How many of you.....: ....opened presents today... - Thyroid UK

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How many of you.....

Tweetypie28 profile image
21 Replies

....opened presents today and thought, as wonderful as the presents were, the greatest gift of all would be to feel completely well again??

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Tweetypie28 profile image
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21 Replies
shaws profile image

I am sure that's what is uppermost in many members' thoughts. You do get tired of being unwell, when you know that the medication is/maybe available which could do the trick.

Hopefully, the New Year will bring some respite to everyone and we meet with sympathetic knowledgeable doctors.

Tweetypie28 profile image
Tweetypie28 in reply to shaws

Wouldn't that be wonderful, fingers crossed :-)

faith63 profile image

Same's the only thing i want..brings me to tears, thinking of feeling well. I feel so horrible today.

Tweetypie28 profile image
Tweetypie28 in reply to faith63

Bless you Faith. Sending you a hug. I feel ok at the moment, probably 85% well but even I had a few tears yesterday. I have such wonderful things in my life and so much to be grateful for but thyroidism always lurks in the background. I never know how long I'm going to feel "well" for. Full health for a good while was on my list for Christmas, I made a silent wish for us all, hoping it will come true. Hope you feel a bit better today, if not, hope you feel better soon xx

Hennerton profile image

Same here. I do not think the medication exists yet for everyone to feel well. Some say they do on NDT, others that T3 is the answer but I have tried them all and am never completely well for any length of time. We can see by studies turned up by Helvella and many others that there are clearly many missing links. Some of us manage reasonably well without 'all the ducks in a row' but I believe they are rare. Those people have problems but they do not attribute them to thyroid issues, whereas I am sure all the big and small problems that seem to follow one after another for me, are because I have no thyroid and and whatever medication I take, I will never be completely well. Sorry! That has turned into a very unChristmasssy rant. Hope everyone has a good today.

silverfox7 profile image

I echo your sentiments, it's the fine tuning that's the problem. I try to keep that in perspective though and remind myself when my body was good. Remember that in those days we caught colds, took other medication for infections, binged may be on things that may be weren't good for us, produced children, stayed up half the night with feeds, went through the trauma of losing a loved one, the list is endless but we bounced back easily or may be didn't even notice we passed from summer to winter without a hiccup because that fine tuning was often done without our knowledge but our body just got on with it but then wham that fine tuning stopped! We don't often realise straight away so there is always going to be a time lag to start adjusting and then to put it in operation. Realising this is happening and accepting it I find makes the light at the end of the tunnel seem nearer and brighter! I was told after a scan many years ago that my thyroid must be very difficult to keep stable so I remember when I have a dip that it happens and somehow it helps me to accept that is how it is for me but I must adjust. I like to think my cup is always half full and never half empty but I realise that doesn't work for everyone. With the correct medication that is suited to your body I like to think that you retain the ability for your body to cope with outside incidents but a lot of me feels that if the 'wrong' treatment has been used over a period of time then that fine tuning has to be a more manual thing that isn't always as successful. I have no idea whether that's right but it's may be how I feel or how I cope.

Jillymo profile image

How i wish that would be the case but sad to say it's not, i feel like a soldier fighting a long hard battle..........will i ever win who knows ?

sulamaye profile image

I only wish I'd known what I know now four years ago, I feel I do have some hope of getting some of my life back as I learn about the complexity of my hypothyroidism and its interplay with extremely low cortisol. As i finally start self medicating with hydrocortisone and have hope that this might enable my cells to use the t3 I am taking I have hope that maybe even if I never get back to my pre m.e hypo state I may at least go beyond bed and housebound one day sooner rather than later. But I've already missed so much of my daughters life from age 5 to age 9. I feel both sad that I didn't learn what I needed to know sooner; grateful that I have finally been alerted to it; and fearful that as with so many previous 'treatments' this too will prove not to be the solution and this time next year my daughter will be ten and I will have spent most of the year in bed. I can but hope and pray.

Piggysqueak profile image


siskin profile image

reallyfedup123, I couldn't agree more,"head in sand" comes to mind.

Clutter profile image

Debsy, absolutely agree with you. Until then, I'm looking forward to trying out the heated foot warmer I suspect will be my favourite pressie.

siskin profile image

I'm banned from there now, I had the audacity to ask why an article. posted by someone else (excerpt from DRs Lowe and Mecola), had been removed. Apparently it breached HU guidelines.

Later I asked, why then was an article from a newspaper allowed which had nothing to do with fibro but arthritis was allowed.

I know of another who was banned also re hypothyroid mention.

Lizzy1606 profile image

Yes i'm fed up of the curse that is thyroid. i hope 2015 will bring betterthings for us all.

Bassetmum profile image

I don't often read posts but this one caught my eye. I've been diagnosed with thyroid problems for 15yrs. Last two it's gone bananas spiking higher and meds have been reduced and reduced. I feel ill 95% of the time but GP seems to ignore me. I sleep for hours and hours and feel dreadful. Never seen a specialist and GP thinks he sorts his other patients so he should be able to sort me! When you all say you feel ill what exactly do you mean. I'd love to know I have normal thyroid illness so to speak

Ansteynomad profile image

Hear hear. I've had lovely presents, but I'd rather hZve my hair back!

BeansMummy profile image

I recently joined the fibro board, purely because my GP has mentioned the word "fibromyalgia" in passing a few times. I thought I would lurk for a while and get a bit more information, but am finding it hard - there are so many unwell people on there, I feel so sorry for them. Why is there no acknowledgement that it could, just possibly, be thyroid-related?

Hennerton profile image

What is spiking higher and higher? Do you have latest or recent thyroid blood tests? Members cannot really answer unless they know these. What level of medication are you on? It may be that you are not converting T4 to T3, perhaps because your iron, other Vits and minerals are low. We can advise more if you give info.

Very well put, Debsy. I have had my brother here for Christmas. He's just gone. And I am completely exhausted and braindead. And I am much better than I have been for years! Sometimes one feels this is just a life sentence.

Nickinoo1 profile image

I agree. A month later and I am getting my brain fog a little clearer - B12 I love it? I think a good thing this Christmas period was joining this group.

I too have had relatives and as lovely as it is to see them - and they are stuck until tomorrow thanks to Kings Cross closure - I am looking forward to quiet and not having to be social.

I have been super emotional even cried watching Miranda and sure it's meant to make me larf! :)

BeansMummy profile image

If you are unwell and, unless you have an illness or disease that definitely has no cure or is something you just have to learn to live with, it makes sense to me to at least investigate all avenues.

Sutton profile image

Absolutely agree too - I spend most nights up - downstairs crying wishing for just this - oh for a few days respite - my pain management doctor who was very understanding - prescribed Pregabalin (for fibromyalgia ! which makes me feel dreadful!) and told me to read 'Living with Fibromyalgia' - I had this diagnosed 12yrs ago - read a book then and still have worse symptoms - so i absolutely agree that some people do not respond to T4 medication .

Lets hope that this year maybe someone somewhere will be able to get through to the medical profession regarding thryoid problems/and proper testing !!!

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