Have noticed in other posts that testing RT3 is not recommended as "you will know this from the FT4 and FT3 results". I am presuming that if RT3 is high and the cause of that is thyroidal the FT4 result will be high and the F T3 result low? But then if RT3 is blocking T3 at cellular level you cannot know this from a blood test?????
I fully appreciate that there are reasons OTHER than thyroid, in short, a variety of other body stressors, that might cause RT3 to be high and suspecting this to be the case, I did recently order the Blue Horizon Platinum Test. (About 18 months ago under the direction of a functional health doctor I had the same test which showed that my RT3 was near the top of the range: 21 (10-24) and flagging up the Reverse T3 ratio as low 12.65 (Normal >15). For reference, at that point my FT4 was 17.3 (12-22) and FT3 was 4.08 (3.1-6.8).
Things have improved in terms of the RT3: the test I took a couple of weeks ago is showing RT3 as 14 (10-24) and the ratio as 16.37 (Normal >15). I have, however, come across information that says that an ideal ratio is higher than 20.
RT3 ratio aside, what the same test results show however, is that my FT4 -13.2 (12-22) and FT3- 3.52 (3.1-6.8) are hardly optimal. In fact, lower than they have been for several years and not helped by the fact that about 6 weeks ago I had to deal with a GP in the practice other than my usual GP and despite the fact that my FT4 and FT3 weren't even half way up the range at that point, he lowered my dose because he wanted to normalise my TSH, which at that point was 0.02 (0.27-4.2). I knew what would happen, my FT4 and FT3 have subsequently dropped and my TSH hasn't budged. By the time he lowers my dose sufficiently to "normalise" my TSH I'll be half dead! So that's not happening!!! I understand that because I take a combo of T4 and T3 my TSH will be suppressed. Is it also the case that the it takes longer than 6 weeks for the TSH to normalise anyway??
At the moment I am horribly, horribly hypo and all over the place! I also think my thyroid is looking a bit enlarged (I have Hashimoto's so understand that this might happen). I can't feel any lumps it just looks generally bigger. I was called into the surgery at one point so that GP could feel my glands etc. but it may as well have been a telephone appointment as there was no way that GP was coming anywhere near me as we both sat at opposite ends of the room fully masked up.
I have finally managed to arrange a telephone appointment this coming Weds with my usual GP. She hasn't worried about my low TSH over the last several years as my FT3 and FT4 have always been very comfortably in range. I received a letter from the surgery to book an appointment obviously because the other chap is still intent on normalising my TSH, but when I speak to my usual GP on Weds I am going to suggest quite the opposite that I am not over-medicated but under-medicated.
Previously I took 75mcg T4 and just 10mcg T3 daily. I am tiny (very petite and light) and this relatively small dose was doing the trick for a number of years. However, for the last 5 months I have felt increasingly hypo. Because I have to DIO2 polymorphism (from both parents, hence limited conversion of T4-T3) I am wondering whether it is time to try something different. I am wondering whether to suggest staying on the 50mcg T4 (as suggested by the gp that wants to normalise my TSH) but increasing the T3 in 5mcg increments. So in the first instance that would be 50mcg T4 and 15 mcg T3 (taken in split dose) daily, and see if I start to notice a difference. And, would be interesting to see if this improves the RT3/T3 ratio to something a bit more optimal??
All other things - diet (strictly gluten/dairy free) paleo/autoimmune, crucial vitamin levels are better than they have ever been. Ferritin did drop but is on it's way back up with regular consumption of liver etc etc.
Sorry for the ramble, really struggling to order my thoughts. Had three goes at spelling"variety" earlier on in the post! That's not me.....
Feeling very much at the end of my tether and feeling very fragile emotionally. I really don't want to be referred to an endo as 1) I will probably have to wait fro this appointment and I want to start now trying to turn things around, and 2) I am afraid that an endo will probably take me straight off the T3 (I do get it on the NHS at the moment) and myself and my usual GP had been doing OK on our own for the last several years.
Still rambling....Any help gratefully received.