Somewhat off-topic but potentially of considerable relevance.
One of the huge advantages of HU is that to a large extent it is possible to separate your existence here from your real name, real life and any other existence on "social media". At least, if you are reasonably careful not to post under your real name (or a name you use elsewhere) and avoid posting information the helps identify you.
I doubt many of us can separate ourselves as members of a facebook health forum from our other selves as general "social" members. (Seems likely to me that facebook might have a very good idea you are the same person even of you use two separate facebook identities.)
Facebook 'failed to protect’ health data in private groups
The way Facebook interacts with users is "unfair, deceptive and misleading", according to a complaint lodged with US regulators.
The Federal Trade Commission was told the company had failed to protect the privacy of those in patient health and other groups.
Some users may have been exposed to "life-threatening privacy violations", the complaint says.
Facebook told BBC News it was "not an anonymous platform".
The privacy of Facebook groups was brought into question last year when members of a restricted-access Facebook group for women with the Brca gene mutation discovered that their details could be downloaded by third parties.
'Privacy roulette'
While Facebook has made changes to close security loopholes, the complaint says that, under US law, the social media giant should have notified users of the downloading of their data.
"Facebook did not notify affected users within the required 60 days and we believe that Facebook has not notified the FTC of the breach within the required 10 business days," it says.
Using Facebook patient health groups is "effectively a game of privacy roulette in which users are unable to know in advance which 'connections' will hurt them by downloading the data from posts in closed and secret groups", it says.
The complaint also raises concerns about malicious users creating groups that target a vulnerable population before "being leveraged to expose Facebook users to life-threatening privacy violations".