Hi all again please tell me on what i should do, you guys already know thatvi was diagnosed hyper 4 weeks ago but i have felt even more breathless and poorly for past 2 days i was going to get my bloods done today but felt so breathless, my concern is i think i may have gone hypo already,i have been on 20mgs of carbimazole for 3 weeks now and i am feeling worse. Just despairing niw on what to do, i dont feel trembly or palpy anymore. Just very breathless.help
Help please what should i do.: Hi all again... - Thyroid UK
Help please what should i do.

Did you get your bloods done today in the end or were you too poorly?
To poorly to go very breathless. Feels very different and i dont know what to do? My worry is what if ive hit hypo? Im so scared. No palps or anything.
You could either ring the doctors and get a telephone appt. to ask docs advice or get someone to go with you to get blood tested then you'll know what's happening and if hypo can ask doc if ok to cut down on carbi.
Don't panic about going hypo. You might not feel well but you won't suddenly keel over. Some people are hypo for months before diagnosis.
The thing is if i go anywhere tonight i wont getvresults straight away. Just worried if gone hypo and taking more carb will make it worse or if im allergic to carbi. My head is spinning.
Did you get the results of your antibodies tests? What were they? If you can post them here we might be able to help you work out what's happening. Did the blood tests confirm Graves disease or Hashimotos thyroiditis or both?
Hospital lost the results so i hsve to have them done again along with my bloods.
Ok, well you really need them doing so try to work out a plan to get there. The sooner you have the information the better. Can you get to your docs tomorrow and can they do the bloods tomorrow?
Docs are closed and they dont take bloods there they have to be done at the walk in at hospital and they are monday to friday.
Can you get there on Monday?
Yes im going to go on monday. But feel so poorly at tbe moment as being short of breath is frightening. I cant get a nice comfortable breath. Im really quite scared
Did you check with an oximeter? Is someone there with you?
Just looking at oximeter now from argos 30.00.x
Might just give you the confidence that your oxygene levels are alright.
Why don't you phone nhs direct? They will advise you as to where to go. If you are as worried as you sound you need to get help tonight. Big hug.
I just want to say thankyou to all you caring and lovely people who give sound advice and are here for people like me who are quite fragile at the moment and need reassurance. Bless you all.xxxxx
Get yourself a small battery powered hand held fan, it really helps when breathing feels difficult.
Funny enough my mum suggested a fan because she has used one for asthma.
Are you asthmatic as well?
Something makes me think you are. If so are you using your preventative inhaler (mine is brown) and your blue (?) one regularly enough?
Do you have a specialist asthma nurse attached to your practice?
You have been breathless for quite a while now so it might be worth seeing her.
I was easily puffed out whenever I did anything energetic when I was first diagnosed but I wouldn't say I was 'breathless' In the way you seem to be. So it could be that the breathlessness isn't actually your thyroid.
Try and get as much rest as you can, I know that helped me a lot until the carb got things under control.
If it's any comfort I took 20mcg of carb for four weeks and it made no difference to my blood results - my endo wrote to me telling me to double up to 40mcg a day.
When are you due to go and see your Endocrinologist?
This is a link to the oximeter I got from Amazon, I've had it since I was first diagnosed in 2012 and although it's not expensive it's absolutely fine and totally reliable - I got it more for taking my pulse but it does the lot.
Good luck over the weekend. It's probably better to try to get an appointment with your doctor before the weekend if you don't feel good because if you don't a weekend can feel like a very long time when you're not feeling good and the doctor isn't available.
I do have a inhaler a brown and blue but docs said im not asthmatic!! Did see the nurse who booked ne in for spirometry testing but never got it done because i was so puffed out on the day the day she didnt do testing. I do take them regulary. My neck is swollen and my guess is something is pressing on my windpipe? Wheni take my inhalers the blue one givesc.no relief. I guess i dont see endoc till 3 oct but my doc is trying to push it through.
I could be undermedicated or over medicated. I slept better last night. My docs are not open at weekend so it would have to be hospital again. Last time last time i went they said my oxygen levels were 98% so i dont think itbis asthma, done xrays lungs clear but its like its said it feels like my neck and throat area, when i go up stairs heart still beats fast but i can get a proper nice full breath. Ent specialist came to see me and said nothing diwn my throat but he cannot see the thyroid and let alone if anything is pressing on it. I think mine is like air hunger and i can only try to go asleep in a certain position and thats sitting up with neck slightly back and that gives some relief. I just want my quality of life back and enjoy going out with my husband and daughter instead of feeling poorly and stuck at home. Doc has signed me of work for a month.xx
That's terrible, 98% is good so I imagine air is getting into your lungs even if it doesn't feel it.
You would think the asthma nurse would have one something when you weren't able to do the spirometer wouldn't you.
Now that you're signed off make the most of it and try and get as much rest as you can.
I hope you can get the help you need soon so that you can go back to enjoying your life.
Thankyou fruit and nut i dont think its asthma. My neck is really tight and feels like its being squeezed, first its one side then another then all over, i have a heat pad on there. Also had palps back today. Just rested and done odd jobs around the house. Funny how thyroid conditions hit people in different ways.
Your name reminds me of a cadburys choccy bar, i love that chocolate.🍫
That's where it came from I used to eat tons of the stuff. Then I developed T2 diabetes when I was given steroids for arthritis. I was lucky that it was discovered very quickly because I was on a orediabetes study and my annual check up was a couple of weeks after I started the steroids. My option was three months of 'diet and exercise' or else go on the diabetic register. So I threw myself into cleaning up my diet and I haven't had a bar of my favourite chocolate in two years
To look on the bright side I discovered low carb, high fat eating, lost three stones in weight and my HbA1c is in a really good place.
I still eat chocolate but it's dark chocolate, 70% or more, not my beloved Fruit and Nut.
I do hope you get sorted out soon, it's no fun knowing you are feeling really ill and having to fight to get people to help you.
Try to have a good weekend.
Hope you feel a bit better today 🙂
Thankyou, had a reasonable day yesterday but today on a rubbish day, my neck looks quite swollen at the sides and where thyroid is looks thickened,i am postive that i have little nodules i am going to get my bloods done tomorrow at hospital so should have them back by weds or thurs.just waiting for that light at the tunnel. 💡
Hi Michelle - have looked at the side effects on taking the drug and they include breathlessness
and swelling round the thyroid. It sounds like an upper respiratory problem as if you have good oxygen then your lungs are ok. Are you able to talk easily? Antihistamines might help you.
Allergic responses affecting airways are treated with antihistamines. There are many types of allergens in food tablets and airborne. Do you keep window open at night and during the day?
If you are noticing strange affects it must be to do with the drug you are taking. May be the dose should be spaced out throughout the day and be less than you are taking. Other posts say they start with mg and take the same dose several times a day. Think you should admit yourself tomorrow to a and e. Take care.
Even though i was breathless before it seems to have got worse since taking it, my back feels pulled trying to breath and it seems like it swells my nose up aswell. Its a strange feeling. Its not anxiety breathing i am not trembling anymore or panicky, dont feel hyper and checked pulse its only around 75 beats a min.i have got to get bloods tomorrow at hospital so i will go then.