I have been diagnosed with De Quervain 8 month ago.
I have been diagnosed with De Quervain 8 month ago.
Hi. I read that you have been in the forum for a while but this is your first post so welcome!
To be honest I have t a clue about your diagnosis but I have heard the name. I suspect many others are the same so that's why you haven't had any replies. Yes I could look it up but may be that won't help me understand so it would be useful if you could post any results you have and their ranges and briefly explain how this affects you.
I'm also presuming your doctor is familiar with how to treat you or is he referring you to an Endocrinologist?
We usually suggest posting results and ranges to give us a baseline as to where you are in the overall scheme of things.
This should be healed by now? It's to do with inflammation of the thumb. What has this to do with the thyroid could you explain please?
Plastik1 I don't know if you were looking for particular guidance, but what is important with post-viral De Quervian's is regular monitoring to ensure that any temporary thyroid hormone supplementation that has become necessary after the initial hyperthyroid stage, is discontinued as soon as it is no longer required. However, in some cases, it becomes a permanent case of hypothyroidism in which case, meds will be required for life.
The most common reasons for DeQuervains are repetitive movement, pregnancy, or trauma; the repetitive movement can be from overuse of electronic devices or required repetitive movement at work which should be grounds for workers’ compensation.
Writing from the US, I help US federal workers with their cases. Most often this condition comes from data entry jobs or
People who sort and deliver mail.
When computer usage first became widespread, the US Dept. of Labor tried to blame thyroid disease and diabetes for certain conditions of the hand, but as our federal law is liberal, they eventually decided that if work contributed to a condition, that was enough to establish causal relationship.
If you think your work has caused the condition, check your government website for the rules.
Hidden Please see earlier in the thread, the OP has a post-viral condition of the thyroid, not a repetitive strain injury to the hand.
Dequervain thyroiditis goes through two stages. Some sufferers lose their appetite completely in the beginning , may last for weeks, lose weight rapidly causing family to suspect you are hiding an illness, gradually begin eating again First stage Hyperthyroid where you may have palpitations thudding heartbeat which stops you from sleeping , inner tremors wooziness ,numbness in legs feet sometimes face. Possibly pain in throat neck jaw teeth,second stage hypothyroid where you may have pain in joints and muscles, difficulty swallowing , foggy brain, lack of concentration, headaches, etc plus dreadful fatigue . It should eventually settle down and you become normal again with no symptoms but you could become hypothyroid with the need for thyroid hormone replacement .