Not Thyroid: Hi Everyone, Having been on this... - Thyroid UK

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Not Thyroid

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
22 Replies

Hi Everyone,

Having been on this site now for a while and posted several times about various things including symptoms and referrals. I was wondering if anyone did go onto get a diagnosis which was not thyroid related even though some of their symptoms were very similar to thyroid.

I have Hashimotos, crohns and cervical and lumber spine problems. That said i alot of my symtoms persist and i have endless referrals most which have been pointless.



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yorkshiregirl44 profile image
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22 Replies
gabkad profile image

Hashimoto and crohn's begin in the gut. I guess it's easy to realize that crohn's does. You'll need to address dietary issues that lead to leaky gut and bacterial weirdness. Start with zero (and I mean absolutely zero) gluten and cut out any sources of dietary yeast. You'll need to do plenty of research on this subject. You can start with Chris Kresser.

One thing that has been proven to put Crohn's patients (at least the paediatric ones) into remission is low dose naltrexone. You'd need to modify diet as well but diet along may not do the trick. There are GI specialists prescribing LDN for adult patients too.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to gabkad


I had a bowel resection many years ago and I have never needed medication.

Hashimotos came many years later an does not run in my family yet crohns does.


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to gabkad

That's rather a sweeping statement that Hashimoto's starts in the gut. Some does, no doubt, but I'm willing to bet that not all cases do. I'm pretty sure mine didn't. Most members of my family have/had it, plus other autoimmune diseases, for several generations. I've had it since I was a child.

I really can't help feeling that that diagnosis is just a fad. Tomorrow it will be something else.

Hugs, Grey

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to greygoose

Actually, having it 'running' in families would indicate that environmental situation is working on a predisposition. Families have some things in common besides genetics: food culture.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to gabkad


I agree with mother died of crohns and i have 2 sisters also with it. I lived with my grandmother so was raised in a diffeent environment to my sisters. However we do have a very similar outlook and our life choices have been almost identical.

There could be several predisposed factors going on or could it be just dwn to luck.


gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to yorkshiregirl44

It seems from what people write here that going gluten free helps some of them with Hashi antibodies. Dr. Fasano says that he wouldn't tell anyone that going gluten free will necessarily get rid of the antibodies but he supports eliminating gluten to determine if it is contributing to the disease process.

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to gabkad

Furthermore, Dr. Fasano has a clinic in Maryland at the university where first degree relatives of people with Coeliac are tested for the genes and then followed through time. He said that two women in their late 70s who have the genes developed Coeliac all of a sudden. He says he doesn't know if this was triggered by infection or antibiotics. But antibiotics do change the gut microbiome and protective bacteria can be out numbered by pathological ones.

Studies have been done to determine the effect of various antibiotics on the microbiome. Sometimes there's only a short blip and the original bacteria return. Sometimes they never do. One guy took a course of Clindamycin and even a year later, his bacteria never recovered. For several months he barely had any variety.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to gabkad

Ic heard that before about antibiotics in connection with conditions affecting the gut including crohns.

It would be interesting to find out if such conditions have decreased as GPs done prescribe antibiotics as frequently as they once did.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to gabkad

No, I really don't think that applies to my family. But whatever...

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to greygoose

I am going back over a hundred years, on both sides of my family - mother's side and father's side - spread over a vast area of England. We come from as far South as Devon and as far north as Nottingham. And I believe we have some Welsh blood, too.

One of my great grandmothers, who came from Nottingham, would be well over a hundred by now - I can't go any further back than my great grandmothers. We do not eat the same things she ate! Because that theory doesn't take into consideration location, income, tastes, - my great grandmother adored boiled tongue - I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. My ancestors had a heavily meat-based diet - my paternal grandmother worked for a butcher! But my maternal grandmother was practically vegetarian. I myself have never liked meat very much.

Then, we have two world wars to take into consideration, which drastically changed things food-Wise in England. There were so many food shortages that people had to drastically alter their diets. Bread was out for a start! At least, where we lived when I was a child. Food was rationed, we had one egg per person, per week. And no sweets or chocolate.

However, when I was married, we were fairly well-off, so food choices changed again. My eldest son married a Vietnamese, so no way did he eat the same as me. Didn't stop him developping thyroid problems, though.

You might just as well say that all people in England eat the same. Or all people in France eat the same. Or that French people eat the same as English people - although that definately isn't true. But if it is true, then why are there people with Hashi's all over the world? You cannot possibly say that we all have the same food tradition. The highest incident of Hashi's is in Japan. What is the Relationship between my diet and a typical Japanese diet? There isn't one.

Sorry, but your theory just doesn't hold water. At least, not as far as I'm concerned.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to greygoose

I have never had a theory about what we eat. I eat what i like regarless

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to yorkshiregirl44

Good. So do I. But my response was actually to something Gabkad said.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to greygoose

Hi Grey,

Did you mean that crohns starts in the gut is a fad?

I personally dont know enough about crohns research to agree or disagree. But what i feel is that no-one really understands why someone gets an autoimmune disease even though they can speculate.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to yorkshiregirl44

Actually, I meant Hashi's. I don't know anything about Crohn's. It is in the gut, anyway, isn't it?

No, I agree, they don't know. We get all these theories and they change all the time. But none of them seem to fit me. So I just ignore them. I don't have much of a thyroid anymore so...

I did try going gluten-free for a few months, but it did nothing for me. So... lol

Hugs, Grey

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to greygoose

Yes crohnc can affects any part of the digestive track and in some cases other parts of the body.

Hashimotos is the auto-immune process which produces anti-bodies, and like all auto-immune diseases the body is attacking itself. This can lead to the thyroid gland failing and becoming underactive.

If its a fab then so is all the other auto-immune diseases. Its not subjective it can be proved my blood testing and if a brain mri was done it would also show on that.



greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to yorkshiregirl44

Um, well, yes, I do have Hashi's. Had it since I was a child, although not diagnosed until 55. And, as I said, I don't have much gland left.

I didn't say autoimmune diseases were a fad. I said the idea that it's caused by leaky gut is a fad.

Actually, I don't really know what you're talking about. Why are you telling me about Hashi's? I know about Hashi's. Did you actually read what I said?

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to greygoose

You actually wrote you meant Hashis so i took that as you meant you thought of that as a fad. That is the way i processed that information.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to yorkshiregirl44

You actually wrote 'Did you mean that crohns starts in the gut is a fad?' I said no, I meant Hashi's. Meaning that I thought the theory that Hashi's starts in the gut is a fad, not that Hashi's is a fad. How could I possibly have meant that when I have the disease! I don't think it's all in my head! I know that the disease has destroyed my gland. I said that. Oh well...

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to greygoose

That is how i procssed the information

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to yorkshiregirl44


marram profile image
marram in reply to yorkshiregirl44

You say "if it is a fab (fad?) then so are all the othe autoimmune diseases". Actually, no. They might well have different origins. Just because all dogs are animals does not mean that all animals are dogs!

For example, I am quite willing to believe that some kinds of food could set off Chrohn's, but there is strong evidence that there is a familial connection too.

On the other hand, I was diagnosed with Graves' disease 6 months after having a TB vaccination. Did that start in the gut? Then, several months after having a Flu jab, my Graves' antibodies rose again and they started attacking my eyes. Did that start in the gut? However, I DID have a lot of digestive troubles when my Graves' was very active. Is it just possible that they are seeing a cart behind a horse and assuming the cart is pushing the horse, rather than the horse pulling the cart?

It could well be that there are several different triggers for autoimmune disease.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to marram

Oh, well said! I totally agree. Clinicians are rather fond of putting carts before horses!!! I've noticed that before.

They can't seem to understand that you are depressed because you are in pain. You aren't in pain because you're depressed! And I doubt if anyone ever has been. (Sticking my neck out there, but what the heck!)

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