I’m 2 and half weeks after total thyroidectomy and although incision healing well I have considerable swelling still just below it. Incision not red or infected. It feels uncomfortable to touch, like size of golf ball and seems to swell even more when touched making it odd to swallow.is this normal? I have my post op on Friday but it’s worrying me so I’d thought I’d ask you all beforehand. I was going to take a photo but didn’t want to put people off their breakfast!
Lump or swelling after thyroidectomy - Thyroid UK
Lump or swelling after thyroidectomy

I had a cervical neck fusion c5 c6 the doctor somehow cut tissue by my thyroid or goiter i have had this problem years before neck surgery .I had this feeling for some time after my surgery. I don't know about your swelling I took along time to heal and the scar tissue was horrible I think it was the hardest surgery to recovery because its always being irritated from food. Check it out for sure I think you need more time to heal
Hi after my partial thyroidectomy it took a good few weeks for the swelling and pain and discomfort to subside I also used bio oil on the scar tissue to minimise the scar as for swallowing it was uncomfortable for a while but normally disappears eventually. I was told by my endo you have to heal internally also you mentioned that you have a post op appointment soon voice your concerns to him I hope you feel better soon hugs x
Thank you for this. I ended up in A and E via docs as they couldn’t understand why the choking feeling or dizziness etc. Anyway im back out having had some very limited bloods done. I will ask more questions on Friday during my post op appointment.
Hi sorry to here you ended up in A & E hope things ease for you sooner rather than later the surgeon never informed me how absolutely awful I'd feel afterwards he acted like I'd feel fine in a few days which is rubbish. Never ignore your gut feelings on how you feel and if you think you'll forget things to ask when you see your endo questions or just exactly how your feeling write it down that's what I should of done. I went to my appointment and forgot most of what I was going to ask or say please let us know how you get on if that's ok.
Sorry to hear you too were unwell after surgery. It was odd not have any after care info to take home with after surgery, even a sentence regarding what to expect would have been good. I didn’t say much at the time as I knew all I needed to do was ask on this brilliant platform. The knowledge and experience here is amazing and I’m so grateful as I’m sure everyone is. Thank you for your help and yes I will write a list for Friday.