Has anyone tried slippery elm powder for acid reflux or inflammation?
Does it work well?
Has anyone tried slippery elm powder for acid reflux or inflammation?
Does it work well?
Slippery Elm is great when you are ill and can't eat anything else. It will keep you going. And it doesn't upset a stomach. But I don't think that it will cure anything.
For acid reflux etc, get you gut in order. The best way that I have found is to take probiotics, and Water Kefir is the cheapest and in my opinion, nicest way to do that.
There have been quite a few posts on here about slippery elm - generally reaction seems positive. Not tried it myself
Search facility is poor as only brings up few as search doesn't pick up posts that are ticked for Thyroid forum only
I’ve found slippery elm really helpful with stomach upsets and reflux
I have found slippery elm one of the best "cures" ever!
Slippery Elm is God's gift to any stomach problem , also agree pro biotics help . You could also look up apple cider vinegar .
Please search Dgl supplement.