I’ve been on T3 only for over 10 years. For a long time, my prescribed dose has been 60mc a day, though I have occasionally dropped this for a wee while to 50 or 40mc when I’ve felt like I might be a bit over-medicated. For me this generally shows up as feeling hot and sweaty and having a bit of a fast or irregular pulse. Over the last couple of months, while on the full 60mc dose, I’ve felt chilly, struggled with climbing stairs and kept falling asleep in the evening – my usual symptoms when under-medicated.
I had a private blood test done and my results were:
TSH 0.01 (0.27-4.2 mIU/L)
FREE T4 0.5 (12-22 pmol/L)
FREE T3 11.7 (3.1-6.8 pmol/L)
This really confused me as, obviously, my T3 is far too high. I cut my dose - had one day on 20mcg and have taken 40mcg for the last 5 days. Weirdly, on this lower dose, I now have what I would consider to be over-medicated symptoms. I’m hot and sweaty and am sleeping less than half the night. I am also getting fluid retention in my legs and hands. My legs haven’t been like this for ages and my hands never did this before.
I have no clue what is going on – does anyone have any idea/s/suggestions? Also, do we definitely need to keep our T3 lab results within ‘normal’ range, rather than dosing according to symptoms?
Thank you