What benefits of adding T3 did you see? - Thyroid UK

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What benefits of adding T3 did you see?

Loo44 profile image
11 Replies

Just wondered what help T3 gave you in feeling better xx

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Loo44 profile image
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11 Replies
Clutter profile image

Loo, Brain fog cleared, clarity of thought returned, fibro pain, COPD symptoms, palpitations, tremors, parasthesia and breathlessness cleared. T3 seemed to calm the adverse effects of T4 only.

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to Clutter

Agree with Clutter.... brain fog cleared. Better focus. I don't feel like I'm walking through jellied soup. Physically stronger. Energy does not deplete by the end of the work day. When conversing with people I'm alert. Was slow speaking, quiet voice nobody could hear..... I thought this was menopause... ha! No. Low thyroid. Slow walking, driving like a drunk driver or maybe a stoned driver.... slow... Exhausted after shopping for groceries.

helbell profile image
helbell in reply to Clutter

Those were my symptoms. Persist a little up and down but thyroid replacement mediates most...by and large.

Taking T3 has been like a switch going on and has taken me back to how well I felt before I had an underactive thyroid. I feel like me again.

When I'm on T4 only = restless legs at night, unexplained aches, weakened muscles, nocturnal restlessness, chest aches, acid reflux, tiredness, brain fog... plus high BP, high cholesterol, low heart rate.

T3 has helped me control all of these symptoms.

MacG profile image

Hi Loo44

I started on supplementing levo with T3 in September, and it is about six weeks since I found a dose/ratio that seems to suit me. What follows is a cut and paste from a post I made a few days ago:

"I cannot believe how I am getting my life back in so many ways. I have just worked a full week - that's the first time in ten years.....and I still have energy to write about it! The brain fog - a horrible dull-headed, jittery, thinking-is-too-much-trouble-today feeling - is much alleviated. I don't feel so overwhelmed by what life is throwing at me because I feel more physically robust, which is making me more emotionally resilient. And so....debilitating symptoms of anxiety that I had developed during the ten years that I remained undiagnosed and during my first two years of treatment on levo. have improved immeasurably in the last six weeks. (Emotionally, I am better than I have been for years.) I think I have also noticed in the last few days some stumpy little hairs growing back at the front of my head where my hair had thinned horribly (Hurrah for stumpy hairs!!)".

Oh.... and an update.....my dodgy immune system seems miraculously improved. I have also tackled some long overdue jobs around the house.

We are not machines and improvements in one area touch other areas of our lives. As I think the above demonstrates, when you are not struggling to cope (physically) day after day EVERYTHING improves (relationships, living environment.....I could continue). For me a downward spiral has been reversed.

I started supplementing with T3 because of the results that I received back from the DIO2 test. The results of this showed that my ability to convert T4 to T3 was significantly impaired due to inheriting a faulty gene from both parents. I am evangelical about this test at the moment. Well worth the money. I think that if you are still not feeling well on levo and especially if there are autoimmune or endocrine problems in other family members it is definitely worth investigating to give you as full a picture as possible.

Hope this helps and good luck in your own journey.

Panda_26 profile image

Hi MacG,

That's a really encouraging story ,

Can you share a couple of things? I too have been trying to add t3 to my levo to get my missing energy back but I think various things , b 12, folate etc being too low and adrenal issues have made it impossible to tolerate so far.

How did you introduce the t3? I'm presuming very gradually?

Also can you tell us more about that test, where you sourced it from?

Thanks so much and wonderful to hear someone got the root of their problems and has come out the other side!


MacG profile image
MacG in reply to Panda_26

Hi Amanda Q,

I am going to give you a bit of background, cos I think that might help.

Before supplementing with T3 I was taking 100mcg levo and my last blood test results before switching were: TSH 0.02 (0.3-5); FT4 19.6 (11.23) FT3 4.4 (3.9-6.8). As you can see my test results were good. That might have made the transition a bit easier. You mention B12 - my last result ( as of Oct 2014) was 458ng/l (200-900) and my Ferritin (Oct 2014) was 40 ug/L (12-300). Ferritin was not brilliant, but I am working on that. Sorry I don't know my folate. I did have my adrenals checked back in the summer of 2012 (pre diagnosis) and although my DHEA was low my cortisol was fine. I have not had them checked since. I took a short course of DHEA as well as other supplements (magnesium, vitamins etc) after I got my adrenal results.

Background over and done with.......Back in September My GP suggested reducing to 50mcg levo and starting with 10mcg T3 increasing to 30mcg. The first week I took the 50mcg levo and 10mcg T3 and didn't really notice a difference. The second week I added the second dose of T3 (so I was on 50 mcg levo and 20 mcg T3). By the end of that second week I was on my knees. Terrible thumping headache. I am not quite sure whether it was the rather sudden reduction in the levo that had left me a bit under-medicated or increasing too fast with the T3. Anyway, following advice here (thanks Clutter and Shaws and others....) I went back up to 75mcg levo and just the 10mcg T3 and everything settled down. Things have steadily improved since then. Because I was feeling so good I decided to stick at the 75mcg levo/10mcg T3, even though it is not quite what my GP suggested and wait it out until my follow-up blood test. I am having that tomorrow morning, so I will be interested to see my results. It seems astounding to me that a tiny little scrap of tablet like the 10mcg T3 I am taking a day is making such a difference.

There is a link to the details of the DIO2 test if you look on in the Tests section in the menu on the left-hand side of the Thyroid UK homepage. It was all very straightforward to do. There is also a link to an article amongst that information. The title starts "Common Variation in the DIO2 Gene Predicts......."etc. This makes very interesting reading. I took a photocopy of it along to my GP when I went with the DIO2 test results. The deiodinase 2 enzyme is primarily responsible for the conversion of T4 to T3 in the brain, which is why I think so many of us who take the T3 comment on how fairly quickly the dreadful dull-headed slowness that we feel is alleviated.

It may also be useful to know that at the same time as I went onto the T3 I went gluten free and have stuck to that religiously. I also take a range of good quality supplements daily. If you want further details I will be happy to share that.

I cannot understand why the DIO2 test is not mainstream. It is scientifically proven and well known that the deiodinase enzymes are responsible for converting T4 to T3 in many sites around the body. No endocrinologist could refute that. If this process is impaired by genetic problems that are quantifiable, I can't understand why

a) the larger endocrinology and medical community seem to be ignorant of the significance of this test

b) this test is not offered on the NHS.

The obvious deduction if they were to acknowledge the DIO2 test would be that FT3 testing is worthwhile and medication containing T3 wholly necessary.

Sorry....... I'll get off my soapbox now!

I am very happy to answer your questions AmandaQ, but really I feel very much like a novice with all of this. I am following my instincts of what feels right and I think not being afraid to experiment (within reason!) is OK. I know that my GP didn't exactly suggest the 75mcg levo and 10 mcg T3 that I am currently taking but she is OK with me "tweeking" things myself. This is how healthcare should be. My new surgery is brilliant and I can see my results online and my GP knows that this is helping me to manage my condition. She is not afraid to say to me, "See how your results are and if you want to, add an extra 25mcg....". I think I am very fortunate and I wish you well as you look for answers.

Panda_26 profile image
Panda_26 in reply to MacG

That's brilliant MacG, thanks so much for going into so much detail.

Its interesting because I too have reduced to 75 levo and added 10 t3 . Like you I felt nothing for the first week and then was on my knees! But for me I think it was pooling and not getting into my system. Therefore my only choice is to give it time , work on supporting adrenals and getting folate up and try again. My blood tests looked similarly good to yours ( which is why the endo was reluctant to even let me try the t3) . And I'm gutted it hasn't worked as there's a bit of a told you so attitude from her now!

The D102 test looks really interesting and like you say should be more readily used as a way of understanding what's going on.

I think k the fact that you've 'tweaked' your meds the find the best for you is the way we all have to do it in the end as we can't sit around waiting for the so called professionals to get it right !

Its all so exhausting when you're struggling with the brain fog too !

Thanks again for sharing :-)

Amanda x

MacG profile image
MacG in reply to Panda_26

Hi Amanda,

Isn't it frustrating that what works for one maybe doesn't work for another. Even if the DIO2 test (DIO stands for deiodinase) comes back negative (i.e., no faulty gene) that is still useful information to have. However, about 15% of the population have this genetic problem, so it could well be the case for you. It would certainly add power to your elbow if you are pushing for treatment other than levo.

Best wishes with your journey ahead.x

leroi01 profile image

Hi Loo44,

T3 has raised my body temp and pulse, cleared brain fog, increased my speed of speech, have more energy, increased eyesight (long distance) and get a very solid sleep. Hope that helps.


Loo44 profile image

Wow, thank you so much everyone. Fingers crossed my endo will let me try some T3. Will keep you posted xx

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