Weight: Hi everyone, Has anyone with a Low... - Thyroid UK

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Leab8 profile image
50 Replies

Hi everyone,

Has anyone with a

Low thyroid had any success with large weight loss? And more energy? I’m

Struggling so

Much 😞

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Leab8 profile image
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50 Replies
greygoose profile image

For that, you would need an optimal FT3. Do you know what your FT3 is?

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to greygoose

No because t3 isn’t available now, unless you can pay 100 per month approx :(

fortunata profile image
fortunata in reply to Leab8

I think Greygoose means do you have the FT3 component of your last blood test results.

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to fortunata

Oohhhh my last lab results I uploaded onto here xx

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Leab8

Yes, I meant have you had it tested. :)

ShinyB profile image

Hi :) I took a quick look at your recent post with your lab results on. Your Free T4 is scraping along at the very bottom of the range, with a TSH of 0.53. Do you already have any thyroid diagnosis? And if so, what are you taking for it?

Ideally you need testing for your Free T3 too at the same time as your Free T4, so that we can see how well you are converting your T4 to T3. If your doctor won't test this for you, are you in a position to get it tested via somewhere like medichecks.com ? They usually have special offers every Thursday, and there is a 20% off throughout September. See this link for details: healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to ShinyB

Re weightloss, this should start to happen when you have optimal thyroid hormone levels. I would avoid calorie restriction until your thyroid hormones are optimal, as too few calories will not help your thyroid.

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to ShinyB

According to my doctor they are now, but I sure as hell have never felt like it yet :(

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Leab8

Lea, I've replied on your last thread, but your doctor wouldn't know optimal if it got up and bit him! He is very ignorant. So, either you are going to have to find a new doctor that knows something about thyroid, or you are going to have to learn about it yourself, and take charge.

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to greygoose

I’ve tried so many doctors and specialists all as bad as each other one even said I have no

Thyroid issue and didn’t know why I was on any meds but if I was taking 150 and didn’t need it I’d be incredibly sick so I do

Need it and do have underactive also

Had a goiter since I was 16 I try to les

Myself but there’s so

Much contrary info

Out there that I feel

Stuck and lost my mental

Health also suffers greatly x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Leab8

Stay reading on here. People here know what they're talking about.

Have you had your antibodies tested? How about your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin? They all need to be optimal for your body to be able to use thyroid hormone.

How do you take your levo? Do you take it on an empty stomach and leave one whole hour before eating or drinking anything other than water? Do you take any other medication or supplements at the same time as your levo?

How do you do the tests? Early in the morning, after fasting all night, leaving a 24 hour gap between your last dose of levo and the blood draw?

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Leab8

Leab8, you've found the right place here for information and support :) I've had lifetime health issues (I'm now 51) and I still don't have a thyroid diagnosis from any doctor, because my TSH is never elevated. I paid for a private thyroid panel including FT3, and am learning as much as I can from others on here.

I'm now self medicating and going 'solo' so to speak. Hard as it can be when you're feeling so horrendous, you have to learn all you can about your condition and take charge of it. Relying on mainstream doctors to sort you out is, sadly, not likely to help you. There are countless people who have been misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, or inadequately treated by their doctors.

I'm not saying it's easy. But it's necessary! And, in the words of the L'Oreal advert, 'you're worth it' :)

I wish you luck and health x

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to ShinyB

Yes I’m underactive I’ve been taking 150mcg levo for almost two years but had issues since I was 16 I’m

Now 31 x

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Leab8

Definitely get a full thyroid panel done. You need to know how well you're converting the T4 in levo into T3 (I'm guessing you're likely not converting well at all). If you're not converting it well, that can leave you feeling dreadful. And, if you've been unwell that long, you will probably need some adrenal support too.

I'm surprised your FT4 is so low in range on that dose of levothyroxine.

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to ShinyB

What do I do to help myself ? X

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Leab8

This test will help you/us see what your conversion rate is of T4 to T3, plus whether you have thyroid antibodies causing problems. It also gives you useful information on what your levels are like for various essential thyroid nutrients: medichecks.com/thyroid-func...

To help yourself - this can be tricky if you have brain fog.. get yourself a notebook:

Keep a note of the questions you want to ask;

What answers you've had;

Keep track of your test results;

Keep a record of how you feel each day. Doesn't have to be lengthy, just a score out of 10, with what symptoms you've had;

Keep track of your resting pulse and temperature. First thing before you've started moving around. Keep a thermometer and a gadget to take your pulse by your bedside, and take and record them first thing.

Ask questions on here - don't worry if you think they sound like daft questions, just ask! Read other people's posts on here - you can glean a lot from this. Use the search box to search on your questions - most questions will have been asked and answered already, so again you can learn a lot from reading through other relevant posts.

It's very important for your Vit D, ferritin, folate, VitB12 to all be optimal, as these all have a role to play with thyroid function. In range isn't enough, they need to be optimal. Get these tested, if you haven't already, and post the results with the ranges and ask for people's input.

You can do it :D

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to ShinyB

T3 test is cheap! I we’ll try that but if it’s not converting what can I do because t3 isn’t available anymore unless you pay hundreds a month? X

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Leab8

You need the FT4 and the FT3 tested at the same time to see how well you're converting. Not just the FT3 on its own.

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to ShinyB

Which one do you think is best to

Do on there for me? Xx

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Leab8

Replied above!

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to ShinyB

Sorry there was just so many options on the site wasn’t sure if was worth doing the whole panel for 79 pounds or just the t3 and t4 at 59 pounds x

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to Leab8

If you can afford it I would do the one that includes the most. The nutrient tests are critical to thyroid function so they are worth having. However you might be able to get some of the nutrients tested via your GP - worth asking at least.

You could also ask your doctor if they will test your thyroid antibodies - TRAB or TSI, and TPO antibodies. You might strike lucky!

Most GPs won't test your Free T3 though. So the very minimum you should get privately tested is your Free T4 and Free T3. It's important they both get tested at the same time so that you can see the relationship between the two (or people on here can see the relationship when you post them on here, even if you don't know yet how to interpret them yourself).

Hope that helps. It is a lot to take in. And it can be expensive. But you're worth it! :)

keb5332 profile image

Hi I struggled with weight and energy levels for 5 years after having mine removed. 3 months ago I started having acupuncture and it’s changed my life! I have more energy, I’ve taken up running when before I couldn’t do any exercise. So far I’ve also managed to lose 1 1/4 stone which is a miracle for me. I can’t believe how much it’s turned things around. Worth considering if you’re open minded to it

Good luck


Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to keb5332

Wow that’s amazing well done !! Where did you go for the acupuncture? I’m

Going to try this x

1Thyroid8 profile image
1Thyroid8 in reply to Leab8

I also tried acupuncture with a Chinese dr for 3 months and I didn't notice any difference so don't get your hopes up in case it doesn't work for you either . I felt I maybe had slightly more energy possibly for an hour afterwards which to me certainly wasn't worth the £45 price tag !

GraceB profile image

I was in similar situation couple of years ago and no doctor helped me but good people on this forum. First I optimised my t3 and t4 dose (this takes time so be patient) and vit deficiency (D3, b6, b12, magnesium). This made me feel much better with more energy. Then I focused on losing weight, basically l was trying to stay gluten free as i have hashimoto, was eating lots of veg especially green ( brocolli, spinach, kale), healthy fat (olive oil, avocado), reduced carbs and fruits. I have lost 10kg pretty fast with little exercise. Now I'm exercising more because I can, with no pain and being sick for days as before. Yesterday I ran 8km and feel fantastic today!

Be patient because it will take some time and follow advice from this forum. I made it, you can make it too.

Good luck Leab8!

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to GraceB

Thank you I will try all of that and keep you updated thanks again xx

marydenholmmilne profile image
marydenholmmilne in reply to GraceB

I eat a lot of fruit but have cut out ones like mango, but usually have 4-5 portions a day could this be curbing my weight loss.

GraceeB profile image
GraceeB in reply to marydenholmmilne

It's good to eliminate the one with a lot of sugar. Berries and grapefruits are fine :)

I basically stopped having fruits between my meals and it made a big difference for me. I would rather had them with a meal. Good luck :)

I had my thyroid removed in 2015 I was put on Levo and became ill. I knew nothing about the thyroid, then I joined this site. I was not getting any help from my doctor or endo.

I took the advice on this site and had a private blood test done first, then posted my results with the ranges on here for answers. The only time I have ever put on weight was when I was on Levo for 6/7 months. I would try Blue Horizon ( thyroid plus 11 ) this will give you all the answers you require. Remember to take the test first thing on any empty stomach. Leave of Levo for 24 hours before the test.

I am just about to take my yearly test. If I cannot afford it I just save up. I am 72 years old not overweight and fit and healthy you can be too.

Leab8 profile image

Yes my folate was low the doctors r said but didn’t say to take anything, which test would be best on the med test site do

You think? X

Beani2 profile image

I did at the start, then put weight on now I'm loosing it again. It fluturates alot.

Muffin2018 profile image

Hi Have you cut out of your diet all the foods that slow your thyroid down? I cut out all soya in February, cut my wheat intake down dramatically and cooked all my brassicas and have lost 8 lbs it has been slow but permanent and only starts going up if I eat wrongly. I am on an organic plant based diet so means I am never hungry as I eat about 7 portions of vegetables and some fruit a day. I love cooking so making this change was easy. When my energy was low I was told a gentle swim was the way forward by the specialist I thought he was crackers, but I used to just bob up and down for 1/2 an hour then drive back home and flop back into bed, but he was right after a few weeks I could swim a length, then two and then 3. Thankfully with the help of a nutritionist who deals with plant based diet I have my energy back. I joined this site because I was always told I had hypothyroidism, but it seems it could always have been Hashimotos I have always handled this auto immune disease by diet fortunately without drugs - whether that will change in the future I will have to wait and see.

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to Muffin2018

What do you eat if you can’t have soy seitan etc? Xx

marydenholmmilne profile image

Hi no I am also struggling big time to lose any weight and I have changed most of my food to gluten free and cut out soya and other things that they mentioned did not react well with underactive thyroid. Not sure what else to do other than cut off a limb to reduce my weight.

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to marydenholmmilne

Bless you my love that’s how I feel too and we want to get married next year x

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to marydenholmmilne

Maybe we could do this together as we are both in the same boat same issues etc we could help and support each other ? You can add me on fb if you like to do that ? X

Leab8 profile image

I had anti bodies done once but was about 2 years ago :s thank you for all your help I’m willing to invest in my body and my health it’s ours for life right ☺️ so got to be our best investment, I wasn’t sure if the added tests in the medi test were things I’d already had in my latest lab tests but I don’t know how to read them really or see if that was the case I don’t want to waste money if already had but don’t want to leave anything out if I hadn’t if that makes sense lol x

Boon79 profile image

I feel your pain. I have been on 100mcg of levothyroxine for around 5 years but I CANNOT lose weight despite eating a 1400 per day calorie diet....grrr. I'm currently on thyro gold and feel more bloated than ever.

Bizarrely I bought 3 months worth of Spanish levothyroxine whilst on holiday a few weeks ago and felt the best I've ever felt.

If thyro gold doesn't work in the next few weeks I'll be saving the money to fly back to Spain 🤣

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to Boon79

Really?! I’m in Spain currently how weird lol I take levothyroxine so what should I ask for here? Was it expensive ? X

Boon79 profile image

Called 'Eutirox'. I simply took my blister pack to one of the many pharmacies and they sold me these. They worked great for me!! 3 months supply for just over 4 Euros. We're all different but maybe worth a shot? I paid £90 for 2 months supply of thyro gold and thinking I could fly to Barcelona and back for the same price!!!

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to Boon79

4 euros ? Wow that’s great I will get some so is it the same dose etc just different make ? X

Boon79 profile image
Boon79 in reply to Leab8

Ye, it's a Spanish version of levothyroxine. Same doses. Found it a tad more potent perhaps that's why I felt great! Wish I'd have bought more. Hope it works for you if you try it. Let me know x

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to Boon79

I will try and see if I can get it, I don’t know how I will get any t3 if I need that though x

Boon79 profile image
Boon79 in reply to Leab8

I'm finding out that T3 may not be working for me (see my recent post) but we're all different. Most people seem to do well on it. X

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to Boon79

How do you get your t3? X

Boon79 profile image
Boon79 in reply to Leab8

Hi Leab8. Just updated my recent post. Fingers crossed I've turned a corner on my thyro gold and feel great today. There must be somewhere online selling T3? I just Google everything! Xx

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to Boon79

What’s thyro gold again ? What do I ask for I’m Spain btw the make that you got that was better ? Thanks x

Boon79 profile image
Boon79 in reply to Leab8

Hi Leab8. Yet another update. I feel unwell again on Thyrogold which is expensive! I've gone back on the Spanish levo Eutirox last night. NDT isn't for me sadly. Xx

Leab8 profile image
Leab8 in reply to Boon79

I just bought some of the Spanish one yday, hope you start feeling better doon xx

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