Feeling wobbly after a difficult day yesterday - Thyroid UK

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Feeling wobbly after a difficult day yesterday

Jamima profile image
20 Replies

I was out for lunch yesterday with a friend who collapsed half way through. I had to ask the waitress to call an ambulance as my friend was out cold for at least 10 mins. I was very fortunate that the table next to us had a retired nurse who was incredibly helpful and I managed to do what she suggested without feeling any stress to help my friend until the ambulance arrived. The paramedics were incredible and my friend came round eventually and was allowed to go home. About a couple of hours after the incident I started to feel really wobbly and am wiped out today. I'm currently self medicating 1/2 grain of armour and I imagine will still have low thyroid hormone levels as they were low on a test a couple of weeks ago. Is this a normal reaction to a bit of a shock when thyroid levels are low?

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Jamima profile image
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20 Replies
greygoose profile image

I should think it's a normal reaction even if you don't have a thyroid problem. Must have been a terrible shock. Pity no-one thinks to administer hot, sweet tea anymore to those that have had a shock. It works wonders. :) Just take it easy today.

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to greygoose

Thank you, I used to be able to brush these things off, but no longer, and funny you should mention hot and sweet tea because I've a huge craving for sugar today which I'm quite happy to give in to as I'm going nowhere much further than the sofa.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jamima

Indulge yourself! :D You know what they say: a little of what you fancy does you good. :)

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to greygoose

I'll take that as a prescription!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jamima


tattybogle profile image

what you describe would be an expected reaction for me ,. no one in my house is surprised anymore if go bleurgh and turn into a jibbering cabbage the day after a shock / argument / stressful incident and , yes , i'd say it's probably worse if i'm overmedicated / or undermedicated.

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to tattybogle

Many thanks, I think it's probs under, and jibbering cabbage certainly covers my demeanour today.

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to Jamima

jibbering cabbage fix:

warm chocolatey things (as recommended by Professor Dumbledore ),

put a small shot of brandy in it ( as recommended by me)

retreat to sofa with cashmere throw ,

find a nice film.

let the rest of the world look after itself for a day or so .

if you have any passing children , adopt 'whatever means necessary' to get them to make you a nice healthy dinner .

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to tattybogle

Hahaha- children long gone but I’m assembling all the other parts and there’s a frozen curry in the freezer that’ll do. Thank you.

buddy99 profile image
buddy99 in reply to tattybogle

Best prescription ever, tattybogle! I assume there are at least half a dozen off label uses for this. :D

Carrie234 profile image
Carrie234 in reply to tattybogle

tattybogle, I've always wanted to try a hot drink with a shot of brandy in it, but I haven't bought it before, what is the name of a good brandy to buy for this? (hope it's OK to ask on here!)

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to Carrie234

no point getting anything too expensive cos you won't taste the subtle differences once it's in hot chocolate , so anything that says V.S.O.P. on it will be good enough.

Carrie234 profile image
Carrie234 in reply to tattybogle

thank you, just found one that says 'V.S.O.P. napoleon brandy' so I might try that

Framboise profile image

Yes absolutely! This sort of overreaction to stress was one of the first things I noticed as being wrong, long before anyone suggested a thyroid problem, and it worried me terribly because I had always been able to deal with things and take charge. Explaining it to doctors didn't work because they simply told me I was stressed and needed a holiday, and one idiot even waxed lyrical about the benefits of a cruise.

At first the reaction would hit me the next day, but gradually it would happen almost immediately, and was worse if the stress was in the morning. The degree of stress didn't matter, it could be the phone ringing unexpectedly or hearing of a sudden death. For me the answer was to lie down as soon as it hit, even for just 15 minutes, and better still if I could sleep, which would somehow restore some equilibrium.

I assumed it was an adrenal problem, which may correct itself with sufficient thyroid hormones or may need other treatment. I eventually took hydrocortisone for a while, then got help from a medical herbalist who dealt with it in a much gentler way, and I think that, plus now being on the correct dose of NDT, have resolved it. I hope it stops for you when you get on a higher dose of NDT and I hope your friend is ok.

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to Framboise

Thanks so much Framboise - the benefits of a cruise eh, well yes, I'll take that as long as the benefits remain when you disembark 😉 I entirely relate to the 'knowing something was wrong' way before realising it was thyroid - a door slamming was enough to make me jump out of my skin and send my heart into a series of palps, now I know that it can be startling for some people but, like you, I was a 'keeping all the plates spinning' sort and it took way more than a door to shake me. That, and countless other symptoms led me to start investigating and like you, I think it's adrenal, probably because of low thyroid but I won't know that until I get my thyroid optimal.

I'm feeling better today and slept a lot yesterday so I think you're right about the re-setting element of sleep. I've taken HC and adrenavive but I don't really like the side effects ie. the water retention, would you recommend the herbal route over HC? I think I still need to support my adrenals while I try to find a suitable thyroid dose.

Still worried about my friend as I haven't heard back from her since Wednesday, she's considerably older than me and I don't want to intrude on her family, but if I don't hear anything later today, I'll contact them. Thanks again, for your support.

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Jamima

Yes, I would now recommend the herbal route over HC for adrenals, and wish I had known about that route before taking HC. The problem is though, as ever, finding the right practitioner. Mine was termed a Western Medical Herbalist, he had qualified about 40 years previously, and his training had included a lot of standard medical study as well. He bought in some herbs, but also grew some, and collected and prepared others, and had his own pharmacy in the consulting room - row upon row of dark glass jars full of tinctures. He would make up a new mixture at each consultation depending on how I was progressing. It wasn't a quick fix though, I went to him for a couple of years, and he helped with other medical problems I had too. I found him after phoning a herbalist in Chelmsford who had been featured in The Sunday Times and who had gathered such interest that she couldn't take on anyone else, so was recommending him as he had trained her. I tried to contact him recently only to fund he had died, which seemed very unfair to me, like Dr Skinner dying.

I really hope you can find the right treatment and this awful reaction gradually stops, as mine did.

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to Framboise

Many thanks Framboise, as I think I’ve already mentioned I have a very good, well established herbalist near me, and I will consider this. I’m doing quite well just now on 1 x adrenavive whole adrenal capsule. It gave me terrible stomach problems previously but I’ve learned that if I tip it out of the capsule into water it’s fine, no idea why, but pleased it works. I’m still jittery at sudden loud noises but it’s better and the hellish adrenaline nighttime surge is abating, it could be other factors but seems to correlate with starting the adrenavive whole adrenal. I’m trying to stay with one method for as long as possible but I’m interested in the herbal route and will keep it in mind for further down the line.

serenfach profile image

Perfectly natural. After an adrenalin rush, when it all dies down, your body needs time to get over the rush.

I find tonic water helpful, with added lemon, ice and something else ....oh yes - gin! But the prescription above sounds wonderful, so may try it without the shock first.

Jamima profile image
Jamima in reply to serenfach

Thank you serenfach - it's such a huge reaction, it's really quite startling and as I've mentioned already, it's not how I used to be, but I now realise, NOTHING is. Thank you for your prescription, I rather like this surgery.

thyr01d profile image

Hi Jamima, like others I'd say perfectly normal reaction to stress but you can probably help your nervous system by deliberately shaking and shivering all over, every part of yourself, for about a minute. The NS wants us to run away fast from such things (NS seems to think it could be catching!) so when we don't the stress response can be delayed. Of course, do all the other things too, cashmere blanket, warm, chocolatey things, good film etc etc!!

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