Hi im new to this site,i have just had my thyroxin reduduced by 25,i wasnt poorly but feel ill now,has anyone had these symptoms,burning itching skin,feeling sick,anxiety is dreadful,i started 4/5 days after reducing..will it stop soon,i have thought about putting it back up...thank you....
withdrawal symptoms: Hi im new to this site,i... - Thyroid UK
withdrawal symptoms

Do you know why your dose was reduced? Do you have any recent blood test results you could post? This will give readers an idea of what's going on. LB
I was sent by my doctor to see an endocrinologist,she said my reading was to high,I asked for the reading she just said,I said high she treaded me like a child,I have been on 125 mg thyroxine for 12years,I have never been 100% but acceptable.my doctor wanted me to have a 24hr water test,the endocrinologist said she had never heard of it..Iv asked my doctor for my reading but he won't give it me..I'm dreadful at the moment.....HJ
You have a right to a full print out of your test results. Your surgery has the right to charge for paper and ink but not to make a profit. Your symptoms are not so much withdrawal but it sounds that your medication should not have been reduced. we do have a serious problem with doctors treating by blood tests rathe than symptoms. Get your results together with the ranges the lab used and post them for us.
I used to get the soles of my feet burning at night in bed until I started on Thyroxine (but I don't know if it was connected - it might have been a coincidence).
I would increase your dose back to where it was before and see if you feel better.....based on the comments of others who like me possibly cannot understand why you should have been reduced in the first place. Doctors should treat by how you feel....
The above link explains how it is your right to ask for your medical details....especially blood test results.
You also need to have the following tested - Ferritin - Folate - B12 - Iron - VitD and do not accept Normal from your GP - you need copies of the results with ranges.
We have to be gently firm and take control of our health....
Wishing you well soon
Thank you everyone,I'm getting my results from the doctor,as soon as Iv got them I will post them...
Thank you for your help....