I wanted to also ask on and off maybe 10 years i have had hemmoroids anal fissures blood in bowel from it. But i have noticed like a white mucus . Is thia normal?
Bowel movements. : I wanted to also ask on and... - Thyroid UK
Bowel movements.

I know many of us who are hypo suffer with constipation causing hemmoriods but I think you should get your doctor to check it out especially as you have anal fistula.
Magnesium really helps to keep the stool soft and is needed by most of us. Try 400mg for a start at night, it helps with sleep too, is a muscle relaxant, good for those with fibromyalgia and supports the adrenals, helps with depression. There are different forms. Magnesium malate helps with fibromyalgia whilst magnesium carbonate helps with indigestion and reflux if you take it at least 90 mins after food. You will know when you have taken too much as, like vit c, it makes your stool too loose. Just cut back the dose if need be. There are other forms of magnesium and plenty of info out on the Internet to help you decide which is best for you.
No, mucus in stools is not normal and should always be checked out by a doctor.
I have chronic hemmoroids maybe on and off 10 yrs
Have you tried two table spoons of black strap molasses in warm water. And adding physlum husks to your smoothie?
I drink prune juice
I read a excellent article on molasses by dr axe and im trying to use this as a more natural way of supplements.
Ie iron b vit. I find its gentle on my digestive system. One of the benefits is balancing blood sugar and hair growth ive lost my mane. .due to imbalances in my meds.all in the space of 2 months.
I've started having stewed plums every day and no more constipation 🤓
The whole digestive tract is lined with mucous membranes and is the mechanism for fighting infection. You may have an overload of candida and there are many ways of addressing that.
So its not dangerous in scared . I have ectopics that freak me out sore hemmoroids on and off thyroid i havr stopped working ive become so anxious
I'm not a doctor so I can't guarantee anything but these signs your body is giving you should be listened to. Candida overgrowth is very, very common and mostly due to the fact your body is trying process what you are eating. If it's high sugar and starch foods plus artificial additives, it's difficult because you may not be getting the nutrients you need, you may not have the enzymes necessary to digest and possibly you have low stomach acid. If these are correct, start on a cleaner diet and add digestive enzymes and I like to use apple cider vinegar with meals which offers a lot of different benefits. All of the problems really stress the immune system making it more difficult to fight infections of any kind.
If it is candida there are supplements that may help curb some of it.