I had blood tests not long ago and was told they were all normal but I think I have a lot of the symptoms of thyroid deficiency - my hair is thinning drastically; my eyelashes are now almost non-existent and my eyebrows are thinning at the outer ends; my nails are flaking and breaking all the time; I have pain the majority of my joints at different times and have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia but don't have a typical response to exercise; I suffer from depression and exhaustion; my sleep is unrestorative although I sleep for hours despite waking in pain; I have symptoms that are being taken as IBS; if I turn onto my back when asleep I wake with symptoms of an infection and cough up coloured mucous though GP says there is no infection; I have chronic sinusitis and sneeze and blow my nose maybe 30 times after waking; I am gaining weight all the time; I can't think of any other symptoms though probably they are there... Help! I would welcome your opinion.
Thanks, Suex