Here we go again - just suffered a sleep apnea attack which was very umpleasant - I don't have them very often but when I do then naturally I have difficulty falling back to sleep again
I've come back from my holiday with a cold and sore throat and feel worse than when I went - I went with all my vitamin & mineral supplements and was able to be more active but despite the activity ( lots of walking) have gained more weight!
Just feel that my body is a joke at the moment - want to sleep but can't. My throat is now a dry sore throat, it's too hot to sleep and our fan has stopped working - I have an endo appointment in a few weeks and am already dreading it - I have the saliva adrenal test ready to do but I fear stopping the adaptogens could make me feel even worse - just appears to be a vicious circle.
My field of work involves exhibiting at wedding fayres and I am already dreading the start of the season in September as it has become physically more stressful to exhibit at a show as an early start is involved, getting to the show, setting up, doing the show where you're standing up all the time talking to potential customers and then packing away and driving home - it takes me a week to get over a show and then it's time for another one - I don't want to quit doing the shows, it's my business and I love it but not in the health I am in at the moment
Sorry just had to rant a bit as feel really down about my health and trying to get diagnosed.