Has anyone else developed high blood sugar because of Hypothyroidism and do the drugs reverse it?
Raised blood sugar and Hypothyroidism - Thyroid UK
Raised blood sugar and Hypothyroidism

Raised blood sugar suggests that you are suffering from some form of diabetes or metabolic syndrome :
There is some suggestion that being hypothyroid increases your risk for type 2 diabetes, and possibly vice-versa.
But once you've developed either metabolic syndrome or diabetes I don't think there is much chance that treating hypothyroidism will be sufficient to put metabolic syndrome or diabetes into remission.
I forgot to ask...
Are you taking statins? They definitely increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes, and they won't increase your life span at all.
Hi and thanks for reply. My blood sugar showed pre diabetes, not actual diabetes. Also Ive always had low blood sugar up until recently, getting the shakes when i haven't eaten enough protein etc. So its definitely a recent problem. Ive never read that statins increase your risk of D2??? How do they do this, do you know?
Ive never read that statins increase your risk of D2??? How do they do this, do you know?
You might find the information you want from this thread on another forum :
I'm afraid I don't know the mechanics behind statins increasing the risk of diabetes.

High cholesterol linked to being hypothyroid
Statins not recommended
Statins and type 2 diabetes
Hi Chicadee
I was diagnosed hypothyroid (Hashimoto's) 13 years ago, by chance and take 75mcg levothyroxine. At the time, I don't know what my Hba 1c level was, or whether they even tested for it. However, more recently, when I was having a range of blood tests (and now always get a printout anyway - thanks to this forum!), my Hba 1c was 41, which was the top end of normal - despite me eating a low sugar diet and doing lots of exercise.
Since then, it has always hovered around this point - the lowest has been 39 and the highest 42, which is technically into the pre-diabetic range. Throughout lockdown, I have lost half a stone, mainly by cooking every single meal from scratch and knowing exactly what I am eating, including even lower carb than usual. I was therefore interested to see what my latest test would be (it is a measure of how much glucose attaches itself to red blood cells over roughly the last three months). 40! I was disappointed, yet also pleased that it is not my 'bad' diet /lifestyle as some doctors might assume. (Let's say I was someone with a reading of 47 and had been asked to try and lower it through diet. Ate extremely healthily and only saw a reduction of 1-2 points. I'm sure the doctor wouldn't have been impressed!)
I have done some research via google etc and found that because Hashi's is auto-immune, and so is diabetes, there are correlations.
But in response to your question, I am not sure whether levothyroxine would necessarily lower the blood sugar.
Thanks for taking the time to reply! I’m totally ignorant of what “Hba 1c” is! I know the GP said my blood reading was 46 and if it got to 48 I think it is, it would be diabetic.
I’m confused as my friends diabetic blood prick test read normal 2 hours after food (7.7). What the difference in these two types of readings I don’t have a clue so am confused!
Don't feel you're ignorant! I think this is something that has only relatively recently started to be tested, and my retired pharmacist friend hadn't even heard of it. As you say, 46 does put you in the pre-diabetic range, and 48 onwards is actually diabetic. Did your doctor suggest going on the Diabetes Prevention Programme ? It was launched a few years ago but may not be in all areas of the country. It would definitely be advantageous for you to try to lower it, but as I said in my previous post, there may well be several factors as to why it is high and which might make it more difficult to lower it.
The blood prick test your friend did is to see what the glucose level (and this will be on a separate scale to Hba1c) is 2 hours after eating, measuring how efficiently your body deals with the glucose rise that happens. I have never had this done.
Did they also test your fasting glucose? This is a more common test and mine has always been very good - even though my Hba1c is always relatively high. I can never understand the discrepancy!
But definitely worth following up with your GP.
thanks again Kacey. my doctor just told me I was pre diabetic and didnt even tell me the blood reading, let alone give me any other information!! I saw another doctor yesterday and still no further forward. he just kept saying everything I already knew. which isnt much! I haven't had a fasting blood test, just the original test for thyroid which showed up my high blood sugar. considering I now have a life long condition, I am amazed at how little information the Doctors are willing to give me. i was just told 'you are a textbook case. take these pills and come back in 8 weeks for another blood test' So I am feeling frustrated!
I’m the same as you - mildly hypothyroid and with borderline high (40) blood sugar. And like you I try to eat a good diet - plenty of veg, no sugar, carbs maybe a bit more than I should eat but mostly in the form of whole meal versions. My cholesterol is also high. As I’m in the early stages of hypothyroid treatment I’m hoping the cholesterol will come down by itself, but I’m told the blood sugar will not be affected by thyroid meds, only by diet.
My GP wants to discuss my taking a statin - but is not interested in my vitamin levels (some have been quite low), and hasn’t offered any diet help. I know there’s a prediabetes programme in my area but GP hasn’t mentioned that either.
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