Has anyone who is currently euthyroid (normal thyroid function range) but with positive thyroid antibodies, taken low dose levothyroxine to help prevent miscarriage, starting 1 month before transfer? If so, when you stopped, did your thyroid function return to normal range or did you become dependent on levothyroxine, even after pregnancy?
Low dose levothyroxine with positive antibodies... - Thyroid UK
Low dose levothyroxine with positive antibodies but euthyroid to prevent miscarriage

I cannot answer your query but these links may be helpful.
Thanks. I’m not hypothyroid. I did venture into hyperthyroid last year with a temporary thyroiditis. It is more arhat my TgAB are consistently high. This is one of the studies linked:
Thanks for the link you posted above: I hadn’t read that study. Very informative.
I’m afraid I can’t help you with your question but out of curiosity, what is your TSH, FT4 and FT3?

Looking at previous posts you have PA and your Dad has Graves’ disease
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
When were vitamin D, folate and ferritin levels last tested
Your thyroid results show you are under medicated
How much levothyroxine are you currently taking
I’m not on any thyroid medication, those are my natural thyroid levels. Vitamin D and iron are fine. My D was 79 last teared and I’ve upped to 3,000IU per day. My ferritin was over 150. They are proposing 50mg temporarily to help prevent risk of miscarriage due to positive TgAB.
To me, 50mg is a high dose considering your test results, which are good. Your antibodies are very low. Something similar has been suggested to my sister but her antibodies were in the 400 and TSH around 3, and she has started with 25mg. She did have symptoms thought. She is looking for pregnancy now. She has also been given a iodine supplementation which I personally believe is mistaken as it will increase her TSH and her need for more medication, but hey I¨m not a doctor and she won´t listen to me....
If you start taking medication it can happen that you can or you can´t stop it afterwards. If you can´t its because you needed it.
You could give it a try and start with 25mg, but I believe it won´t change antibodies much. If it makes you feel better, it can also help with your natural progesterone production.
An anti-inflammatory diet can help with improving auto-inmunity, thus decreasing antibodies. But yours are low already. That could be another option. (no sugar, no processed food, no dairy, no gluten...). I would surely go for that independently of taking medication or not.
Good luck!! Keep us informed