About Helvella's text-speak-txt-spk thread - Thyroid UK

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About Helvella's text-speak-txt-spk thread

24 Replies

Just an observation. I noticed there are almost 200 replies. It must be something of a record. Even tho it wasn't totally thyroid-related I thought it was very helpful for our 'mental health'. Gave everyone a chance to vent and clear the air. I think it turned out to be very positive. Thanks all who participated. irina

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24 Replies
Aurealis profile image

Yes, they are quite long posts many of them.

Thank you for your helpful comments and for pointing out in your posts my lack of courtesy for others. Very insightful and helpful. irina1975 Addendum. In case I wasn't clear this reply is not a true thank you for your input so I will make it a little clearer.😠 And I am NOT lol.

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to

I’ve read quite a few of your posts Irina1875, and can’t say I’ve ever thought you discourteous.

in reply to Valarian

Thank you, Valarian. A kind comment and one I needed to hear this morning.😊 irina1975

Mamapea1 profile image

Really? I thought it was awful! 😳 I didn't even see it initially, but went back to read it to see why people were messaging me in despair, and saying they felt they couldn't write another post, as they didn't want to be 'judged'!

These people are not new members, so I dread to think what someone new to all this, or non English speaking members might think. Such a shame that they would get this impression from an otherwise brilliant✨forum that offers so much help to desperate people.

Some thyroid patients are feeling very sensitive and low, and can easily come to the conclusion that it is their spelling, lack of grammar or paragraphs, etc. that is being criticised, when this 'venting' takes place. Probably worth pointing out that this has actually happened, for future reference.

Being completely new to the internet and computers for a variety of reasons myself, I absolutely agree with text speak argument ~ I have virtually no knowledge of what they mean, and I have no problem with this.

However, when I first started writing on here, I had no idea how this iPad worked, and everything was written in large blocks, until I began to work things out more, although I still haven't cracked it 😳.

Then my granddaughter introduced me to emojis, (or whatever they're called) 😊 and as an expressive kind of person, I quite like them, and think it's perfectly acceptable and helpful to see how the other person is 'feeling'.

I realise however, they're not everyone's cup of tea, and if they're deemed inappropriate for a health forum by admin, I'm quite happy to stop using them. Until then, I shall carry on, as I find them useful.

Would it not be possible for admin to put up a post re text speak etc, that outlines all the rules and 'etiquette' in the same way, but is closed to replies, to avoid alienating certain sections of our community? I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but it has happened 😔.

Also, Hidden I hope you yourself aren't one of these members who now feel inhibited to write posts? I ask because of your recent reply at the end of that post. I sincerely hope not.... I for one have enjoyed your input, and there's more to life than ****** paragraphs!!

If you look at a my old (or even recent posts), they are the same, and I don't care ~ I wasn't intentionally making it hard for others, I'm still learning, and hopefully this is understood by other members 🙏.

I have no idea how to use this computer efficiently, but this is a health forum, and many of us are ill, so while we can make every effort to get our message across in an easy to read, coherent manner, we're only human! Surely the most important thing is we try to get help, and in turn, try to help others.

I hope to see you (and others as mentioned) on the forum very soon 💕x

in reply to Mamapea1

Thanks, Mamapea. Yes I did feel like resigning last night-not because of suggestions-they are always valid- but because of the very few people who expressed themselves in, in my opinion, unkind ways. Went to bed, had a good night's sleep with my C-PAP machine and realized this morning my thin skin is just a side effect of my thyroid sitiation, I am already starting to feel better after starting care under a new excellent endo in early April tho have a ways to go. I wish it didn't take so long for meds to reach optimal levels. I also got some good news this am (It's about 9AM in Atlanta.) He did a very thorough workup on my adrenals which have also been ignored for years, I have an adrenal cyst and last week he mentioned possible surgical removal if tests showed they are making unwanted hormones. But the tests have come back and indicated otherwise-not perfect but can be managed conservatively. I enjoy our posts and was happy to see your response today. It was very helpful. Thank you. I think Helvella's post about text speak is very valid. I see it on my phone often from my daughter and sister-who is a medical transcriptionist and a computer whiz. I have no idea what is being said at times. 😊 irina

Mamapea1 profile image
Mamapea1 in reply to

Hidden ~ I agree, and not surprisingly, as this forum is full of people feeling sensitive and below par, you're not the only one to feel upset. I'm so glad you have had a change of heart and decided to stay with us👍 (thought I could sneak a little emoji, or whatever they're called, in there) 😊oops! another one! I'll send myself to the naughty step!!

I hope your adrenal treatment goes well, and you are soon feeling even better 💐 xx

in reply to Mamapea1

Thanks. And by the way I only just found out what the Naughty Step/Chair was all about by watching 'Supernanny" reruns over here. Great idea but you don't need to go. And I'm continuing to use my emojis, lol, and whatever else will make a computer exchange feel more like a real and complete conversation where meanings, intent, and humor can be expressed.😊 I am pleased about the adrenal situation and I will (quickly?) share some info that might help someone else avoid waiting too long for treatment. Adrenal problems don't seem to be at the top of many doctors' lists. Some don't even think adrenal fatigue is a real problem. I have had a small adrenal cyst since it was seen accidentally on a contrast CT scan in 2004 for gallbladder pain. At the time I was told it was not significant and don't worry about it. Periodically when I would mention my cyst to doctors over the years I was told the same thing: "It is just an incidentaloma and don't worry about it." But after this new endo worked up my adrenals last week I believe that they have been adding to my thyroid problems for years. In my opinion, any abnormal growth that has been in our bodies for years is probably not totally harmless. So if anyone finds themselves in a similar situation please push someone to evaluate it. xx irina

StillEverHopeful profile image
StillEverHopeful in reply to

I’ve been wondering about my adrenals - I’ll be looking for your future post on adrenals 😊.

in reply to StillEverHopeful

I had the 3 major labs drawn last week and my final cortisol drawn yesterday morning after taking a Dexamethasone pill the night before, When that result is back-in a few days- I will post all 4 results including his advice about treatment. I personally believe more hypothyroid patients have an adrenal component to their thyroid problems that doctors don't check for. Even if our lives are going smoothly, it's a stressful world we live in. I believe we have to take responsibility for asking them to include adrenal evaluations and treatment. And I don't think it will be easy. xx Take care. irina

ShinyB profile image

Keep posting, Irina :) and everyone else too. It was a good discussion but people's views are just people's views. They are not laws. I hope no one will feel they can't post anymore.

in reply to ShinyB

I will and thanks for the encouragement. I enjoy the 'meeting of the minds' that shows in your responses. Thanks again. 😊 irina

in reply to

minds My typing could use some work too!

ShinyB profile image
ShinyB in reply to

Ditto on both counts LOL! xxx

in reply to ShinyB


WARNING: One LOOOOng paragraph ahead. You mentioned you have had a stroke and I am sorry you must deal with this. Stroke is a very difficult illness to cope with and I can hear anger and frustration in your posts. But none of us are expressing ourselves here because we feel wonderful, healthy, and have been treated well by the medical establishment. I have not had a stroke so I cannot judge your level of pain. But I CAN talk about how the brain fog, depression, and frustration from not being able to learn things as quickly and easily as I once did because my hypothyroidism has been undermedicated and mismanaged for so long has caused problems for me. I have tried to improve my computer use skills. I have bought books but find them hard to understand. Right now learning these skills is overwhelming to me. If and when I can do better I will. But it will be on my time table not anyone else's. I just want to say my medical deficits and problems are not yours and vice versa. I try not to take out my frustrations by being harsh in expressing my irritation about how posters come across to others . It is not respectful. So as a courtesy to others perhaps you could consider making some changes of your own. Maybe attitude might be a good place to start. Like how expressing thoughts negatively or with subtle sarcasm can feel hurtful to others. I was going to stop posting since my writing style seemed so irritating to many but when I got up this morning I saw from my likes and comments there are many people who let me know they like my posts and I think I have help to offer others. So think about how your words come across. I will continue to post and if they are irritating to you when you see my name just move on. By the way I don't use text-speak. I can't understand it either. But I believe I express my thoughts clearly even if they are not paragraphed the way you think they should be. irina1975

Misunderstanding/apology accepted. Would like to let go of my mile-long paragraphs. Still don't understand how to completely use my chromebook. Will try to divide long posts into 2 or 3 parts. May be easier to read even tho not true paragraphs. Thought I could make it thru this life without using computers but, alas, am living too long. Is this better?😕 PS Don't know what the return key does! Honest.

in reply to

PS Just made 3 short 'paragraphs.' Looked good as I typed til I pushed reply. Then all printed together. If you want to troubleshoot I will listen.

Mamapea1 profile image
Mamapea1 in reply to

Sorry I can't help with that irina, I don't even know what a chromebook is!😳. I will follow your adrenal posts with interest, though, my GP and specialists have never listened to me about adrenal fatigue either. I will have a test via the forum soon, when finances allow, if they ever do! x

PS. The posts are easy for me because I'm on an iPad, and I just scroll up, line by line, reading the top one.... I read everything like that 😊 I hope you get to the bottom of your tech problems ~ I hate not understanding the intricacies of this iPad, and not being able to sort it out when it malfunctions, which is too often for my liking 😕.

I have to rely on the kids to sort it out for me, and I keep forgetting what they've told me and then ask the same thing again💭. I've got to get my head round it all at some point ~ I've driving them all mad! 😤 x

in reply to Mamapea1

We (seniors) are definitely in a different class than those younger that grew up with technology. I have to write explanations down too and then often have to ask again. I find younger people are very impatient with our lack of knowledge. Last year I got a new tv and all the bells and whistles for streaming movies and other shows. I didn't really want it, am happy with my dvd's but my friend Jacob said I would love it. At the Comcast store I ended up with 3 remotes!. The young lady said to me when I asked for written directions "It's easy. You just do this, click that, etc." I had no idea what she was talking about and she thought I was really slow. I have a book called Chromebook for Dummies. Yes that's really the name-part of a large series called (Everything) for Dummies. Still can't understand a lot. My chromebook is easy,like yours. I just scroll down to read. Anyway I do like being able to look up info online. Back to adrenals. So many different organs and functions are tied to our thyroid and yet many doctors send us to a new specialist for a symptom that should be part of our thyroid workup. Then another doctor with more bills, different tests and ideas about treatment treats the symptom separately until we figure it out and demand to be treated as a whole patient. Very frustrating. I'm happy this new doc seems to understand how the thyroid and adrenals work together. Will post what I learn as I find out more. x 😊

Thanks SBM. Will practice today. It's 7AM here in Atlanta and haven't had coffee yet so will play around with this after that. I did look in my 'Chromebook for Dummies' but it assumes ones knows more than I do. Thanks. irina

MoonbeamXX1 profile image

Do you really think that; or is your remark a bit 'tongue in cheek?'

Because I'd have to strongly disagree with your summation that the thread in question 'was very helpful for our mental health' and gave 'everyone a chance to vent and clear the air'...….

It's my guess that the majority of people, who may have, like you and I, been upset by the comments posted; did not make any comment at all for fear of further condemnation or worse, being singled out.

This is your thread so you can be forgiven for couching it largely from your perspective; re-long paragraphs and use of emojis. However it wasn't just that style of posting that was 'discussed'/dissected/criticised.

Other 'very annoying' errors were spelling mistakes, lack of correct punctuation, the needless usage of more than one exclamation mark (!!!!!!) and the, apparently, greatest grammatical sin of them all; deliberately using way too many full stops when using an ellipsis...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Which apparently makes my posts (and anyone else who commits this particular crime); 'very difficult to read'.

I respect that you fought your corner though Irina; I wish I had responded to both threads sooner but frankly, I wasn't up to dealing with such totally unnecessary unpleasantness.

What is sad for me; is that I now have a totally different impression of this forum and it's not in a good way........

in reply to MoonbeamXX1

I did mean my comments sincerely. We are all entitled to our thoughts. It might be a little easier for me to say what I think (about any topic) because I am 74 and don't worry what others think like I did when I was younger. Your post was interesting and I would like to have added a more in-depth reply but this post ended up being stressful for me so I have decided to let it go and add no more opinions on this topic. I came to computers late and am very lacking in computer proficiency and technology in general. Becoming a techie at this point in my life is not on my bucket list. So I post the best I can and hopefully help some of the people some of the time. Others who have problems with how I express myself on this forum are welcome to skip my thoughts and move on. That's what I do. I have peopIe I click with and people I don't. Works for me.😊 Take care and thanks for responding. irina

MoonbeamXX1 profile image
MoonbeamXX1 in reply to

I appreciate and respect that you have decided to drop this unsavoury subject; especially since it caused you and others needless stress.

It is interesting that only one person apologised for the inappropriate content of many of the posts and the upset/insult they caused. Well done that one person.

As for becoming a 'techie' at 74 years young; most people (including the often derided youth of today) would applaud you for that; not criticise...…..

I wish you well and would do a 'smiley faced' emoji - if I knew how to do one!

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