Whilst on 100mg (apparently I am 'borderline'(?)) I had quad muscles like string. Walking upstairs really hurt and as for struggling up a Scottish mountain carrying heavy camera equipment, that brought tears to my eyes. Then I read the advice - here I think - to fast before a blood test and not take my dose that morning. Hey presto, they upped my dose to 125mg. But I still say and do stupid things. Sometimes I am a complete idiot. I awake in the night in a sweat thinking of a daft act or remark I have made the day before. And I used to be so smart...I mourn the part of me that died when I contracted hypothyroidism...
Muscle weakness on 100mg: Whilst on 100mg... - Thyroid UK
Muscle weakness on 100mg

You could still be undermedicated. You need to post your blood results on here. If your GP has only done TSH and FT4 that will give an indication but you really need FT3 done at the same time. FT3 is the hormone that all parts of the body uses. Low FT3 is what causes the symptoms. You also need to have optimal vitamin levels.

How long since dose was increased to 125mg Levothyroxine?
Do you always get same brand of Levothyroxine?
Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after any dose change
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also important to regularly retest vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if Thyroid antibodies are raised
What vitamin supplements do you currently take?
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)
Last Levothyroxine dose should be 24 hours prior to test, (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
Private tests are available. Thousands on here forced to do this as NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies or all vitamins
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have special offers, Medichecks usually have offers on Thursdays, Blue Horizon its more random
Come back with new post once you get results and ranges
I'm exactly the same as you. My memory is terrible. My mistakes haunt me too. I do the most stupid ditszy things. I'm worried about Alzheimer's . My blood results are high enough I can't blame them.
I'm so cross with myself today my decisions are terrible....
Sorry to hear this Mary. As a child I read 5 books a week (maximum library limit) now I can read only a few pages at a time as I have no concentration for the written word. However my memory is still exceptionally good, ensuring I don't forget the stupid ideas I have come up with. At least now I know to sit on them rather than share them, just in case.
I am going to get a private blood test as suggested on here. At least now my muscles are a bit stronger and I don't get joint pain on 125mg. But I still have to wear long socks and gloves in bed and have my electric under blanket on except for the hottest of summer nights.
I'll fast before my next test as no way are they reducing me back to 100mg like they did before, despite my protestations. I had hypothyroidism for 6 months before returning to the doctor's about my deteriorating health. 'Oh look, you appear to have an under-active thyroid, why didn't we tell you?' said the Dr. I immediately thought 'Why didn't they tell me?' rather than 'WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME???" I was so dozy I didn't think to ask what my blood results had shown and just left it...and so had the Dr.
Not impressed with the NHS care for this condition. I wonder if it is because it is middle-aged women who are mostly at risk.
Thanks Feebs yes I read lots but have no concentration and a very unreliable memory. It's annoying that I learn so many interesting things but I don't retain much.
I would advise the thyroid ultra test so that you get vit D tested too and I would request the doctors tests printouts and compare.
I take Magnesium Citrate so that I go! Have you tried it, I use two Solgar tablets at night, I 'go' to the loo next morning and it definitely helps me sleep. I think it helps muscles too.
Have you tried CoQ10 for muscle energy? I don't know if it's muscle, ligaments or tendons but something has gone very tight and feels too short when I do my yoga class once a week, feels very painful to do some stretching the leg exercises. I keep hoping I will remember to take all my correct supplements at the right time in the correct quantities then I might get back to being me.....
I usually feel freezing too but that has improved lately, when I did my basal temperature it was not too far below normal for the first time in years.
Good luck, we must keep our peckers up. 😀
Hi, thanks for your reply. I take 4 packs of fibregel a day otherwise I would have a problem. I can't leave the house until I've been! I might try the Mg citrate. I used to get awoken in the night with excruciating shin pain. I told the Dr and he said 'what do you expect if you are exercising' I said 'I am asleep in bed'. He still didn't think anything of it. Numbskull 😀
Hey, I was just cheering for the wrong team!!! Talk about an idiot!
Taking the hormone is not the end of it I'm afraid. After a year and a few setbacks (particularly my first winter for have since learned that some up their dose to compensate for lack of sunlight (talk to GP first) ) I decided to get fitter. I took up tennis again. The first time I played I fell asleep in my car in the parking lot and could barely walk. Now I am playing 4 times a week. Most importantly I have my evenings back as before even on levo from 5pm I was on descent into sleepy coma and often in bed by 8/9. Now I am regularly awake at 10 or 11. I might try new years eve this year for first time in 4 years!
Whoa, New Years Eve! That's crazy talk.
I do manage to stay up for special occasions, but I'm generally in bed by 9/10 though I often read until I feel drowsy.
i totally understand...^❤