Hello, new member here. I'm just gonna cut right to the point as I'm feeling kinda desperate. I've suffered anxiety and panic attacks for about 3 years. Over the last year I've managed to almost completely control my attacks and triggers and have been medication free for just over a year. Just before Christmas I took a weird dizzy spell and I haven't felt right since. Almost every day I'm aware of some recurring sensationsanf symptoms that have began triggering panic attacks almost every night. I've been under no real stress in my every day life but it's slowly starting To exhaust me. I know I shouldn't have, but when I looked up my symptoms I keep coming across Addison's disease. I'm now completely paranoid I have it but I'm too scared to go see a doctor. I feel like a silly child when I'm actually 28. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Any advice....: Hello, new member here. I'm just... - Thyroid UK
Any advice....

Hi Saraukulele, welcom to the forum.
When did you have your last thyroid bloods done? Do you have the results? If so, post them here, with the ranges, and tell us what you're taking.
It sounds like you are under-medicated. Anxiety and panic attacks can be low thyroid symptoms.. So, if you haven't had a test for a while, it would be a good idea to get one now.
1) Consider a gluten and dairy free diet, without aspartame or MSG. They contain excitotoxins which may affect you.
2) Look into leaky gut by having a stool test done. It may show bad bacteria, fungi, parasites, which could affect serotonin or dopamine production causing anxiety. Consider taking a probiotic.
3) Get tested for nutrient deficiencies, especially, shortages of B vitamins or amino scids, any of these could cause anxiety, depression, or obsessive or irritable behavior. Consider taking a dress B supplement, one with lots of methylcobalamin and some fish oil.
4) Have a full thyroid panel done and a saliva adrenal cortisol test done.
Good luck!
Dr Google can scare the life out of you. I've been there with panic attacks - the slightest physical feeling or situation can set them off once you start having them. Make sure you aren't over medicated - that won't help. Try reading Claire Weekes book Self Help for your Nerves. It was written ages ago but it was the first time I read anything that made any sense. The more attention you give to how you feel the worse you will be. Panic attacks are so horrible - but I've never had them since so they aren't going to carry on forever if you understand what is going on.
When you say panic attacks what do you mean? Full fledge heart palpitations, heavy chest, hard to catch breath or just some symptoms? I'm struggling with daughter who has anxiety for no reason ( most the time) and all this is a bit confusing. Anxiety can happen any time, even with no stress and she seems to get some symptoms and can last days. Panic and anxiety are confusing to me as seems almost same symptoms and can occur when not stressed. I feel bad for anyone with any of these as it's a long road and lots of testing. Docs put her on 50mg Zoloft and in emergency a a pill ( can't recall name as not home) to calm you down. It's scary at times when she can't breathe, jaw hurts, heavy chest etc. I'm thankful people with experience share opinions/ treatments etc. -don't ever be scared to see a dr. !!
Hi Kate - what really helped me was identifying where on the "anxiety spectrum" I fell - and what I've learned is I suffer from a panic disorder.
I function fully in my everyday life. I have a full time job, social life and relationships that aren't usually affected by my panic attacks.
When panic attacks occur, it's because of a perceived fear/threat that isn't there. I'm unsure of what other factors contribute but my trigger appears to be anything health related - tends to send me into a panic - if I'm under the weather or have aches and pains my brain goes into over drive "you're having a heart attack or you have a brain tumour" it's irrational and extreme but I can't stop it when it starts. I found a book that really helped its call "panic attacks five steps to freedom" by Lorraine Mason
Patience works wonders when helping someone with attacks - your daughter will be experiencing guilt because of the help she gets from you (I suffer it when my boyfriend has to help me out of a panic episode) but it's what the brain does. I panic about having panic attacks and it's a vicious cycle. Learn as much as you can about it and your daughter can overcome it ❤
Hi, I suffered panic attacks in my late 20's and am now 64. My doctor was really quite good BUT I don't think that I had my thyroid checked but not sure. I eventually attended a ten week course with a psychologist and we weren't getting anywhere until 7 weeks in he suggested that I write about my worst panic day. Well I knew right away what day to write about and my pen couldn't keep up with my thoughts. Past tense present tense and grammer was dreadful. That was the start of my recovery. I think that the psychologist liked it because he asked if he could keep it.
Anyway as the next few years rolled on my attacks became less and I was able to say to myself it is only tension and I coped with them until they disappeared.
I am convinced that my thyroid was my problem way back then. Hope this helps.
Jo xx
I'm sorry you are getting all these upsetting 'sensations'. You don't say whether you have been diagnosed as being hypothyroid so am assuming you haven't.
What you must do is ask your doctor to do a blood test for thyroid hormones, TSH, T3, T4, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies. Ask also for B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.
You should make the appointment, for the blood test, for the very earliest and fasting. (you can drink water) (I'm assuming you haven't been diagnosed).
Get a print-out of the results with the ranges and post for comments. Membes will then advise how best to recover your health. If you are hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, the doctor will prescribe a dose for you. So in your next post state what the doctor has diagnosed and what he has prescribed
All of the sensations you are having can be frightening and confusing so get blood tests a.s.a.p.
Hi Saraukele,
Sorry to hear that you are suffering so much.
You've had a lot of good advice regarding getting your medication levels sorted out and I'm sure that if you are able to get your thoughts together, these suggestions will help your condition.
As we all know, stress can make any medical condition worse, particularly thyroiditis. I recently went on a Mindfulness course, for me it was to treat the pain of fibromyalgia. I have to be honest and say it didn't help my pain levels but there were several people on the course who suffered from anxiety and they were delighted with the techniques they were taught. They all reported a lessening of their anxiety symptoms and felt more able to cope with an attack in the future, by using the techniques.
Having said that the course didn't help my pain symptoms, I believe that this is because I don't suffer from anxiety and/or depression, which is what this course is aimed at. If you do suffer these conditions, then Mindfulness will probably help reduce pain as well.
I did find the course useful for relaxation and if you can learn to relax and clear your mind, it will enable you to approach your health problems, using the excellent advise provided by other, to improve your quality of life.
Wishing you a peaceful New Year, Maggie x
Could your pain from fibromyalgia be down to toxicity of medication? I found that my system was not able to process T4 and so blood was showing high levels, but result was due to poor uptake. Changed to T3 only, fibromyalgia disappeared in a few days. Tried several times to reintroduce T4 -same result. T3 only now, but was finding, in last eight months migraines and fibro building up again, a couple of months ago I was given a different brand of T3. All pains gone again within about a week. Just a thought.
Thank you for your thoughts, I am thinking along the same lines as you already as my symptoms have improved with the addition (self medicated) of T3 to my T4. I only started T3 in March 2016 but I have steadily improved on 50 mcg T3 with 100 mcg T4. I was on 275 mcg of T4 from my GP so I'm sure I was pooling on such a high dose. I still have pain but not as agonising as it used to be.
I'll review my medication again after my next Blue Horizon blood tests - I wanted to get Christmas over before shelling out all that money for private tests. I also need to address my high cortisol problem before I make any further changes, I'll be at the GP about that next week!
Hi everyone! Thank you, firstly for so much response over night! I've never been tested for anything before by my GP - despite, what feels like to me, constant visits. I was diagnosed with anxiety in 2014 while living abroad in Australia - I was given pills that made me feel like a zombie and I just kept taking them out of habit. Upon returning to the uk, I saw a GP and she changed me to citalopram - which I didn't really feel made any difference. I changed my diet, I've been vegan for nearly a year now and it's only been in the last few weeks that I've been experiencing - what I refer to as sever panic attacks. That's when I have difficulty breathing, my body trembles from head to toe, like tremors, I have blurred vision, I want to run or "get away" somehow and I just ride this wave of feeling like I'm dying from chest pains. I've even had mild vomiting during those. They pass with time, I regulate my breathing and when I feel ready I distract my self with colouring or watching something soothing like ocean waves in YouTube videos. I'm off work this Tuesday and I'm just gonna make a same day appointment because I've had headaches, muscle pain, mood swings and blurred vision for the last 2 weeks and it's triggers panic attacks.
Have you been taking b12 supps, given you're vegan? And iron supps? And D?

Hi Aspmama - I take a vegan multi I got on recommendation from Holland and Barrett - since my first post I've done a lot more self help which is having a positive effect- i think my diet is possibly contributing to some of my symptoms so I've downloaded a fitness app that keeps a good diary so I'm able to see where I'm lacking. Thanks for the reply 🙌🏻
There is a real possibility that a year on a vegan diet has created a nutritional deficiency leading to your symptoms, especially if you have absorbtion problems. This is not to criticise veganism.
An app will not be able to tell you if you have a deficiency, only blood tests and careful tracing of symptoms will help there.
Explain the situation to yr dr and ask if she would test serum ferritin, D and B12, and post results with ranges here in case they are within range but sup optimal.
Consider Stopping all supplements now so that the results of blood tests are not masked... this is especially important for B12.

This is a real point.
Only a doctor can diagnose you. I'd be afraid not to see a doctor. Take care of yourself and get a doctors advice about what's going on. Don't be afraid and if you don't like the first doctor, get a second opinion. Be strong. God bless.
I may be wrong but understand Addisons to be the last stage(s) of Adrenal failure...you may not have Addisons but may be cortisol deficient? Might want to ask your Dr to check out your cortisol levels too.
Hi, Sorry you are having those terrible symptoms ! I was thinking you may want to ask your Doctor to check for Adrenal issue's as well. It can cause issue's with Blood Pressure thus, making you feels dizzy at times. It also can cause anxiety and feelings of Panic attacks. I am being checked now for it. I was shocked that the adrenals glands have so much power but then again the hormone they admit does a lot. Blood and Urine can tell The Doctor what he needs to know to at least knock one thing off the list. Good Luck!