May sound daft, I'm due new bloods taken today, after not having my levo for two days
Have I done the unthinkable by just having a cup of tea?! Brain fog and SAD!
So will need to go tomorrow maybe?
Mainly I'm on 50mg levo but the anxiety and depression has been awful, I've felt worse in some ways, this is my default and want to stop, as I need to work and it's unbearable working when head in this place,
Has anyone had this phase at 50mg please? on average at what dose does it lift?
Really really spiritually depleted, haven't taken the ndt as a member strongly advised me to, as I feel if I can convert to t 3 myself I would rather go this route first, but she said just to take ndt to start feeling better sooner, and I do have westroid here that I bought
Really grateful for any thoughts from admin or those with same experience
J xxx