This is my personal experience. I had been suffering from hypothyroid for the past two years due to which i had a lot of weight gain and mood swings etc. I was quite fed up of taking medication every single day the moment i got out of bed. I experimented with naturopathy but it didn't help me out that much. I then conducted an extensive research and read a lot about how food affects your body. Over the years i have become quite familiar with my body and began understanding it. i made myself a food chart and followed it religiously along with the workout of course. I got my tests done recently and i don't have hypothyroid anymore!!! My doctor was amazed and couldn't figure how it disappeared! I just feel extremely lucky and greatful. I just wanted to share my experience.
Hypothyroid Reversed!: This is my personal... - Thyroid UK
Hypothyroid Reversed!

Goodness me. Sounds amazing - you'll have to reveal all😊
Thank you guys
My doctor prescribed thyroxine and I had to eat that on an empty stomach daily, the moment I got out of bed. I kept doing that and went on my regular walks. I asked him for how long I had to take these meds and he said maybe a lifetime..we will see how it goes. I HATE meds! The main reason for me getting hypothyroid was stress. And the maniac that I became, i used to stress about being unable to deal with stress. I work in television and movies so that added along with the cigarettes and unhealthy eating habits. I just kept bloating and bloating like a never ending hot air balloon and constipation was a problem that kicked in too. I was depressed as well. I did not understand how to tackle this. One fine day I just quit taking meds (not advisable as i have been told). Some one told me about naturopathy and I wanted to give it a try. I then switched from regular water to solar water, I turned my back to milk and dairy products because it contains disgusting properties such as blood and pus, i had dried black grapes, fennel seeds and walnuts soaked overnight in water, i had tulsi leaves, I only ate freshly cooked and steamed meals etc. I just went berserk trying to do everything possible to get free from this curse! I began to jog and walk for longer periods and I did stretches. Well that should have helped some what but for my did not do a great deal. In fact it stressed me out because I had to manage all of this on my own while working and taking care of my house (I live alone and have no domestic or any other help) and to keep up with all of this was tiresome. I then began to read, read and read about the thyroid gland and how hypo and hyper thyroid takes a toll on you, your body, your hormones and your mind! It just plays with you like a nasty evil thing. I then got hooked on to the effects of food. Because that is the most basic thing that keeps our body and mind functioning. The most essential thing which had been overlooked for a very very long time. The more I read about it the more sense it made to me. And not just for hypothyroid.. for obesity for mental health EVERYTHING to do with your mind, body and hormones is related to food. I gave up on naturopathy because i got honest with myself and told myself that I am not going to be living like this for ever and when i go back to my normal eating habits my body & mind will suffer again. What could i possibly do to maintain my lifestyle, work, mental and physical health.
Walking and jogging just was no helping me any more so i wanted to give it a jerk and started spinning and doing yoga. I quit the NO NO foods of hypothyroid such as spinach, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, almonds, soy products, broccoli and a whole lot of other foods. This is because digesting these foods blocks the thyroid's ability to absorb iodine which is required for it's functioning. So I broke up with them completely! I switched to foods that were rich in Selenium and Iodine and Vitamins. Fish, nuts, banana, papaya, cantaloupe, carrots, lentils, chicken, onion, raw garlic pods in the morning and night, chia seeds, veg juices etc. I found all of these details on line easily. I did not start eating all of this right away. I found out what each food does to your body and how it helps you. I did the same for the Danger foods which are a no no for hypothyroid so i knew exactly what i should and should not eat and why. That got me to understand my body better. The most important thing i did was , to be as stress free as possible. I am a tough case as far as that is concerned so I did various things to divert my mind, started hobbies like origami and planting, i took frequent holidays even though i was financially broken down. I just HAD to change my lifestyle. I am yet to lose a lot of fat that has been clinging on by body for a while now and i hope to be successful at that soon. It is still difficult for me to believe that i do not have hypothyroid any more.. it is like magic happened. But it did! I hope this can help some one...
Well done and thanks for sharing that with us. You have worked really hard to get to where you are. I know I am trying to stick with a healthy diet, I'm pretty much dairy free, trying to be GF, get exercise, cut out stress - which I think was a big contributory factor in my illness (Graves Disease) now my main stress was the offer of RAI should I relapse - there's a big incentive to stay stress free! Hopefully you will lose your weight and go from strength to strength 😊
Sounds as though you may be lactose intolerant, and that was playing into your condition.
An interesting story.
Would be interesting to know what your thyroid hormone blood levels were at the point when your doctor made the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, compared to what they are now. Can you tell us those details?
And did you have a positive thyroid antibody test indicating autoimmune thyroid disease? If not perhaps your thyroid problem was due to iodine deficiency?
I envy you being able to exercise, even getting out of bed in the morning is difficult. I have a shower and I'm exhausted. I live in hope!