THIROYD: THIROYD arrived yesterday......a little... - Thyroid UK

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THIROYD arrived yesterday......a little nervous when I saw it!! However have taken a quarter tablet this morning sublingually. My adrenaline is pumping, is this going to be the answer.....I so so hope so πŸ’•

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Klandels profile image
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25 Replies
galathea profile image

You have been on t3 and t4 and previous to this you were on 200 plus of t4..... Quarter of a grain of thiroid probably wont touch the sides....

What is your plan? Hiw much are you starting on? I started on one grain and quickly went up to 2 because i had previously taken t4 and t3.... Dont hang around too long on a miniscule dose.

A full replacement dose of ndt is between 2 and 5 grains..... I take 3. 4 pushed my free t3 over range.

Xx g

Klandels profile image
Klandels in reply to galathea

Thank you 😊 I split my one tablet into quarters today ( well nibbled what I thought was a quarterπŸ˜‹) and have taken it over the day, feeling ok. I was on 275mcg of Levothyroxine (the combination therapy of T4 and T3 sadly didn't work for me ) so intend to increase the NDT dose by half a grain every four days to try and avoid my body reacting to the Levo deficit.. Trial and error I think

Aurealis profile image

Good luck Klandels. Could you pm to me the pharmacy you used - did you have any difficulties getting it? Did you have a prescription?

Klandels profile image
Klandels in reply to Aurealis

Hello, I will PM you. I didn't have a prescription but did speak with my endocrinologist in August so she does have an awareness of the fact I was thinking about trying it. Just got to the stage a couple of weeks ago of sheer frustration, totally fed up with feeling so awful x

fitzy138 profile image

Hi there im on day 11 of thiroyd looking to increase dose on Friday to 1 1/2 grains. I had read in sttm book that the starting dose shouldbe 1 grain.going up a half every fortnight. I had a bit of a buzzy feeling when i first started but that goes within a few days. ( i think we have a wee worry about taking something new especially when youve bought it online) anyway im really needing to increase as my old symptoms have come back with a bang this morning. I was previously on 125 mcg of levo so i agree that a quarter maybe too low.but im just going by my experience so far. Hope you are well and don't worryi had some good advice from other members here that stopped me going off the deep end. Have a great day x

ExhaustedLee profile image
ExhaustedLee in reply to fitzy138

Hi Fitzy - how are you feeling after another 10 days?

I ask because I've ordered some Thiroyd and it arrived today! Scary!

fitzy138 profile image
fitzy138 in reply to ExhaustedLee

hi lee

good to hear from you. first of all don't be scared its a very good product. I'm still on a lose dose but doing fine. I have just done a 24hr saliva test and awaiting results.. I want to stay on this product so I'm just making sure that everything is ok { always felt that I had a problem with cortisol still feeling a bit buzzy] also upping my vits. I agree with klandels it is a bit of trial and error do what youre comfortable with. let me know how you get on .

Iam so happy we can discuss our fears keeps us all sane.

ExhaustedLee profile image
ExhaustedLee in reply to fitzy138

Hi Fitzy, thanks for replying.

Has the Thiroyd improved your fatigue? Or was this not a big symptom for you before? It's the worst thing for me and has cost me a lot in terms of job and social life in the past 2 years.

I have the Thiroyd and some B12 injections all ready to go! Problem is the Endo has told me to hold off on both whilst he looks into active B12 and MMA testing and also does a private script for Armour. This was 10 days ago and I still haven't heard back. I just want to get on and try to heal myself!

That's great you're doing fine! And sensible that you're doing further testing to rule out other issues


fitzy138 profile image
fitzy138 in reply to ExhaustedLee

lee I have a similar story I haven't worked in 10 months and going out with friends can be a bit of an effort some days. but I would say my energy levels are slowly improving, my legs don't weigh a ton when I'm trying to walk, not as full of water as I was either. my delayed stomach emptying is also gone. I'm finished with my endo as I am seemingly normal. and I don't see him again till next year ,so I'm self medicating and ordering tests myself. I don't know how to advise you other than chasing up your testing. its frustrating waiting for results and treatment I know.

sorry I'm not much help x

ExhaustedLee profile image
ExhaustedLee in reply to fitzy138

Hi Fitzy. I did reply to this message yesterday but it's not here which is frustrating! So I thought I'd message you again.

It's great that your energy levels are starting to improve and your legs are feeling a bit better!

Hey no need to apologise! I was caught between, waiting (and waiting, and waiting..) for levo and GP and Endo's to fix me or going off the beaten track and trying NDT & B12 injections. Eventually I pushed myself to take the big gamble, but the email from my endo 10 days ago has thrown me that's all. If I dont hear back from him by Monday I'm going to start the NDT. Give that a few weeks and if no improvement start the injections.

I hope you're feeling well today


fitzy138 profile image
fitzy138 in reply to ExhaustedLee

I had waited for 6 months with the promise of the energy will come b12 tests all sorts of it could be this or that.i also thought they were right. Iit be me. All in all its been 18 months since radio iodine and like yourself could stand it no longer. So i will give this treatment a shot. Desperate really. Hope you have success with this treatment. X

Klandels profile image
Klandels in reply to fitzy138

And I to you, it's a horrible condition that I feel does not receive the awareness it should x

fitzy138 profile image
fitzy138 in reply to fitzy138

How did you get on? Have you started thiroyd or did you decide to wait. Hope you're ok x

Klandels profile image
Klandels in reply to fitzy138

Hello, yes I did start taking it....I felt great on day 5, not sure if this was the Levothyroxine leaving me though? Have increased to two grains now, each day has been different with periods of feeling good and then not so good 😏 I am staying hopeful though and will persevere. How are you? 😊

fitzy138 profile image
fitzy138 in reply to Klandels

Good and bad days not bad enough to go back to levo. Just have to keep going and hope it all works out

Just waiting for saliva results so i can see what to do next. Can't get higher than 11/4 grains or the adrenaline rushes last all day. Glad your managing to raise dose. Hope it works out for all of us.xx

Klandels profile image

Thank you 😊 I split my one tablet into quarters today ( well nibbled what I thought was a quarterπŸ˜‹) and have taken it over the day, feeling ok. I agree I was nervous about the online ordering too, but after extensive reading and questioning on other forums I decided to order from one of the recommended suppliers. I was on 275mcg of Levothyroxine so intend to increase the NDT dose by half a grain every four days to try and avoid my body reacting to the Levo deficit.. Trial and error I think Good luck to you too xx

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to Klandels

I take all of mine last thing at night in one go.... I know others do it the same way..... You donT get an instant hit from the t3, because according to the following article, all the hormones in the ndt are bound, not free.....

Xx g

ExhaustedLee profile image

Hi Klandels. I have just come across this recent post of yours and thought I'd ask you're getting on with the Thiroyd? Are you feeling any better than on the levo?

I ask because I ordered the Thiroyd as I am sick of feeling so exhausted and unwell. I've tried levo only. Levo and T3 combi. Neither has helped so I decided to take the plunge. It has arrived today..! My loved ones are all telling me not to take it so I'm very nervous to start it.

Hope you're on the mend


Klandels profile image
Klandels in reply to ExhaustedLee

Hi Lee

My story seems very similar to yours....Levothyroxine worked well for me for nearly 30 years, I then hit the menopause and my thyroid levels went crazy. I was eventually referred to an Endocrinologist who suggested to try adding T3 in, this had such an adverse effect on my heart I had to stop. Back on only Levothyroxine and felt awful. I took the plunge (after a huge amount of research) and ordered THIROYD. My family were the same but I was determined. I started taking THIROYD last Tuesday and I do feel better. I'm not sure if this is the Levothyroxine leaving me or indeed the THIROYD being absorbed. Still a long way to go but I'm going to give this my best shot. Incidentally, my daughter works part time in our local pharmacy and spoke with the pharmacist about what I was doing, who was in agreement and thinks Levothyroxine is not a great drug. This has reassured my famil.

Good luck with it all xx

ExhaustedLee profile image
ExhaustedLee in reply to Klandels

Hiya, thanks for replying!

Well I've been on the levo for 2 years, various doses and I just feel rubbish. I cannot explain the fatigue. It's crushing. Unfortunately lost my job due to it, and the anxiety it brings and my social and active life has stopped for the same reason. That's the very short version of my sob story thankfully for you and any readers!

I had to take things in my own hands so after tons of research and speaking to people "in the know" I ordered the Thiroyd and also some B12 injections, as there is a strong likelihood due to the Hashi's and other autoimmune issues that I have pernicious anemia.

So now I just have to take the big steps of ditching the levo and starting the NDT, and jabbing myself with the B12!

My endo emailed me 10 days ago saying don't do either and that he will look into MMA/Active B12 tests and do a private script for Armour. Here I am 10 days later with neither sorted. So I'm a bit in no-mans land at the moment.

In what ways are you feeling better if you dont mind me asking? Were you tired before and now improving? That's my worst symptom, it's awful.


Klandels profile image
Klandels in reply to ExhaustedLee


This condition is just bloody awful isn't it 😁 The fatigue you talk of is just overwhelming isn't it, I was speaking to an aunt the other day and she was asking how I was. It's very difficult to explain to a non sufferer but she got the idea, she asked me does it feel like you have flu all the time? I suppose this analogy is the closest you can get? My fatigue has improved slightly, the brain fog too and the achiness is getting better. I'm just crossing my fingers for continued improvement I know it's going to take time and perseverance. If I were you I would be starting as soon as πŸ™‚

ExhaustedLee profile image
ExhaustedLee in reply to Klandels

You're right - the fatigue IS awful! About 2.5 years ago I started getting anxious when I was out and about because I didn't know why I was feeling so tired, and slightly off balance. The fatigue kept getting worse which fueled the anxiety. Started having panic attacks, feeling like I was going to pass out all the time from the exhaustion. I started going out less and less. It eventually cost me my job 7 months ago, which I'd already dropped down to part time a year before. The anxiety is a bit better now thanks to meds, techniques I use, and the fact that I'm not trying to work whilst so fatigued. But I have to fix this fatigue once and for all and get back to work and a life.

It sounds like the Thiroyd might be having a positive effect on you if the brain fog is starting to lift and other things improving too - that's great news.

Have you checked your Vit D, B12 & Iron levels? They can be important in fatigue. Hope you have a lovely weekend

Klandels profile image
Klandels in reply to ExhaustedLee

Hi Lee, your story sounds awful. Two years ago I felt horrendous but put my symptoms down to the menopause......eventually I had to give up and accept that I was very unwell. My TSH at that point was 58.9 with no apparent reason. I was tested for everything eventually (after pleading with my GP to refer me to endocrinologist) My Vit D levels were "dangerously low" and I was put on a high dose. I was off work for 4 months (I'm a nurse) I have been taking Magnesium and 5HTP, these have helped with restless legs (at bedtime) and anxiety. I was able to return to work on a phased return in January of this year and don't do back shifts or night shifts, this has certainly helped with the fatigue as I am able to regulate my bedtime. It takes time and I'm so hopeful the NDT will work. Let me know how you get on x

Lucy1000 profile image
Lucy1000 in reply to Klandels

Hi Klandels, I've been working through the thyroid thing like many of you. Levothyroxine didn't work for me and Armour is better, but I'm still hoping to regain my old energy levels. I want to try Thiroyd but I'm not sure how to order it. Did you go through Pim Pom Products, or did you use a different supplier? I'm only taking 30mg of Armour - it was 50 of levo, so I'm not sure at all how to dose. Although my dose is kind of small, my fatigue is serious and my endo is reluctant to increase my dose based on symptoms. That's why I want to find a product I can dose myself with. Can you give me some advice based on your experience - most important - who do I get the stuff from and why Thiroyd and not Thyroid-S for you?

tracyd2 profile image

Hi, your symptoms mentioned above are the same as mine. I am really suffering with my legs at the moment and feeling so unwell. I am keen to try either Thiroyd or Thyroid-S after a recommendation. I am also 50 and menopausal. Have been on T4 only for 30 years !

Would anyone that is benefitting from either product please advise me and also please PM me with their supplier. I am concerned about buying genuine product over the internet.

Many many thanks in advance.

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