Hi there I was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid almost 20 years ago. I have suffered with weight gain despite sticking to a strict diet. I cannot say the last time I had a sleep for more that 2 or 3 hours straight. Each time I go to the GP with symptoms or issues they simply take blood and either reduce or increase the amount of thyroxine. I started of at 175mcg and this has been reduced over the years. Until last week I was on 100mcg despite feeling awful, palpitations, feeling of 'impending doom' all of the time the GP advised sticking on this unti blood results come back on Monday - I said I didn't want to stay on the same dose but wanted to reduce as I know when I feel like this my dosage is too high. He advised that the last bloods I had in March showed levels were normal but thought it best just to keep me on 100mcg! I have been on 75mcg since last Monday but each morning I take my dose soon after my heart starts racing and for the rest of the day I just feel anxious all of the time! As I say this has been going on for nearly 20 years and although I have managed to keep working full-time and looking after the home and family in the last few months I have left my job as I just felt everything was getting on top of me and was starting to feel very anxious and paranoid in a job which I had done for a number of years and which I loved. I feel that although I have a good relationship with my GP I have been feeling like this for almost a year and as I say reducing my thyroxine has not helped at all. Looking for guidance/help or advice.
Should also say that I am a 58 year old woman who has gone through the menopause and when I visited my GP last week another GP within the practice thought I was showing signs of menopause and put me on HRT patches which I took an allergic reaction to!!