I have a wonderful rather strange friend called George who is on some kind of spiritual and practical mission to restore justice and expose abuses of power especially within the medical profession but all public bodies. The stuff he could tell you is enough to make the sanest, calmest person run for cover.
Some very dear freinds of his swears that by praying for him, about his mission and even one lady prays to him, their health is restored. One of these ladies died a few years ago well past 100 and the other is fit as a fiddle into her late 80's and both of them relied almost exclusively on praying for this chap. My own health has also improved dramatically as a result of getting to know this person better and sending the odd one upwards for him.
Sound crazy I know but I have learn't not to disregard what I haven't thoroughly investigated. It woud'nt hurt if some of you gave it a go and it would be interesting to see if there were any positive results. In your own words and methods of course.