hi, recent hospital test showed my tsh to have gone from 2.3 (still under medicated) to 5.4 (blood test at night in a&e) . Next appt with cardio he said I’m slightly under medicated so to increase from my 75mcg to 75/100 alternate days. Which I did using same Mercury pharma brand of 50 with my usual 25s. A week later my heart rate increased @ 20 -30 bpm overall resting moving etc from previous. Usual resting is66-75 ad it went up to 80-95 resting. ( past 8 weeks been on 3 different bp tablets which made me very unwell including heart rate jumping right up (despitec2 of them meant to slow heart) and heart rate returned down to normal on stopping, so I’m not sure if I’m just reacting to all meds the same at the moment or if it’s normal for heart rate to go up on an increase of 25mg levo every second day. I did stop and go back to my previous dose using the 3x25mcg tablets two days ago and my heart rate has gone back down to normal… any thoughts
increase in levo causing heart rate to increase - Thyroid UK
increase in levo causing heart rate to increase

I see from a previous post you have POTS? The heart rate you recorded was that seated or lying down?
Low ferritin can cause heart rate changes especially when adding thyroid hormones. 10 months ago yours was deficient at 30. Have you been working on that with eating chicken livers a few times a week or pate?
When hypothyroid our heart rate will drop, but then increase when better replaced. It may go higher than it might usually on it's way to the new normal level.
yes both heart rates were lying down. I’m getting my ferritin checked on Monday as I thought I might be getting low I didn’t realise that could affect heart rate when’s changing dose. That may be it. It’s been at 3 a year ago but gp never seems bothered. I’m taking iron just now. My heart has been very irratic the past two months on meds and oddly enough it’s just gone bonkers just now after being normal all morning after eating my lunch. Most horrible feeling when completely still and heart ratecdoing 130 or more Must be something my body doesn’t like along with possible low ferritin.
Thank you for your reply x
I have POTS too. 😐 Try and eat smaller meals more often and go easy on the carbs.
Honestly my heart rate was wild even at rest when my ferritin was low.
GP's get very little training on vitamins, that's where groups like this come in for patient to patient tips.
You could try splitting your Levo and taking it twice a day, might help. Perhaps whatever you are taking for your iron/ferritin isn't working well? Take iron with ornage juice to help absorption. Come back when you have new blood results.
thanks, yes I’ll try splitting maybe taking extra 25 at night or 12.5 each day. It wouldn’t be the different tablets 50 mcg Mercury pharma as I’ve just been usingv25s?
By splitting the dose I mean take half in morning first thing and last half before bed. It's not likely to be the tablets but could always try lactose free. That would be either Teva which may or may not suit you or Aristo which is only available in 100mcg tablets so you would need to use a pill cutter for that.
You would also do well to just check on the other vitamin levels - folate, B12 & D3.

I get increased heart rate/ palpitations when increasing thyroid medication upwards (or downwards). I can only adjust Levo by 12.5mcg (alternate days at first) and find a pill cutter really helpful.