I began BP medication a couple of weeks ago. On the first day I felt tired and headachy. The second day it made my feel wired. My HR was high 90's for 24 hrs (unpleasant) but I had lots of energy and managed to do more than I have in ages. It's worked a treat on my BP which is just where it should be now.
Since then I've gone down hill. I now have so little energy I can barely walk anywhere. My legs feel like lead and I struggle to drag them around if I'm trying to get down a street. There are times of day when I get breathless easily and feel exhausted. These symptoms make me feel frightened. I am feeling emotional now, and for the first time in several years I'm up at 3am feeling panic and fear.
It could be that my 125 Levo needs increasing, I had my bloods tested around 3 weeks ago at my first ever endo appointment, but nothing has come back from the hospital and I've now been on this dose for around 9 weeks so I have a finger prick test kit to use in the morning as I'm not prepared to hang on. Or it could be something to do with the BP tablet. I hadn't even thought about this until now, in the middle of the night.
Anyone else had any issues like this?
The preparation is Amlopidine 5mg.