Is there any point in getting a Hashimoto's dia... - Thyroid UK

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Is there any point in getting a Hashimoto's diagnosis?

Ordinary39 profile image
10 Replies

Despite having been diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 14 (I'm now 39) I've only just started investigating it recently. This is mainly because I don't believe in my depression diagnosis. I've been treated for depression off and on, although mainly on, since my early 20's but never really considered it could be thyroid related. I've never been symptom free so have recently started on my journey to get the right treatment for me. It's early days as I've only just had a T3 test!

So my question as per the title, is what is the benefit of asking my GP to test for thyroid antibodies? Presumably treatment doesn't change either way?

I've posted a pic of my results in case anyone's interested or has any comments 😊 I'm grateful for any input!!

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Ordinary39 profile image
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Clutter profile image

Welcome to the forum, Ordinary39.

You could ask your GP. GP may decline to check because it won't make any difference to your treatment.

You are undermedicated to have TSH 3.14. You need a dose increase to raise FT4 and FT3 and reduce TSH. The goal of Levothyroxine is to restore the patient to euthyroid status. For most patients that will be when TSH is 0.3 - 1.0 with FT4 in the upper range. FT4 needs to be in the upper range in order that sufficient T3 is converted. Read Treatment Options in Email if you would like a copy of the Pulse article to show your GP.

Your journey is similar to mine. When I finally got recent testing one GP dubbed it "subclinical", meaning "within range" (the amount shown in brackets) - just as yours is. But when we are the walking dead almost with symptoms out the yin-yang WE know there is something wrong... and it is. Don't let someone tell you you are sub clinical and send you home. Depression is one of the many common symptoms. We need to be assertive enough to demand (yup demand) treatment, or go were we can get it! The reason being is that most GPs are utterly clueless on how to treat thyroid, and what to look for. (I demanded the blood tests that finally showed Hashi's etc.)

And as we almost always have malabsorption problems and gut issues we need to pay careful attention to our nutrient levels as they often show as deficient. So get these tested: Folate, ferritin, Vit D, and B12. Note: always have blood drawn after fasting (water OK) and early AM. And no Levo/thyroid hormone for 24 hours prior - this gives the most accurate results. With depression you likely have a deficiency in at least one area if not more. These levels also affect how well (or not) we respond to treatment as it can inhibit conversion of our dose.

Treepie profile image

Some with Hashimotos find that being gluten free helps.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Treepie

And some without Hashimoto's find that being gluten-free helps as well. :)

startagaingirl profile image

Hi - yes it is worth getting a diagnosis as, if positive and 90% of hypos are - whilst it won't change the treatment a doctor gives, there are extra factors you can address yourself. For instance, leaky gut and food intolerances, which can be addressed. Also the knowledge that you will likely go through hyper swings as dying thyroid tissue dumps hormone into the bloodstream, could save you from having your meds slashed - as happens to many - when you get an over the top set of blood results, which then knocks you well back a long way.


tinkerbell22 profile image
tinkerbell22 in reply to startagaingirl

I agree with startagaingirl that a diagnosis is important. I asked this exact same question on this forum a few months ago. Initially I thought it wasn't worth the hassle trying to push my dr on this. But then after feeling a bit better (bit more brain clarity) from my thyroid meds, I could then see I've been ignoring arthritis symptoms and we have autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis in the family (just like we have Hashimoto's, same side of the family).

When I realised these arthritis symptoms need looking into next, I realised the importance of the Hashimoto's diagnosis... because if you have one autoimmune disease (like Hashimoto's) then you are at higher risk of developing other autoimmune diseases (of which there are many).

Ok I haven't managed to get my dr (yet!) to write on my medical I have Hashimoto's... that would be expecting too much (sigh).... but he did acknowledge it enough to see the connection to rheumatoid arthritis potentially and with family history he is open to exploring it and has referred me to a rheumatology specialist.

So... it Is key to challenge this misconception about the thyroid. There are some GPs that do antibody testing. Mine did a TSH antibody test, which came back normal but I'd done the anti-thyroidperoxidase antibody and anti-thyroglobulin antibody tests on Blue Horizon private lab. The only one that showed up for me as very high was the anti-thyroglobulin so my GP was hesitant to assume Hashimoto's as apparently the anti-thyroperoxidase is more standard in showing Hashimoto's. It might be different for you.

But overall finding a GP or specialist that will acknowledge antibody testing is (I feel) key to your health regarding your thyroid and possible other autoimmune issues that may not have been noticed or that should be looked out for in future.

Hope this helps

SilverAvocado profile image

I agree that you are undermedicated. You will likely feel pretty crappy with those results. The most important number to look at is freeT3, and that should be in the top third of the range. Yours is just over bottom third.

klr31 profile image

I would find out if I were you and ask for an increase in thyroxine as you look to be under medicated which could be causing your depression.


klr31 profile image

Also, if you have Hashimoto's you may be at risk of other autoimmune conditions.


Raucous profile image

I've actually just posted a similar question myself before i saw yours - I would certainly say get your own blood test done with blue horizon or medichecks (the medichecks 'thyroidcheck ultra vit RT'3 is very comprehensive and often reduced on a thursday) it will enable you to start learning more for yourself. This is what I did just over a year ago as my GP asked for T3 on my request but the lab wouldn't do it.

Depression is a symptom of Hypothyroidism and your TSH while in range is high compared to what most people find best, but you may have a battle getting your GP to increase the dose if you are within range.

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