Tinnitus and Hypothyroidism: Hello everybody... - Tinnitus UK

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Tinnitus and Hypothyroidism

BrianWilliams profile image
15 Replies

Hello everybody.

Seeking a little bit of specific advice...I'm searching for a consultant in Scotland, possibly (inevitably?) private, who understands the link between Hypothyroidism and Tinnitus. My GP hasn't a scoobie and has sent me off to 'do my own research'. Thanks Doc.

Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.


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BrianWilliams profile image
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15 Replies
JohnJopp profile image

Hi Brian,

I can't help with a consultant but just thought I'd let you know that I have hypothyroidism and I'm taking levothyroxin for it. In fact when my T first started I was convinced it was because my doctor had just upped my dose from 50 to 100 mcg a week earlier. When I spoke to him about it he insisted there was no connection and that the medication was just replacing the chemical thyroxin which the thyroid produces naturally. When a mri scan a few months later showed I have an acoustic neuroma I assumed that he was probably right and that the neuroma was the likely cause of my T.


BrianWilliams profile image
BrianWilliams in reply to JohnJopp

Thanks John. We're in the same neck of the woods...I'm on Levo too and have an MRI (which was clear). Is there anything that can be done for the neuroma?

JohnJopp profile image
JohnJopp in reply to BrianWilliams

Brian, I'm having annual MRI scans to monitor it's progress. It's only very small at the moment, about 5mm and hardly grown since they found it nearly 4 years ago. They can grow quite big though and that's when they cause problems. My consultant reckons that if it gets to be 10mm then he would consider sending me for radiosurgery called gamma knife. It doesn't actually remove the tumour, just stops it growing.


NJAmerican profile image

It's a long shot, but can be easily ruled out with a specific blood test. The usual CBC blood test doesn't really go far enough. You need to ask for specific tests.

GDJTAM profile image

Interesting post, I too Have Hypothyroidism and take Levothyroxine for it. I've had it for 8 years+ but only recently developed T. No one as ever linked the two together, how long have you had both? I may see what my GP and ENT guy has to say about it.

BrianWilliams profile image
BrianWilliams in reply to GDJTAM

Hi. It's difficult to remain clam about this!...I've been begging for some joined up/holistic thinking from everybody I've engaged with in the NHS: GP, ENT, Audiologist - General, Audiologist - Tinnitus Specialist, Endochronologist, Otolaryngologist (no, I didn't know what they did either...but it was following an MRI). But to no avail. The Endo was the most disgustingly dismissive experience I have suffered at the hands of the NHS, she just couldn't be bothered. In this time of 'specialism' everybody seems to be bunkered.

I can endure most things. And I understand that there ISN'T a magic tablet for everything. But Tinnitus is something else. I am utterly convinced that it is an affliction that is impossible to appreciate if you have not suffered from it chronically. It is of no surprise that folk throw themselves off bridges as a consequence of that suffering. And that means if there is an iota of a chance of relief, from whatever medication, it needs to be tried.

But who knows what to try?

My GP told me to go and find my own consultant. I won't be forgetting that in a hurry.

I've received more and better advice on this website in half an hour than my whole engagement with the NHS. And for that I am very grateful.

But, as much as I appreciate the efforts and concerns of all here, that can't be right.

drumcraw profile image
drumcraw in reply to BrianWilliams

hi brian. know exactly how you feel. ive been there too docs,audiologists,psychologists,ear surgeon,(pvt) no answers and little or no help and down right ignorant and dismissive ear surgeon cost me 150.00 saw me for about 10 mins useless, nhs audio were extremely un helpful and on one occasion left me sitting alone for the whole of the app. ive had it 5 years now and mines getting louder , airport 3miles away so planes over my house. my T. louder than the planes, psychologist was no use she just talked and said we know this about T and we know that, but theres a helluva lot they don't know andagain no help. I have to take sleeping pills to sleep and my life has been turned upside down,ive alo tried online therapy and tinnituseprogramme, but at end of the day all everybody wants is for the noise to stop or at least go quiet, I also wear hearing aids which do help very slightly but when its loud theyre no use,. even the white noise doesn't help ( its set at 75db) doesn't mask it. ive lost interest in nearly everything as I was amusician forover 50 years and my T appeared after 1 gig back in 2013 that's when my life changed I do play occasionally and wear ear plugs but 1 gig5 weeks ago and my ears have got worse since. im gonna stop playing completely ive lost contact with the other musicians I knw and dontsocialise as it was lawys listening to other bands. ive done everything to guard against it getting worse but here I am and its screaming all round my head I agree with the suicide thing all though no one wants to mention that hope you get some kind of help soon take care drumcraw.

drumcraw profile image
drumcraw in reply to drumcraw

hi brian. for got to mention that audiologists keep saying " don't stop doing what you enjoy" and ive asked them about playing with the ear protection and will it still make my T worse? they all say no but mine has doneso it shows what they know. the psychologist I saw replied when I asked about still doing things I enjoy and how can I as everything I enjoyed involved music? " you have a dilemma! whats that about?????????? again no help in fact she discharged me without my knowledge and I had to fight to get another app. and that was in January,not seen or heard form her since,i get the feeling that she has given up as she doesn't know where to go with me. I asked her if she had dealt with Tin musicians before ? she said no so??????????? anyway forgive me for going on but I thought youd like to know your not alone take care drumcraw

BrianWilliams profile image
BrianWilliams in reply to drumcraw

Hi drumcraw. You're not going on. Apart from online forums etc. I only know a couple of people in 'real life' who have T. They are both (or have been) in the music industry, both DJs. Must be something about loud, intense music that our earholes don't like. Or maybe they don't like Led Zepp! Both were told that the T would calm down...but it didn't. There's lots of good support on these forums...but it's difficult in the middle of the night at 3am. Invariably I read that we should accept our T for what it is and, through that accepting, it makes it much easier to cope with.


Try to stay positive. B

drumcraw profile image
drumcraw in reply to BrianWilliams

hi brian, a few of my pals have it all play, theyres not as loud as mine though and regarding the acceptance thing, I don't think ill EVER accept it as its so loud!!!!!! and ive been trying to saty positive for years now thanks for your reply take care drumcraw

BrianWilliams profile image
BrianWilliams in reply to GDJTAM

Sorry, you asked how long...two years now. Not nearly as long as some poor souls.

GDJTAM profile image
GDJTAM in reply to BrianWilliams

I too had an acoustic neuroma but it was 30 years ago, so far I've been told that my T was as a result of the tumour, the meningitis that followed, my jaw and my meds. In other words these white coat, let's hand a stethoscope around my neck to look knowledgeable people are utter clueless.

Brownies profile image

Hi, any further update on this subject? I also have hypo pit and have been experiencing awful T since before an operation through my nose to remove a pituitary abscess. T started when the abscess was pressing against my pituitary (I think). I'm also on Thyroxine and Hydrocortisone.

BrianWilliams profile image
BrianWilliams in reply to Brownies

Hi Brownies. No...nobody in the NHS can put the two together. Nobody has got a scoobie.

Brownies profile image
Brownies in reply to BrianWilliams

Thanks - I am in Western Australia - will let you know if I get any further

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