knew what your loud is...

I wish I could hear silence

I wish!

in reply to Gin123

Hi gin123

Wishing........never helps!

Do try re--defining your T, as I have done?

After all, something is only a problem when YOU say it is.

So, my re-definition of T as NOTHING really helped.

Worked for me!


Whine profile image


in reply to Whine

Hi whine

Looks like you too have had success with re-defining T from Something to



Whine profile image

Like I said in my original introduction;- there is no point in whining about my whine!

Lulu_Lollipop profile image

I managed to find this post of yours, Alpsholiday. I shall read it again and try to do what you did. I first experienced my tinnitus on a day when I returned to my home alone. There was no music on, no TV on. I could hear what sounded as if something had been left on. I then realised it was in my left ear and I felt as if it was blocked or something. After a few weeks of that I mentioned it to my GP when I went about something else and he referred me to ENT consultant, who I saw months later. That led to the chance finding of my large brain aneurysm. I've had surgery and everything, but tinnitus was unconnected and it's still here. So... yes. I will again read what you put and see what I can do. Thank you :)

Maxi80 profile image

It’s not an illusion though. That makes us sound bonkers. The noise is most certainly a real event. But I get what you’re saying. Trying to trick the brain.

in reply to Maxi80

Hi Maxi

Thanks very much for your contribution.

After 40 years of T I finally got rid of it by redefining it, whatever it was, as Nothing.

After all, a powerful microphone placed by the years would record .......... Nothing at all.

So, T is not a noise or a sound at all, just an aural DREAM (ILLUSION) that the brain has created, for whatever (unimportant) reason.

It is something trivial, as @BTAPat rightly says in another post, compared to a Real Disease.

I well remember, as a 20 yr old, 71 now, how I would agonise about how I looked, about my Marc Bolan hair, my flared trousers, rouge, 6 in platform shoes (I was already tall enough at 5ft 10) et al - spending an hour tweaking this or that getting ready to go out!

And the above with absolutely no health problems at all!

What I would give to go back to that level of health again!!! I certainly wouldn't worry about my looks at all.

So, do consider recategorising your T as NOTHING (which it is) and you'll never be bothered by it ever again.

Worked for me - I haven't needed benzos for sleep for 10 months now.

All the best!


Maxi80 profile image
Maxi80 in reply to

Hey Alps.

That’s a great way to look at things!

The noise in your head is real though. The brain is sending signals to your ears. It isn’t made up. It’s physical. Yes, nobody else can hear it, but I can so I just don’t see my brain falling for it.

I’m so glad it worked for you though 👍👍👍


in reply to Maxi80

Thanks Maxi for your take on your T and accept you think of it as a real sound.

So, suggest another viewpoint? Are there not 3-6-0 degrees in a circle? So, lots of ways at looking at things.

My success with the T I feel has been down to 2 reasons -

- viewing it as an Illusion

- and viewing it as Trivia

So, a combination of both has helped me to completely erase it.

My wife - who has MS and other health probs - always reminds me of this!

Make a long, long, long List of what is going well in your Health and your Life and, for sure, it will be an awful lot.

And, when you get to 99 or so positive points, what was formerly 'troubling' you will fade away.

All the best!


Maxi80 profile image
Maxi80 in reply to

Makes perfect sense.

It’s just T is so irritating! I have bad shins but they don’t annoy me constantly lol

Thanks Alps 👍

in reply to Maxi80

Hi Maxi

I see you're on the fitness trail! Good luck

I've been a lifelong cyclist - see my profile for more - and have come across many runners who've come over to cycling because their knees can't take it any more.

And, they find cycling is ok! Prob as there's no impact.


Maxi80 profile image
Maxi80 in reply to

I need to dust off my bike. I used to love cycling but just stopped. Keeping a bike healthy actually takes a lot of time. And punctures scare me. So it’s been a few years now.

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