What are the best tests to see whether thyroid cancer is present?
Am assuming ultrasound?
Would really appreciate any guidance in this area.
Many thanks
What are the best tests to see whether thyroid cancer is present?
Am assuming ultrasound?
Would really appreciate any guidance in this area.
Many thanks
Neck palpitations, ultrasound, blood test for calcitonin hormone, and genetic test for MEN2 (RET proto oncogene abnormality). These are screenings available specifically for thyroid cancer.
Thanks dang,
Will check my specific DNA codes. Got my DNA results a couple of weeks ago and there were many Thyroid cancer markers but not sure which exact ones.
Just thought that I should just get checked out properly as have had trouble swallowing for some time, much raspiness, and now an unproductive cough.
But just want to do as much as I can testing wise as don't want to waste anyone's time.
My healthcare policy will provide simple diagnostics for a hypothyroid flare.
Will delve a little deeper now thanks dang.
Really appreciated.
You're welcome! Just a quick question, do you have Hashimoto's? It's quite common for people with Hashimoto's to have trouble swallowing, raspiness and cough. As the thyroid gland is destroyed and scars it causes this type of discomfort. Hashimoto's is very common, and thyroid cancer is quite uncommon. However that's not to say that you shouldn't rule out cancer, definitely get screened, it's not a waste of anyone's time
Yep have hashimotos, but the genetic info I guess has made me want to check my boxes to rule it out now.
Was left undiagnosed for many years...Poor old thyroid...
An ultrasound shows whether there are any thyroid nodules. If the nodule is <1cm it is unlikely to be malignant. Nodules >1cm with suspicious characteristics may be fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsied. Nodules >2cm are usually FNA'd in the UK. I didn't have the calcitonin and MEN2 tests Dang mentions.
Thanks Clutter, Seeing as the ultrasound has been offered I will take the opportunity to have a look at my thyroid.
Will be able to see if there are any nodules and now know what to look for size wise.
Although I do know that I'm very undermedicated at the moment as am just starting with T3 and on v small doses and working up gradually.
I assume my thyroid will feel much better when my dose reaches optimum levels.
Thanks for all your responses I shall check bloods and the specific genes that dang mentioned later.
Really appreciated ☺️