B12 deficiency video - really worth a look - Thyroid UK
B12 deficiency video - really worth a look

V Good video.
I second that, well worth watching. PR
Great video! It brought back a memory of my childhood. I was always ill; always getting infections, so my GP prescribed B12 and suggested taking brewer's yeast tablets. It did seem to help. GPs don't seem to make such diagnoses now though
I am amazed at how many symptoms of B12 deficiency I have had over the years. I do have macrocytic anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia (although mild) yet B12 deficiency was not recognised. I diagnosed myself on the basis of my symptoms and my high MCV, but I wouldn't have been able to do that if it wasn't for the information I have learned from this forum. If it wasn't for Thyroid UK I'd probably be in a wheel chair by now. Taking B12 has brought my MCV just into the normal range so room for improvement. I can't believe I wasn't diagnosed given it is a late stage symptom!
I was referred to a neurologist a couple of years ago because I kept dropping things and had numbness and tingling in my hands and feet. I also had those shooting nerve pains, like electric shocks. It was put down to the arthritis in my neck and misalignment in my lower back. Since taking B12 I don't get this any more, even when my neck or back are playing up. I do seem to have some permanent numbness in my toes though
I think it is incredible that doctors don't recognise this condition! I'm surprised I was never tested given my symptoms. Fatigue was always put down to the depression or having kids.
I'm really pleased you posted this. It's made me realise just how long I've had a problem with B12 and just how lucky I am to have realised that this is what it was!
Carolyn x
I think par t of the problem is if you have thyroid disease all of the symptoms are put down tio that.
Also folatesupplements are masking the issue by chaning the shape of the red blood cells....
I am having in 'interesting' conversation withmy gp onMOnday, wish I could get him to watch the video!! They are so arrogant usually they say 'oh the internet'! I say well don't you use the telephone!
I have just had a full blood count done and one of the results showed that my mean cell haemoglobin level was above range. After a little research I found that this could be down to my B12 level. I then looked at my level which was 311 ng/L (187 - 883) which is well within recommended range. I thought about the reference ranges for TSH, T3 and T4 always being inadequate so I searched again to find that in Japan they treat anybody with a lower level than 500. I decided that I would supplement my self.
Then I saw this blog and watched the video. I am even more determined to top up my B12.
Thankyou Aldreakie for bringing it to our attention.
By the end of the video I was crying. My husband has Parkinson's and abnormal blood cell size so he gets a B12 every 2 months for the last 2 years or so. I am now thinking that he should have this more often - maybe even twice a month. He has a lot of the symptoms and maybe has had them for a very long time and should have been diagnosed earlier. I don't blame the GPs as they can only do what they have been taught. Again it is down to the people who organise the teaching to provide the up and coming GPs and the existing ones with sufficient information. I have hypothyroidism and I have been told I am exhausted because I am depressed. I have some of the other symptoms such as mood swings, brain fog and my balance has never been good. I am now going to buy some sublingual B12 and see if that helps me and my husband. I am also going to send this link to my surgery. Thank you for posting this video.
Elaine, I am soo sorry I I upset you, I actually haven't watcheda ll of this video as it it so destressing, because I am undiagnosed. I know my problem is in my gut I have just had gastro consult write me off, I know B12 absorbtion is the issue.
I wouild be very interested in how your surgery responds..
I was wondering if vid should be posted under another heading of 'numb tingling limbs explanation' because I see this so often as a symtom that people are experiencing without an explanation ...