Eye floaters and blurry vision: Has anyone with... - Thyroid UK

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Eye floaters and blurry vision

Luci20 profile image
49 Replies

Has anyone with hypothyroidism had eye floaters, eye pains and blurred vision sometimes with headaches and sometimes without? I think these are connected to my under active thyroid and wanted to see if anyone has had anything similar?

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Luci20 profile image
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49 Replies
Fruitandnutcase profile image

It could be migraines but to be honest I’d go and see a good optician ASAP and get checked out in case it is anything more serious.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toFruitandnutcase

Hi thanks for your reply. I had an eye test yesterday and there is nothing seriously wrong with my eyes. I was told I need to wear glasses as I am short sighted but this has only started recently and I think it’s connected to my thyroid as it started happening at the same time my thyroid flipped from being overactive to seriously under active again.

SPD1 profile image


i have had floaters for donkeys years but i think it's just part of the ageing process, however, i developed a few very different floaters about 9 months ago, very small, jet black whereas usual floaters for me are more grey in colour, seem to be in one eye only as well where the usual grey ones are in both eyes. I have had a thorough check with photos of the back of the eyes etc at opticians and they said it's nothing to be too unduly worried about, apparently people can have all sorts of different amounts, shapes, colours.

I have developed all sorts of issues over the last 2 years or so and i have noticed that blurred vision can come and go, good days and bad, particularly if i am tired or not slept well, also different light can affect clarity of vision. i noticed when i had to change brand of thyroxine that it definitely affected how clear my vision was for a few days so for me thyroxine and thyroid management can definitely affect me having blurred vision.

I very occasionally get migraines but without the pain, i just get the shimmering halo affect in one or both eyes for about half an hour.

Hope that helps.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toSPD1

Hi thanks for your response. That does help. My floaters seem to mainly be in one eye too and I have had days when it seems to be worse and then I have had the odd day where my eyes seem more normal.

SPD1 profile image
SPD1 in reply toLuci20

I have days when its worse than others, it seems particularly more noticeable when its a really bright day and light.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toSPD1

That’s the same for me. I find my eyes are really sensitive to the light.

helvella profile image

Many of us have floaters. Mine are worse in my right eye. They vary from day to day.

It is well-known that there are many factors involved including which way up your head is while asleep. But I am convinced that hypothyroidism, maybe thyroid hormone in general – over as well as under - is a fundamental issue.

Some days, I don’t notice at all for the whole day. Other days, I am continually getting annoyed by them and rubbing my eyes, or flicking my vision to another target, just in order to reduce their impact. None of these things really help but they become a combination of habit and feeling that you must try something!

I am short-sighted and have been since about age 8. I do find that my ability to focus varies. (I often prefer not to wear my glasses and there are days I cope well. Other times I don’t.) But I always wear glasses for driving – mad not to even though I think I might just pass the distant number plate test in good, bright conditions.

I rarely get headaches but if my eyes are not function so well, a headache is more likely.

I do sometimes get migraines. Not a painful one in many years but an ocular migraine – strong aura and mild other symptoms.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply tohelvella

Hi thanks for your reply. Mine are worse in my left eye. I think I might have to get glasses too at least to just wear on the days where my eyes are bad.

BShankly profile image

Hi Luci20 I started to get noticeable floaters and blurred vision in the morning at the exact same time I was diagnosed with a UAT a few months ago. This also coincided with being sensitive to light and dry eyes... which led to a mild pain in my left eye.

I went to an optician who did lots of tests and assured me there was nothing serious going on but that I would need glasses.

At 47 that's not surprising but I feel Hypothyroidism has definitely effected my eyes and sight (amongst other things).

Hope that's of some help?

Wishing you good health.


Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toBShankly

Hi thanks for your reply. Yes that does help. I think my eye problems have started at the same time I was diagnosed but have been on and off depending on my thyroid level. Recently they have suddenly got a lot worse and I got the eye floaters at the same time my thyroid flipped from being over to super under active.

A1icia profile image

I had eye problems, floaters blurred vision and migraines when living in a water damaged/ mouldy house. My vision got worse. My thyroid bloods went haywire. Things have improved on all fronts since leaving that house.

Lillywing profile image

My mum had very under active thyroid and complained about eye floaters a lot.

Mmoore67 profile image

Hi, I suffer with them a lot. I also struggle some days when looking at my computer screen there's black blobs and I can't read documents on there properly. Optician said I had mites in my eyelashes and advised me to use eye wipes regularly which do help. Also gave me some cream fir floaters but said it would make my vision blurred so not used yet. You can buy the wipes in Superdrug.

Localhero profile image

Hi Luci20

I weirdly had a problem with some really bad floaters right after I was diagnosed and started taking Levo. I couldn’t see properly in my left eye - it was like looking at the world through a snow globe. I ended up in the eye casualty department seeing an ophthalmologist and having emergency laser surgery for what turned out to be a torn retina. All the medics said this was just an aging thing and completely unrelated to my thyroid but I’ve never been convinced.

Gjeilo profile image

I had bad floaters for many years. The optician said nothing could be done about them although my eyes were otherwise healthy. Oddly, they started to disappear when I increased my D3 supplements. It might be a coincidence but possibly worth a try.

MegTee profile image

Floaters are really common most people have them as they get older. Always get them checked if they are accompanied by flashing lights and or visual loss. People can become short sighted suddenly hypo or not, blurred vision well comes with being short sighted personally speaking if I am tired my vision isn't so sharp but you could be experiencing a migrane speak to your GP about it and the eye pain tell them you have seen an optom.

Dry eye disease (there are three types) can cause floaters as the mucin forms into debris clutters and strings and breaks away to float across the surface of the eye.

One of the things that can help is using preservative free eye drops such as Hyloforte.

Also your optician may not have specifically tested you for dry eye disease unless they dropped anaesthetic in and watched the tear surface, run a blink test etc. Did they do these tests to check your eyes aren’t too dry? You would have been asked to sign something after if they used the anaesthetic drop so you would know. And also asked to not blink for as long as possible while they watch the tear film cross the surface between blinks.

I have Sjögren’s amongst other autoimmunity so am extra vigilant but using preservative free artificial tears, vitamin E ointment at night (Hylonight) and using a heated eye mask for 15 minutes daily and massaging around the eyelids to release the meibomiam glands seems to help me avoid floaters, sharp eye pain or headaches now.

m7-cola profile image
m7-cola in reply to

Thanks for this information. Very helpful.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply to

Hi thanks for your reply. The optician didn’t test my eyes to see if they were dry. I think my eyes are dry though as they have felt itchy at times. I have being using eye drops which helps.

in reply toLuci20

Oh for goodness sake that’s so remiss of optician! Mind you I had to ask about this about ten years ago and the optician replied that I was too young (mid 40s) to have seriously dry eyes. But then he tested and seemed shocked to find I had no tears at all. This can cause incredible pain and vision issues and cornieal abrasions so it’s worth going back and pestering for a dry eye test. And please make sure that drops you use are preservative free.

Kandahar profile image
Kandahar in reply to

What a load of old rubbish! I have had dry eyes for as long as I can remember, but from at least when I got my first contact lenses at the age of 20. Have to use drops all the time but can’t use ointments because I wear lenses that you sleep in.

When I’m under medicated on t3 (no Levo) my eyes are very dry and so is my mouth and nose. It’s a really good test of whether I’ve found the correct dose. Well, for the time being anyway!

Seem to think I’ve had floaters for as long as I remember . Now, with cataracts developing in both eyes, but worse in right, I have more shadows and extra floaters!

Miffie profile image

I have had floaters for years. The Eye Hospital where I was sent several years ago told me the danger signs to look out for and that these could come on at anytime. Many people have floaters have floaters for decades and they are causing no harm whatsoever.

It seems our bodies do manages by and large to ifnore them over time. I must admit reading this post has made me notice mine again. I also have Blepharitis which causes pain and cloudy vision.

I had my cataracts removed about ten years ago, I still need specs but they put in +6 lenses which means I can buy more styles and do not need the lenses ground down. Saves a fair bit.

I have always had an underactive thyroid and never think floaters ar down to that as I know so many people who have similar issues with no thyroid problems at all . Take care.

Beereesh profile image

I used to have blurry vision in the evening, like I had vaseline on my eyes, it stopped me from reading. After Levo was raised it doesn’t happen anymore.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toBeereesh

Hi thanks for your reply. It sometimes feels like I have Vaseline in my eyes too. I think I may need an increase in levo as I have been noticing my hands and feet have been numb again which I have when my thyroid is under active so hopefully if I increase my dosage it will help.

teen17 profile image

Hi yes l suffer the same symptoms you do. I also get a stabbing pain in my right eye which feels like someone has suck a needle though my eye ball. My Optician said they are Eye Migraines which are not the same as headache ones. I also get burst blood vessels on my eye they look very scary but thankfully look worse than they are.

malohant profile image

I've also had floaters for years but over the past few weeks/months (possibly when I went up to 100mcg levo, possible since then, can't remember) my eyes have been getting more sensitive to light... Have also infrequently had what sound like others' descriptions of ocular migraines, seeing shimmering halos or auras, for years - maybe once or twice a year at most frequent. Have been thinking about getting my eyes checked if it continues much longer.

Iambremaec profile image

Hi Luci20, I have Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in my early 20’s and then after having the left half of my thyroid removed in my mid to late 50’s I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism. There were multiple nodules in both sides of my thyroid but the ones in the left side were suspicious for cancer. Thank God the results came back negative for cancer. Now I’m fixing to turn 64 and I’ve been diagnosed with Narrow Angle Eyes. I was diagnosed around 4-5 years ago with cataracts and I’ve been seeing all kinds of floaters. Black and/or yellow spots, red flashes, squiggly light purple or yellow lines and even skeleton looking faces lately. Being told I have Narrow Angle eyes is the scariest because the doctor said the angle on my eyes could collapse and it would be very painful and I would go blind. The ophthalmologist said they couldn’t dilate my eyes because that could immediately make my eyes collapse. I am having my first cataract surgery on my left in September and the doctor said she would have to dilate my eye but that if it collapsed she would be able to fix it while I was on the table and after the left eye heals she will do the right eye. I don’t know if any of this helps you with information but I wish you all the best. May God bless you!

I am also very sensitive to light.

I also have had migraines daily for many years. Sorry to keep updating my post but memory problems also come with my condition.

DarcyJ profile image

Hi Luci20, I been getting floaters for years. It starts like the room is getting darker and then the flash show and floaters being. Kind of like a strobe light. Usually starts in my right eye and has to pass over from (R) to (L) in my eye. I used to get a migraine with it but haven't in sometime? Very thankful for that. I have found stress bring them on more. And when it happens it usually happens a couple more times in the next few days. I might go months without having another one and then bam! I've talked to a few doctor's and they don't know what the cause is. One said I might be allergic to an odor or fragrance? My optician says everything is good with my eyes. So it's a mystery to me what the cause is? I have been hypo for over 30 yrs. and was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease this passed year. I usually lay down with a cloth over my eyes when it happens. Just try to de-stress. Good luck to you and God bless!!

giggy63 profile image

Hi, i have suffered for yrs with dry eyes and floaters, after much research i use maxifocus ay good health naturally! My eyes are much better, bit expensive but last ages, make sure to use them under tongue everyday. Worth a try and works for me. Reviews am brill too.

I have trouble with night vision in my left eye only and it started right after I went from being seriously overmedicated to now under medicated. Since going hypo do not see clearly in dimly-lit rooms and at night I see halos around bright lights. I have read a good bit about this and it seems these eye issues like this should improve when your thyroid levels are corrected.

yogi61 profile image

Hello, yes have gone from a rarity of any headaches up to 3 yrs ago to now strong headaches and in the past couple months blurred vision in left eye. Recently went to optician and found out I have at 58, the vision of an 85yr old because of a cataract. That was 3 weeks ago and now waiting on an op at Addenbrookes via fast track.. My partner is a nutrionist and she believes my past of smoking (quit about 5 yrs ago) and high sugar snacks could be a contributor to cataracts at an earlier age.. Really hoping the op will relieve the headaches, but also have had insomnia for approximately a couple years now and assumed that was the source of the headaches... Best of luck with sorting as damn do the headaches wear you down rapidly....

Lleggy profile image

My friend, who doesn't have an underactive thyroid condition, was having visual problems. Couple of visits to optician identified nothing. Eventually, blood test showed low iron. Problems resolved when she was given a course of iron tablets. Might be worth asking your GP to check, if that's not been done already :-)

styleweddings profile image

I find that if my T4 is not converting to T3 that well, then my vision is worse. After thyrodectomy I was put on T3 only until I had RAI and my vision came back to normal and did not need classes. My GP said that is because thyroid hormones affect the shape of your eye and with T3 only I was getting what the body needed so the shape and lense fitted in the correct place. Since I have been put on T4 my sight is all over the place and never as good as when on T3 only. No one listerns to me and I have made a chart from my blood tests results. When the T4 to T3 conversion is good my eyesight improves. So, it looks like it goes for most of you, if you are tired and not converting enough T4 then your eyesight suffers.

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply tostyleweddings

They will literally do anything and ignore anything to stop us from getting T3 won't they? You didn't need glasses on T3, but they make you take T4 and mess up your eyesight!

ON72 profile image

Hi, if this helps at all when my T3 is below 4.5 I get visual distrbunce like spots, dots and floaters too. It usually towards the end of the day. I asked my endro about this and he said the visual distrbunce is due to Thyroid hormones not being balanced. I hope this helps.

atlantis44 profile image

Yes i had eye floaters and also my vision went odd for only about 30 secs with eye pain and a headache when my thyroid was very underactive. No idea what caused it and my GP didn't know either as she knows very little about thyroids. Could not find any cause.

Oldbar profile image

You might have Ted's eye pain light sensitive and watering eyes and gritty feeling

LesMoore profile image

2 of my most disturbing symptoms prior to being diagnosed with Hashimoto's was (1) general itchiness and rashes that popped up in random areas of my body and (2) eye floaters. When I adhere to a strict diet, these symptoms are GREATLY reduced.

The 2 dietary themes that seem to make a difference are (1) Leaky Gut prevention and (2) Low Sugar.

I believe that "bad bacteria" that thrive in the intestinal tract and feed off sugar are thriving to such an extent that they escape out of the intestinal tract and into my blood stream and rest of body to wreak havoc. I'm not sure if this caused my Hashimoto's or is a result of my Hashimoto's

Therefore, I think if you adhere to a strict diet designed to prevent Leaky Gut and minimize sugar intake, you might see some benefits. This is just an opinion based on my own experiences.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toLesMoore

Hi thanks for your reply. I started getting none stop acid reflux around the same time as the eye problems started which was when my thyroid had flipped from being over to super under active. My GP thinks it’s gastritis but it still hasn’t gone yet so this defiantly could be making my eyes worse.

LesMoore profile image

I had a lot of acid reflux, too, when my symptoms were at there worst. Gastroenterologist recommended proton-pump inhibitors like Prilosec instead of simple dietary changes. This is where conventional medicine utterly fails. I used to take antacids every day, now I never take them, and I was able to accomplish this with purely dietary changes. I believe that the antacids somehow contribute to "leaky gut" and bacterial overgrowth and are best avoided. I have tried to eliminate stuff like Gluten, Soy, Sugar, etc. and when I am being disciplined, I usually feel much better. I think drastic dietary changes are one of the most important things to do. Although I love tomato sacue and orange juice, I have tried to cut both of those out of my diet due to high acidity and sugar content. I also tried to cut out cow's milk and replace with coconut milk. More recently, unfortunately, I have lost some discipline and slipped into some of those bad eating habits and felt worse as a result.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toLesMoore

I have been prescribed lansoprazole and have been taking it for 4 weeks now but it hasn’t worked with getting rid of my acid reflux. I don’t really want to be taking it for any longer but my doctor has advised me to take it for another 4 weeks. I want to try diet changes but I keep trying to find gluten free alternatives but haven’t liked anything! Have you found any good gluten free bread and pasta?

Kandahar profile image
Kandahar in reply toLuci20

There is a lot on this site about people with hypothyroidism having low acid stomachs which can appear to cause acid reflux.

I took strong ibuprofen for many years for arthritis and because I wasn’t given an antacid, the acid reflux burnt my oesophagus. Not that I was ever aware that I had acid reflux!

For about seven years I took Omeprazole but still had a bad throat. Then I read about low acid stomach (something I had back in the 90s). So I gave up Omeprazole and only use Gaviscon when very occasionally needed. This just puts a calming layer on top of the stomach contents, while antacids stop the body making acid - something that is desperately needed for the body to extract nutrition from our food.

Now I’m waiting to see if my cholesterol results have improved now that I seem to be feeling better on t3. Have read on here that that should happen.

So, good luck to all here, whatever needs to get better with your thyroid!

LesMoore profile image
LesMoore in reply toLuci20

I have found some gluten free substitutes for bread and pasta. Some are excellent, some are pretty bad. Also, I live in the United States, so I don't know if these will be available to you depending where you live.

Pasta substitutes: Miracle Noodle is made of konjack root. They are very healthy but very disappointing in texture (rubbery). I haven't had these for awhile but I might try and get back into them.


Also, there are riced vegetables such as cauliflower rice, veggie spirals, etc. where you are eating vegetables instead of starch. Not as delicious but much more healthy. Maybe alternative with regular pasta.

Gluten Free Bread: Here, I have a found a delicious product that might be too good to be true. It is made by Base Culture in Sarasota, Florida. These breads are DELICIOUS. Almost taste too good to be true.


So, basically, I'm 1 for 2 in terms of finding good substitutes.

Debon profile image

I have floaters. I don't know how old you are, but it's normal to have them after age 55. I had 3 ophthalmologists tell me it's more common in nearsighted people (myopia) as they age. They aren't dangerous and eventually they float out of sight. (if they don't you can have them zapped with a laser) As for the headaches, yes I suffered them when my dose was not high enough. I had low TSH and every endo wanted to cut my dose until I was a sick mess. My current endo lets me go with how I feel and she doesn't even look at TSH in my case.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toDebon

Hi thanks for your reply. I am 26 years old so I am thinking the floaters could be down to my thyroid being under active and I am hoping they will go when this is sorted.

Angelic69 profile image

Have your estrogen levels checked. Could you be starting your menopause.

Luci20 profile image
Luci20 in reply toAngelic69

Hi thanks for your reply. I am 26 years old so defiantly not going through the menopause just yet! I defiantly think it’s down to my thyroid as this is currently super under active.

Angelic69 profile image

Our entire endocrine system is related and if one hormone isn't working, especially the thyroid, most definitely your others will be effected too. Thyroid and estrogen are closely related. Estrogen can cause tsh to shoe false high result for hypothyroidism.

Jamienic1 profile image

Does anyone even think that what is being sprayed out of planes in an absolutely massive quantity day in day out since first lock down Apparently its an attempt to dim the sun and cut co2 which we need more of not less

ie barium, aluminium, heavy metals check out geoengineering dane Wigginton

This is having a serious effect on everyone's health including all our children you said it above thyroid endocrine systems autism adhd the list goes on Certainly causes floaters in eyes, and thyroid meds not to convert t4 to t3 I see a massive increase in thyroid related issues on here which I've researched for years cold hands cold feet anxiety panic attacks not sleeping waking up 2am 4am I see it all and they are all related to metal toxicity

I think you'd be very surprised just how many planes are in the sky in uk

In peak district you'd hear the occasional plane but now you constantly hear planes non stop becomes cloudy quickly its been proven jet planes shouldn't leave a contrails yet they are leaving them for miles across the sky's

its killing the forests rapidly another few weeks and they will be dead that means very low oxygen levels

70ft evergreen trees are dying from the ground up and the tops and just snapping off trees falling all over they are a mess and something seriously toxic is killing them and they are right next to most peoples water supply the reservoirs!!They are polluted with metal stereates this is what is making us all feel not well

It's time to all come together and start asking some questions to our mps governments etc

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