Trying to understand appetite / cravings - Thyroid UK

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Trying to understand appetite / cravings

Joyya profile image
57 Replies

I have an advanced background in human nutrition but am totally new to thyroid issues and am trying to understand something.

I've noticed since I've been treated (T4 and T3 split tid) that at times I am hungrier than usual. I understand the increased metabolism from thyroid correction, but is there anything else that would account for that? Along with this, I sometimes crave chocolate, and while I eat 80% cocoa or above, I am trying to understand why. I supplement Mg daily, so can't think why I would be craving it, except for maybe the caffeine content. I've tried drinking a tea instead, but am wondering if anyone has any insights.

Also, I often crave salty things. I ended up with HTN secondary to my hypo Dx, and started on anti-hypertensive which I am gradually reducing. Is there a physiological reason I would need more sodium?


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Joyya profile image
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57 Replies

I’d have suggested that it’s the increase in metabolism that’s increasing the desire for more calories, but additionally if it’s caffeine-based things you’re craving I wonder if it’s your adrenals. It would make sense as thyroid hormone increases cortisol levels/uncovers low cortisol. Craving for salt is also associated with adrenal function. Do you feel thirsty?

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to

Thanks. No, not thirsty.

Levojunkie profile image
Levojunkie in reply to

Before I got diagnosed with hypothyroid and given levothyroxine, for several years I had an addiction to crisps - now I understand it was an adrenal thing. (I have low BP congenitally anyway - have needed an NHS salt sandwich once or twice - yep, that's really how they emergency treat v.low BP!). Nowadays, I'll maybe want a little packet of crisps once a week or less.

I also use a bit of 'lo-salt' every day on a meal to supplement possibly low potassium. (Lo-salt is a UK brand of half salt, half potassium).

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to Levojunkie

Thanks. I have high blood pressure secondary to hypothyroidism and am taking a ACE-inhibitor, so have to restrict potassium. Half-salt is off the table.

Levojunkie profile image
Levojunkie in reply to Joyya

That's a bummer, the high bp as a result of the hypoT?

Regenallotment profile image

listened to a podcast that covered this recently, apparently if we hypos are craving sugar we should eat a little salt, if we are craving salty food we should eat a little salt.

They recommended sodium salts and potassium salts (they said pink Himalayan was potassium).

I crave chocolate when energy levels are low. I too prefer 85-90% cocoa.

It was Angela Busby

I heard it on this one where she was a guest.

Just wanted to say where I am concerned, I agree it’s a thing! Since I’ve upped my salt intake (home experiment) my cravings have lessened.

Be interesting to see what others think. It’s quite a departure from the ‘salt is bad for you’ narrative. 🦋💚🦋

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to Regenallotment

Thanks. I am not one of those "salt is bad people" and encourage people who eat low carb or keto or paleo to supplement with real salt (Himalayan or Redmond). I haven't been salting as much due to the hypertension that was secondary to hypothyroidism, but perhaps not that I am getting close to an optimal dose, its time to add some more.

I had some dedicated bovine adrenal gland in the house this morning (made in Canada, so no hormones in it) and took one and felt much less tired, and less cravings. Has anyone here used something like that? I was taking it before I got diagnosed.

Thanks for the input.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

Hi Joyya,

I've been taking bovine adrenal complex for the last week and it certainly seems to add a little spring to my step?

I'm looking into LDN (any knowledge?) at the moment as though everything is going in the right direction I still feel quite angry, which I put down to the lost years and mis-treatment...

Perhaps I just need to "let it go... let it go" 😁

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

Thanks. I only took one today, but apparently it's supposed to be two, and one seemed to make me feel much better, so I will try two, spaced apart. With all the supplements I am taking, it's anothee ball to juggle, but seems it may be worth it.I am not leaning towards LDN at this point.

I am pretty sure (from having tracked my blood glucose response through the night and into the morning) that the issue is high, not low cortisol. I have been taking some adaptogens that have helped me feel less stressed and am adding two more (one I used to take, plus another) to see if that helps lower the cortisol.

I understand the anger. I imagine most here do. I have lost at least a decade of my life from this missed diagnosis, but self treating before having a myxedema crisis makes me thankful to be alive. I can't get those years back, but I can live the ones I have left in the best health possible. That requires continuing to learn, which takes time and energy. That learning distracts me from the anger.

Hope that helps.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

Wise words 🙏

Yes, I only take one at a time. in the morning seems to work well as a kick start

I think I've read that adaptogens are good for lowering cortisol but as they contain nightshades they are out of bounds for me....

I've yet to check my cortisol levels as it all becomes a bit overwhelming doesn't it 😕


I have to warn you that I have noticed an increasing urge to get some housework done since starting the adrenals! So proceed with caution 🤣

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

Haha! I will watch out for that side effect!Which adaptogens are you thinking of that are nightshades? The two I am. taking are made from the roots of plants, so even if the plant was a nghtshade, it wouldn't matter. The chemicals produced by plants in self defense are in the leaves, stem. and fruit, not the roots.

If you can't eat nightshades and avoid cruciferous veggies, what veggies can you eat?

I took the adrenal glandular in the morning. I may take another at 1 or 2 PM (an hour before one of my med doses)


TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

Ashwagandha is in the nightshade family (Solanaceae) I can't tolerate potatoes, peppers, tomatoes I don't seem to tolerate any part of them?

I'm ok with most things in small amounts, just eat more of the less reactive ones, I still eat cruciferous, but I draw the line at sprouts 🤢 wary of avocado and spinach because of the histamine as they can bring me to my knees if I overdo it.....

I can't do dairy either... just tried goat kefir... another definite NO there 😳

Try to keep things varied for my gut biome

Just back from a long dog walk and popped another adrenal... let's see if it makes me want to clean the bathrooms 😄

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

Let me know!

I was diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Disorder about 6 years ago, so I think all that cytokine release probably accelerated my thyroid demise. I could not tolerate nightshades then, but have gotten tolerant of them in the last few years. I take Ashwaghanda and do fine with it, so that's good. Adding Rhodiola and starting again on phosphatidylserine.

I appreciate the feedback here. I think from my stress the last year and previous high cortisol levels that adrenals has been a missing piece.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

Interesting, someone suggested MCAS to me which looks more severe than my histamine intolerance... ooh the thought of a lovely fluffy jacket potato 🤤I can but hope, is it just a case of keep trying every so often with them?

But won't the ashwaghanda suppress your cortisol? Or will it help balance out the added adrenals? I've not looked into all that closely yet.

I have just tackled the downstairs loo with light and glasses on! I even moved things to clean rather than cleaning around them! Grim!! 😅

Tune came on the radio, so I even had an impromptu appalling dance moment 💃 dogs are in hiding.... they still avoid the rare intrusion of vacuum cleaner or worse still the ironing board! Give them fireworks any day rather than these alien invasions

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe


In my case, I want to reduce the cortisol. I don't think my adrenals are burned out, but that my cortisol being high will burn them out.

Am I wrong that ashwaghanda, rhodiola and phosphatidylserine (and l-theanine from matcha) will help?

The histamine / tyramime intolerance certainly could be MCAS/ MCAD.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

Ah, I thought you maxed out on cortisol a few years ago and had dipped back down.

I've not looked properly at adaptogens

Now you add another question?! Tyramime derived from tyrosine which I take in a mixed amino supplement as I don't eat much protein.... is this why I react to beef?

Another rabbit hole to go down 🙃

Amino acids
Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

Tyramine is a compound found in plants and animals and is a byproduct of the breakdown of the amino acid, tyrosine.

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

Update: I took a tyrosine supplement just after we talked about this (after not taking any since starting on meds) and had the worst mast cell degranulation I've had in years. I would not recommend taking it to. Support thyroid function if you are thiamine intolerant. I will not be taking anymore!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

Oh, cripes! Trying to find these triggers is like dancing with the devil 😱

So sorry you had to go through that, how much tyrosine was in it, is it free form ? I'm getting a little too brave and it will all end in tears, but I need to find the boundaries to feel I have a better understanding and regained control.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

So is low thiamine the link to raised histamine levels, intolerance and MCAS?

Tyrosine is fascinating stuff! Couple of google quotes...

What is tyrosine? Tyrosine is found in such foods as spinach, eggs, cottage cheese and soya. Anyone who doesn't eat enough of these foodstuffs produces too little dopamine, which can lead to depression and apathy

Bananas, soya and almonds all contain the amino acid tyrosine, a biochemical precursor of dopamine, which is assumed to drive cognitive control and creativity. And, according to a study published in Psychological Research, consuming tyrosine either via supplements or food can promote creative thinking

in reply to Joyya

may I ask if you have tested your adrenal function? High and low cortisol present similarly. I made the error of taking adaptogens assuming I had high cortisol only to find it was absolutely on the floor and I’d been making it much worse by not testing.

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to

I will look for testing availability here. Thanks.

I've cancelled the order for adapogens until I do.

The desiccated bovine adrenal gland (hormone free) should be okay, though right?

in reply to Joyya

Yes - do you know if you’re taking the whole adrenal gland or just the cortex? Either way, both will increase blood levels of cortisol (but do not improve the function of the glands themselves). Some find that they are intolerant to thyroid hormone increases (particularly T3) unless they take adrenal cortex extract (ACE) but again, this does need to be tested as they present so similarly.

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to

It is whole adrenal gland. It is made in Canada. I am feeling SO much better taking it with the T4 / T3 meds. Wonder why it makes such a difference?

in reply to Joyya

I will tag you in a post where I discuss the different theories that I’ve come across. Btw, the fact you feel so much better on adrenal extract suggests you have low cortisol, not high. I think it’s a good thing you’ve stopped the adaptogens 😊

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

Ooh, me too please 🙏

in reply to TiggerMe

will do 😊

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Regenallotment

Thanks for this I'm going to have a salty drink with my biscuit to cover all bases 😉

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to TiggerMe

Tesco finest crinkle cut may have been munched here 🤣

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Regenallotment

Are these a potato based item??🤢 Or some new fangled biscuit? 🤔

I've only recently been able to tolerate a digestive but I'm feeling the need to explore... I 😍 a biscuit...

Really need to take my reading glasses on the rare occasion I visit a shop

greygoose profile image

Salt craving suggests adrenal fatigue. The adrenals need quite a bit of salt. So, if I were you, I'd do a 24 hour saliva cortisol test, to see what's going on. :)

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to greygoose

I'd love too, but I'm in Canada and struggled to get the tests I have done. My cortisol was high normal a few years ago, but after working on sleep / circadian rhythms my BP went down because insulin and cortisol were normalized.

What would make the cortisol be low, now? Is it part of the physiology of hypothyroidism?


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Joyya

I'm afraid I can't tell you that. But, things change. That's the nature of our bodies.

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to greygoose

Thanks. You are very knowledgeable, so I thought I'd ask. I may just try upping my sodium salts (but not potassium salts due to ACE-inhibitors) and see if it helps.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Joyya

You're welcome. :)

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

Just had a look at Regenerus Labs and they ship overseas if that's of interest? Only costs an arm and a bit of a leg 😬

in reply to Joyya

I’d love to know more about your circadian rhythm work improving BP - do you have any more information on this at all? I’m currently really interested in chronobiology & light/dark for health, would love to know more if you have any sources 😊

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to

I m working on book in this area, after spending approximately 4 years reading the current literature (still keeping up with it) audited a grad course on it last year.

in reply to Joyya

I’d like an advance order! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Imaaan profile image

Since my teens I've craved salty foods and even would dip some lime or tomatoes in salt as a snack. I have issues with adrenal fatigue and blood pressure that is on the lower end of normal. I feel calmer and my heart feels calmer with sole water ( Himalayan salt and water)

Joyya profile image

Thanks. My BP was very high when I was first Dx with advanced hypothyroidism and it was secondary to the hypothyroidism.

I am currently on antihypertensives (not diuretics, but ACE-inhibitor), but that I've been able to gradually low as the T4 and T3 have begun to do their magic.

TiggerMe profile image

Bit off topic... any thoughts on lion's mane mushroom?

Parcel just arrived and I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was 🤣 the dangers of latenight research 🙃

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

I am deathly allergic to it. I ate the mushrooms twice and had projectile vomiting for hours both times.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

😱Cripes...I might just look at them for a bit then... was this fresh or dried you tried?

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

Fresh. Dry would have higher concentration. Not for me!

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

Dang! I'm not usually a shroom eater 🤔 better put aside a couple of days when I try these... I wonder what it triggers

Or maybe I should just try them now whilst the loo is clean 🤣

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

I am not allergic to any mushrooms, but those made me sicker than any food poisoning I ever had.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to TiggerMe

buckets at the ready - can’t wait for an update. You are braver than me 🦋💚🦋

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Regenallotment

So far so good.... I started with the gut health mix which only has a little lion's mane mixed with hot tiger nut drink.

I've made it through I'm a Celeb and Question Time! 😬

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Regenallotment

Still alive 🤗

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to TiggerMe

Very glad to hear that! Very very glad and that I’m a Celeb was uninterrupted too. Any feedback on the supplement? Any good? I’ve just finished the crisps and the last of the 90% Lindt. Can’t do biscuits….GF crackers next 💚

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Regenallotment

90% harsh 🥴 I run out of saliva.... How can we explain the utter car crash that I'm a Celebrity or actually a politician to Joyya 🤣

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to TiggerMe

Half a teaspoon of lions mane mixed with the last of the oat kefir last night.... slept really well🤔?

Joyya profile image

It's got a lot of benefits. I'll pass.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Joyya

I might be brave and try it tonight 😉

TiggerMe profile image

Have you seen this conversation about cortisol...? Fascinating

Joyya profile image
Joyya in reply to TiggerMe

Not yet so thanks for sending it. I am going to read this, thanks!!

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