Buzzing in chest.: Hi there, For the last month... - Thyroid UK

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Buzzing in chest.

Tasia profile image
18 Replies

Hi there,

For the last month or so Ive been getting a weird buzzing sensation on the left side of my chest it comes and goes. Feels like a bee in there or a phone vibration. It isnt a strong feeling its very light if you know what I mean.

Its really beginning to worry me. I suffer sometimes with anxiety and this is making my symptoms come back again.

I will make a doctors appt next week but just wondering if it could be another symptom of underactive thyroid?

Do any of you guys get this?


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Tasia profile image
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18 Replies
sezzy profile image

Could it be a trapped nerve? Be worth getting it checked out to be safe.

Heloise profile image

Could you also define it as a ripple effect? Then I would think it is muscle related and rib muscles are sensitive. You might try taking a good magnesium supplement and if you can afford a therapeutic massage as well, it could help. Thyroid does have a great affect on muscle activity, no doubt.

Tasia profile image

Hi there and thankyou for your replys.

I will deffinately get it checked out its only started very recently. Its not really a ripple effect to be honest at first i thought it was me with a wheezy chest because thats the sort of feeling it is...I hope it isnt anything terrible.

Thankyou both again and ill let you know what doc says.:)

in reply to Tasia

Hi Tasia, just to say I had what sounds exactly as you describe.It made me want to thump the area to stop it! For me,when meds were increased it disappeared which made me think that it was connected somehow to my slightly underactive thyroid. I was on 25mcg,then 50mcg now on just 62.5mcg daily.It hasn't returned as of now.I did have an ecg which gp wanted to do just to check but nothing of much importance showed apparently.I note that I am a good few years older than yourself though so that may have been the reason for ecg,I don't know for sure.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Tasia

I'll just add that your diaphram is also a muscle, smooth muscle, which is very sensitive to thyroid as well. Does it feel a bit deeper than rib muscles?

Tasia profile image

Hi guys and Thankyou for your replys...

Im on 50mcg I used to be on 75 but they lowered the dose quite a few months ago. To be honest Ive never felt that great since lowering it everyday im tired but I have had blood tests since and they always come back the same that I have to stay on 50...I know what you mean by thumping the chest lol I feel like doing that myself..

Heloise...It does feel deeper than just a muscle it feels like its coming from deep inside but I could be wrong..

Deffinately going to ring my doctor and get an appt sorted....Thankyou both for your replys x

Ritaritarita profile image

I get that it feels so weird, just like a mobile phone in your pocket, but I get it in my pelvis. I asked my doc, he said maybe because my ovaries failed. I don't think that is,the answer. One time I found the answer online looking in the search field for vibration in my body or something like that. It was weird how many people have it.

Dramlouie profile image

I had that and find that when I am low on some minerals it starts or if my hoarse voice and belching returns I get the weird vibration. I take lots of supplements now and eat bananas like a chimp. I take magnesium zinc vit D and C selenium garlic omega 3 folic acid and multi vits minerals. It has gone for the time being but at least I know its thyroid so I try not to focus my worry on it, go for a walk and get some movement going.

adbell3 profile image

I have experienced precisely the same thing several times over the last few months. It feels just as if there's a device in my left shirt pocket on Buzz mode. I know it can't be psychological because I don't even cary phone to get psyched about.

nickt9 profile image
nickt9 in reply to adbell3

Yep exactly the same with me...I got diagnosed with (wolf Parkinson white)..a congenital heart syndrome...symptoms tachycardia ...skipped beats flutters...different levels for everyone, speak to your doctor & ask for an ecg...I got diagnosed while having shoulder surgery.

The buzzing makes a lot of sense to me now considering (WPW) is electrical problem in your heart.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to nickt9

This may help anyone interested in the syndrome:

Soundchicmic profile image
Soundchicmic in reply to nickt9

I also have Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome, I just tonight started noticing the odd buzzing sensation. At first I thought my cell phone was going off. So I thought to check it out. I automatically attributed it to the WPW, but this is a new sensation I don't remember ever having before. I'm medicated for the WPW currently with Metroprolol. I don't know that this is related to it or not, or something else entirely. It's not causing any kind of irregular heartbeat, my heartbeat is steady and unhindered by the buzzing feeling. I also have Graves disease and I currently have hypothyroidism. But it's hard to say. Haha. Frustrating. I've been diagnosed with WPW for nearly 8 years now, so I'm pretty used to its shenanigans.

Hansoloagain profile image

First time on this site after Googling the buzzing in the chest. I have the exact same thing for years!! It would usually come and go and I won't feel it again for days, weeks or even months. Today, I awoke at 0400, feeling it. It was stronger than usual and so it kept me thinking about it and kept me awake. It has been going now for almost 12 hours (that I know of). It is so nice to know that I am not alone. Although, I feel for you. I created this account just to say You're Not Alone. I will go back and read all of the responses and any other comments you have made after the first few that I read.

Kkagb profile image

I've been experiencing the same for some time now

Sullymike5 profile image

so i have that too, on what appears to be the left part of my chest. It seems to move from the lower left to the same side of my throat, on up to my left ear. This gives me the same symptoms of Tennitus. Only when this happens though so it seems it is a symptom of this low buzzing sound. It has me nervous all the time and the buzzing sound, that no one else can hear mind you, sounds sometimes like either someone drilling into a bone, or high enough pitch that it sounds like drilling into pvc piping. Anyone that can help it would be very appreciated. Hope all is well.

Sullymike5 profile image

Also this buzzing goes into my middle back more often than not but can migrate to just about anywhere, feels like a phone inside my body vibrating constantly, seems to happen at certain times of the day ( night between 9pm and midnight and also in the morning) . The fact that it seemingly migrates to different areas makes me feel uneased and when it moves it kind of has an under the skin type feeling. I dont even know how to describe it to my family or friends ( they play it off as being just my imagination somehow and won't even reason with me ), so quite frankly this is my only hope. If anyone could help in any way that could be of use I would be in your debt. Have a good day 😁

Sbolger1 profile image
Sbolger1 in reply to Sullymike5

Has the buzzing ever gone away or have you ever found out what caused it

Ginamatrix profile image

Hiya hun. I've been avin summat similar for the last 2 months. Mines more in the middle to right of my chest. At first I thought I had a bug down my top n quickly flicked my top but nothing came out. I must get them every 20 mins. Only last about 6 seconds . I started thinking could it b a leak in my artery but would u really feel that. I haven't been to Dr's cause its weird to explain n don't want Dr thinking I'm crazy. Lol. X

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