Hi all, thought I'd give you all a bit of an update. No bloods yet - waiting till December.
Thank you all for your help. I never felt good on levo. And the more I took, the worse I felt.
I got a private prescription from my Endo. And got the T3 from Germany.
I was on 100mg levo. I tried to do what my endo said (25mg levo in the morning + 10mg T3 twice day) but it was too much change. Felt awful and my vertigo really kicked in. So now I'm taking 75mg levo in the morning and 5mg T3 twice daily.
Yesterday I went swimming. Only managed half an hour and I took it easy. And today I actually felt good. (Before I was punished the day after I did any exercise.)
My head fog is clearing and I can actually think!!!
I always thought it was normal to have a post lunch slump - to the point where it was utter torture to stay awake. Over the last few years it's got worse and worse. But today I could concentrate. A little sleepy but totally copeable (totally made that word up).
It's early days still of course and I still do have other symptoms. But yey!